Results: 35Comments by: Nukluk
File: Prevent Attacking Guards07/09/24
Addon Changes
Posted By: Nukluk
Currently, with this addon installed, all of my characters have their "Prevent Attacking Innocents" (settings option) flagged to OFF. If I change the setting to ON, it changes immediately back to OFF as soon as I'm out of that Settings area. I had to uninstall the addon and manually change a bunch of characters' settings back to ON.
File: FCO ItemSaver06/04/24
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: UI Error: 6DED4B34 After Update
Posted By: Nukluk
FIXED... somehow. :D Here's what I did this time around: • Everything was in the right places, but I checked it all as you suggested. • Then I took out every addon except FCO ItemSaver and it's dependencies, the addon worked fine. • So I slowly layered all of my addons back in a few at a time, did /reloadui, watched f...
File: FCO ItemSaver06/03/24
Re: Re: Re: Re: UI Error: 6DED4B34 After Update
Posted By: Nukluk
This is quite a mystery. My addon's version, and it's zip file version are correct. My files don't seem corrupted, and they match the names & sizes in your screenshot. My Live folder contains the Addons and Screenshots folder, along with other folders, as it should. Everything is in the correct place. I'm going to give it a f...
File: FCO ItemSaver06/03/24
Re: Re: UI Error: 6DED4B34 After Update
Posted By: Nukluk
Thank you for your swift reply! I tried your steps, and still got the error. I even tried a fresh load of all the lib files that FCO ItemSaver likes. I still got the error even with all addons except this one turned off. I turned on the detailed error messages. There are 4 total windows for the error now. I’ve copy/pasted eac...
File: FCO ItemSaver06/03/24
UI Error: 6DED4B34 After Update
Posted By: Nukluk
I have updated FCO ItemSaver today after today's patches, and I updated all of the required lib files (including the one listed as new). When logging in with a new character, or reloading the UI, I get the following error: TITLE: UI Error: 6DED4B34 BODY: user:/AddOns/FCOItemSaver/scr/_OtherAddons/FCOIS_OtherAddons.lua:18: at...
File: Arkadius' Trade Tools01/08/24
Re: Re: Help! 1 of My 18 Characters Does Not Show Sales
Posted By: Nukluk
My newest character does not show any sales information in ATT. 17 of my 18 characters have always shown sales information. But my newest character never has, the sales information area is always empty. I have played my newest character for over 110 hours. Today I tried a 100% remove and re-install of ATT, and logged in with eve...
File: Arkadius' Trade Tools01/07/24
Help! 1 of My 18 Characters Does Not Show Sales
Posted By: Nukluk
My newest character does not show any sales information in ATT. 17 of my 18 characters have always shown sales information. But my newest character never has, the sales information area is always empty. I have played my newest character for over 110 hours. Today I tried a 100% remove and re-install of ATT, and logged in with eve...
File: No, thank you! - Endless Archive10/30/23
Broken Feature: Don't rotate game camera...
Posted By: Nukluk
My 'No Spin' issue is resolved with a fresh install of the newest "No, thank you! - Endless Archive, 9.2.5" The issue I posted earlier today: _____________ After Update 40 went live, the following feature no longer works. Don't rotate game camera when you open map, inventory or other scenes - same as in No Spin. I even t...
File: Azurah - Interface Enhanced11/02/22
Azurah Issues since Firesong DLC
Posted By: Nukluk
FIXED: I was able to get Azurah working again by removing 100% of all addons from my live folder (instead of just deselecting them in the game), then adding only Azurah back in. Now it's just a matter of layering in my other addons until I find the addon(s) that are conflicting with Azurah... and retiring them. Original post belo...
File: Dynamic CP (Champion Points 2.0)03/31/21
How To Apply Since Last Update
Posted By: Nukluk
I've found the following method successful in applying my saved presets to characters that I hadn't yet applied CPs to. 1. Log in with a character that DOES have CPs allocated. Re-save the allocations to one of my presets (or make/save a new preset, whichever is necessary). 2. Log in with a character that still needs CPs allocate...
File: Inventory Insight03/21/21
Wonky Sales With Inventory Insight On
Posted By: Nukluk
Is this addon going to be updated anytime soon? Since the last update I've had to turn Inventory Insight off whenever I sell items to a vendor. If I don't, the items still show up in my inventory, and mousing over them shows a broken item description. I have the latest update on the addon and its library dependencies. Scr...
File: Inventory Insight03/21/21
Hi, what actually triggers the item...
Posted By: Nukluk
Hi, what actually triggers the items/inventory from your houses. I have bought 2 new house's today and they do not show in the drop down list. Other houses I own are showing OK. Does it just take a while for them to appear and I never noticed before. I have vistited the new ones and placed items and removed etc but still not showing....
File: ShowBlastbones11/17/20
Please Update Addon & Give /commands
Posted By: Nukluk
Please update this addon. It really needs a /command that turns the menu on/off, or at least unlocks/locks the frame and thus allows users to move it. Since recent game updates, this addon (like many other outdated addons) no longer shows up under Settings > Addons, so it's now impossible to reach any of the menu options.
File: Slightly Improved™ Buff Tracking11/13/20
Can Someone Update This Please?
Posted By: Nukluk
I've found that, upon creating a new character, I can no longer move the buff tracker to where I want it. The addon no longer shows up under "Settings > Addons", and I don't think there is a /command to toggle its UI off/on. My buff trackers are still in the correct locations for previously existing characters. It's just new ch...
File: AwesomeGuildStore08/26/20
AwesomeGuildStore Is Breaking Maps
Posted By: Nukluk
Since the Stonethorn update, this addon is making the ESO main map and Votan's Mini Map unusable. Issue: ESO Main Map glitches and is permanently on Glenumbra, even though the zones I'm in are not that zone. When I zoom out to the world map most of the icons are missing and I cannot select a zone to zoom into. Votan's Mini...
File: Votan's Minimap08/25/20
LibHarvensAddonSettings Breaking Votan's Mini Map
Posted By: Nukluk
EDIT 8/26/2020: I found/solved my issue but want to keep this post here in case it's helpful for others. Causing the Issue: The AwesomeGuildStore addon caused the issue I outlined below. Once I disabled (only) this addon, and re-enabled everything else, my mini map glitching problem was resolved. NOT Causing the Issue: Votan...
File: LibHarvensAddonSettings08/25/20
LibHarvensAddonSettings Breaking Votan's Mini Map
Posted By: Nukluk
EDIT 8/26/2020: I found/solved my issue but want to keep this post here in case it's helpful for others. Causing the Issue: The AwesomeGuildStore addon caused the issue I outlined below. Once I disabled (only) this addon, and re-enabled everything else, my mini map glitching problem was resolved. NOT Causing the Issue: Votan...
File: No, thank you!07/05/19
Addon Kills
Posted By: Nukluk
Since Elsweyr, this addon kills my ability to see the "Settings" menu. I finally got un-lazy and isolated the issue down to the No Thank You addon. When this addon is active, I cannot see the Settings menu. When this addon is not active, I can see the Settings menu. Hopefully someone will tackle updating this addon soo...
File: RuESO07/25/18
Need Info on AddOn HERE
Posted By: Nukluk
Can you include information here, on ESOUI, about your addon? Under the "Addon Info." tab, where it should be? ESOUI members and browsers should not have to leave this site and click to your link '' just to get information on your addon. Thanks
File: Assist Rapid Riding (Fixed)05/31/18
I just discovered this little gem t...
Posted By: Nukluk
I just discovered this little gem today. It's awesome! I've got it loaded for all of my characters. Thanks!
File: No, thank you!05/31/18
Nukluk, you might want to post this...
Posted By: Nukluk
Nukluk, you might want to post this suggestion in the updated "No, thank you! (continued)" addon comments: Thanks for the suggestion! DONE!
File: No, thank you! (continued)05/31/18
The No Spin feature currently doesn...
Posted By: Nukluk
The No Spin feature currently doesn't work with Summerset. However, I discovered that the old NoSpin addOn works to keep characters from spinning around when looking at inventory, using 'Esc' key for menu options, etc. NoSpin works for the Crown Store even, but it does NOT work for the Crown Crates menu. So it looks like we...
File: No, thank you!05/25/18
Is there anyone left to update the...
Posted By: Nukluk
Is there anyone left to update the addon? The author seems to be gone, and Ayanthir said not long ago that he's done with the game. I just uploaded "No, thank you! (continued)". It's waiting for approval. Some functionalities are missing but I'm working on it. If the "no spin on inventory, etc" is one of the fixed functions, y...
File: No, thank you!05/23/18
For me the addon was missing from t...
Posted By: Nukluk
For me the addon was missing from the settings - addon menu, due to conflict with other addons. If this happens to you, download LibAddonMenu, go into your No, Thank You addon folder in your documents, delete the old libaddonmenu folder and add the new one you just downloaded. The settings are present for me. I already had installe...
File: Show Motifs11/19/17
Thanks, my friend. I hope to work...
Posted By: Nukluk
Thanks, my friend. I hope to work on it over the Thanksgiving Holidays. I'll keep you posted if I find the culprit.