Results: 10Comments by: Sechesin
File: HarvestMap09/30/24
Want to start over with my own pin discovery
Posted By: Sechesin
I've deleted every combination of addon, folder, lua file and saved variable file I can think of but the old pins *will not die.* How do I delete all previously discovered/imported pins? I'm running out of ideas.
File: HarvestMap06/25/24
Minor annoyance - fake pins
Posted By: Sechesin
One thing that's always irked me was deliberately fake pins in the community-sourced data (the heavy sack in the deshaan town center courtyard for example) or erroneous ones like the parade of material pins leading away from crafting writ turn-ins. Manually hiding them isn't always possible because the 'delete HarvestMap pins' map...
File: Azurah - Interface Enhanced03/10/24
Gamepad-mode-specific Quest Tracker immovable
Posted By: Sechesin
The keyboard quest tracker can be moved all day, but for some reason I can't interact with the gamepad quest tracker when the UI is unlocked at all. Is there an xml line somewhere I could edit as a workaround?
File: pChat (Chat customization & help: look/notification/sound/automation/history)02/11/24
I uninstalled in January thinking t...
Posted By: Sechesin
I uninstalled in January thinking the chat rendering over menu elements was a new gamepad-specific quirk that wasn't going to be addressed because keyboard supremacy etc etc, but recently found out it's the new default behavior for both modes now for some reason? Disabled the option either way, but I imagine a lot of returning/new pe...
File: ChampionPointsSlots11/11/23
Not particularly practical after Armory system
Posted By: Sechesin
Equip tank setup via armory, go to a station to decon gear, auto swap to Meticulous... instant 3000 gold deduction because rather than just swap to Meticulous Disassembly (which my tank setup actively has purchased), it swaps to my DPS loadout.
File: Style and Elegance ( Outfit, Idle Animation, Title, Mount, Etc. Loadouts )09/24/23
Non-functional as of U39
Posted By: Sechesin
Unfortunately the UI window button elements are missing and uninteractable; pre-existing hotkeys still work but setting/saving/creating profiles is currently impossible within the game. The donate url is also inactive; probably not going to see an update of this any time soon. Nice while it lasted.
File: Mass Deconstructor03/12/23
Addon sounded interesting in concep...
Posted By: Sechesin
Addon sounded interesting in concept, but effectively unusable in gamepad mode.
File: ESO Master Recipe List05/09/20 ht...
Posted By: Sechesin
File: Group Loot Notifier03/30/20
Made a chat tab called "Group," set...
Posted By: Sechesin
Made a chat tab called "Group," set the addon to output to "Group channel," addon still outputs to all tabs at once.
File: Bandits User Interface03/28/20
Has anyone found a fix for gamepad...
Posted By: Sechesin
Has anyone found a fix for gamepad mode causing the action bars to disappear after that huge 'backend overhaul' eso update a few weeks ago? To be more specific, when Bandits is loaded the action bars disappear entirely and only re-appear if the hotkey for swapping between gamepad and keyboard mode is hit. If you transition to a ne...