Results: 4Comments by: JusticePlague
File: Magic Sorter: Furniture Storage Automation07/05/24
This version here should hopefully...
Posted By: JusticePlague
This version here should hopefully fix all for u40 (untested!): Magic Sorter v22 - Baertram fix Else check this link and try the version by DakJaniels
File: ItemPreview (discontinued)08/13/19
AHA! Thank you. ReallyRilee! Dont k...
Posted By: JusticePlague
AHA! Thank you. ReallyRilee! Dont know why that didnt even OCCUR to me <3 Got it working now, you guys rock!
File: ItemPreview (discontinued)08/12/19
Re: Workaround for Scalebreaker addon error
Posted By: JusticePlague
Get the updated LibPreview files from ESO Master Recipe List. You want both LibPreview.lua and PreviewData.lua Paste both over the versions that came with ItemPreview/CraftingPreview/FurniturePreview Add the following line after line 296: return nil I've never done something like this, Im a newb as screwing with these f...
File: Essential Housing Tools04/25/19
Just a few Questions, Cardinal, darling.
Posted By: JusticePlague
OKIES. So this is borne of my confusion and wondering: 1) Do the portals in your houses work for all players? Like: If I have a portal to my psijic villa in my princely dawnlight, and say... ninjamonkey were to come over, would he be able to use the portal to get to my villa? 2) Does the community automatically share the fx data...