Results: 27Comments by: tseka
File: Auto Category - Revised07/26/24
Re: Re: Sudden Problem
Posted By: tseka
Yesterday, Auto Category - Revised was working perfectly but this morning it stopped working. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling via Minion and manually. I have the same problem, but bugcatcher reports differently (just after logging in with a char): user:/AddOns/AutoCategory/AutoCategory.lua:698: function expected...
File: Auto Category - Revised07/26/24
Re: Sudden Problem
Posted By: tseka
Yesterday, Auto Category - Revised was working perfectly but this morning it stopped working. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling via Minion and manually. I have the same problem, but bugcatcher reports differently (just after logging in with a char): user:/AddOns/AutoCategory/AutoCategory.lua:698: function expected...
File: PersonalAssistant (Banking, Consume, Junk, Loot, Repair, Worker) [Masteroshi430's branch]05/07/24
Re: Re: Re: Re: PA Banking stops
Posted By: tseka
I am using PA for years without a problem. now, after cleaning up my addons (deleting some, replacing others, reinstalling a few), I get this in chat: 40,242' deposited 1 x moved to Bank 1 x moved to ESO Plus Bank Could not move to Bank. Window was closed! 1 x moved to Bank 1 x moved to ESO Plus Bank...
File: PersonalAssistant (Banking, Consume, Junk, Loot, Repair, Worker) [Masteroshi430's branch]05/07/24
Re: Re: PA Banking stops
Posted By: tseka
I am using PA for years without a problem. now, after cleaning up my addons (deleting some, replacing others, reinstalling a few), I get this in chat: 40,242' deposited 1 x moved to Bank 1 x moved to ESO Plus Bank Could not move to Bank. Window was closed! 1 x moved to Bank 1 x moved to ESO Plus Bank...
File: PersonalAssistant (Banking, Consume, Junk, Loot, Repair, Worker) [Masteroshi430's branch]05/07/24
PA Banking stops
Posted By: tseka
I am using PA for years without a problem. now, after cleaning up my addons (deleting some, replacing others, reinstalling a few), I get this in chat: 40,242' deposited 1 x moved to Bank 1 x moved to ESO Plus Bank Could not move to Bank. Window was closed! 1 x moved to Bank 1 x moved to ESO Plus Bank...
File: Bar Steward - Multi Toolbar12/22/23
Re: Re: Re: show number of antiquities found in active leads widget ?
Posted By: tseka
I am a bit fed up with my long(ish) list of active antiquity leads I see on my bar. obviously that's mostly a ZOS problem to give me a way to drop or destroy leads I do not need or want. I am still motivated to go the extra mile and dig up all new leads before they expire. but in game it's a bit tedious to find out how many times...
File: Bar Steward - Multi Toolbar12/21/23
show number of antiquities found in active leads widget ?
Posted By: tseka
I am a bit fed up with my long(ish) list of active antiquity leads I see on my bar. obviously that's mostly a ZOS problem to give me a way to drop or destroy leads I do not need or want. I am still motivated to go the extra mile and dig up all new leads before they expire. but in game it's a bit tedious to find out how many times...
File: Bar Steward - Multi Toolbar09/23/23
PTS error
Posted By: tseka
On login I currently see this on PTS: user:/AddOns/BarSteward/data/widgets/abilities.lua:14: table index is nil stack traceback: user:/AddOns/BarSteward/data/widgets/abilities.lua:14: in function '(main chunk)' any easy solution available? TIA
File: CraftStore Gold Road09/03/23
Re: UI Error 50D56C0A
Posted By: tseka
installing the BugCatcher addon "fixes" my problem by making it really easy to ignore :) the addon shows a tiny bit more information: /EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_Hook.lua:49: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: /EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_Hook.lua:49: in function 'ZO_PreHookHandler' handlerName = "OnMouse...
File: CraftStore Gold Road08/30/23
UI Error 50D56C0A
Posted By: tseka
I see identical ESO errors every time when I use a provisioning station after logging on or switching characters. it only happens the first time each toon starts cooking: UI Error: 50D56C0A /EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_Hook.lua:49: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: /EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_Hook.lua:49: in function...
File: Event Tracker05/12/23
chat output end up in debug log
Posted By: tseka
heya I'm just wondering if that's working as intended or something got redirected into the wrong pipe? as soon as I have the debug log viewer addon loaded (, ET's output does not show up in chat anymore but ends up in the debug log. :confused: thanks for a GREAT addon
File: SuperStar - Waking Flame Update04/27/23
PTS error
Posted By: tseka
is anybody out there who can fix this? user:/AddOns/SuperStar/SuperStar.lua:1392: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: user:/AddOns/SuperStar/SuperStar.lua:1392: in function 'SuperStar_SetSkillBuilderClass' user:/AddOns/SuperStar/SuperStar.lua:1242: in function 'SuperStarSkills:InitializePreSelector' user:/AddOns/Su...
File: AwesomeGuildStore03/25/23
selling multiple sealed writs
Posted By: tseka
heya all, is that just me missing something obvious or is there a problem selling multiple sealed writs? I try to sell them one by one and when I open the sell dialog, I get a view (almost) like screenshot #1 on the "Addon Info" on this website. BUT for me there is no "Quantity" slider - which kinda makes sense as these writs are...
File: Magic Sorter: Furniture Storage Automation02/26/23
Re: Re: Re: Drag Drop Not Working
Posted By: tseka
I can't seem to drag from the left side of the screen to the right side of the screen. Use "MagicSorter v21 - Fixed by Baertram" Where can i find it? The search turned up nothing. ooops - I have the same problem. is the fixed addon version gone again? :confused:
File: Item Sets Summary Page Percentages10/17/22
Re: Bug with Reconstruction of an Item
Posted By: tseka
Hi, as soon as I choose reconstruct at a transmute station I get an error message and the reconstruct options page is blank. After disabling this addon I can then reconstruct correctly. I just had exactly the same problem ...
File: FCO Ultimate Sound02/02/22
Yep, forgot to comment 2 lines :p...
Posted By: tseka
Yep, forgot to comment 2 lines :p Update again please to 1.6 a new world record in bug fix turn around time - works like a charm now :banana: thanks a LOT
File: FCO Ultimate Sound02/02/22
debug code left in latest version?
Posted By: tseka
I just installed the latest version using Minion. and now I get pretty much every sound in game logged into my chat window (I never realized there are SOOO many :rolleyes:). my chat windows is flooded with lines like this: sound: Quest_Complete, forcePlay: false (the sound name changes "obviously") that's some debug co...
File: Pollox's Daily Quest Tracker - Update10/25/21
Installed new 1.2.1 library and thi...
Posted By: tseka
Installed new 1.2.1 library and this addon still doesnt work but no errors now Russian client, I use Tracker only for crafting dailies All libraries are switched on same here - I tried everything I can think of :confused: the daily crafting writs don't check their boxes anymore. english client, all libraries loaded - I still...
File: Pollox's Daily Quest Tracker - Update10/20/21
Posted By: tseka I will report about that matter. Lib v1.2.1 works. Thank you for your patience. Please let me know in my site if there are any problems else. I reported this to Shinntarou too: I installed his new 1.2.1 library and on my english ESO client I do no...
File: LibMultilingualName10/20/21
To crewdk now I'm uploaded v1.2....
Posted By: tseka
To crewdk now I'm uploaded v1.2.1. please confirm, and, if you're ok, please report whether it works or not. hi Shinntarou thanks a lot for you fast help. I am another user of Pollox' Daily Tracker and I still have the problem with the empty checkboxes after updating to 1.2.1. I don't see any LUA errors and maybe I have to...
File: Pollox's Daily Quest Tracker - Update10/17/21
is anybody else not getting the che...
Posted By: tseka
is anybody else not getting the checkboxes filled anymore? before I start my dailies routine, obviously all checkboxes are empty. I complete the dailies on one/multiple/all toons but when I check again, still all boxes are unchecked :confused: if I had to guess, it happens since the last LibMultilingualName update a few days ago....
File: Combat Metrics08/14/21
sorry about the spam ...
Posted By: tseka
sorry about the spam ...
File: The Elder Bar Reloaded05/26/21
Clock does not work?
Posted By: tseka
I love the elder bar, but I "need" the clock to be on my bar (sorry - bad habit from Wykkyd's). But no matter what I try (I even unloaded all other addons), the clock will never show up on my bar :confused: bar and gadgets are unlocked, background width is dynamic. every other gadget I activate (ON/OFF) shows up immediately. but c...
File: SuperStar - Summerset Update12/08/19
Re: Re: Update 4.2.1 (ingame says 4002001) issue.
Posted By: tseka
If you look at your Addons list in game, down in the Libraries section, do you see LibMainMenu listed? If you do, do you see (v5) next to the name or is it just "LibMainMenu"? -sigo heya Sigo, I have the same/similar problem here. for me, it seems to be a lib conflict. I see 2 LMM libraries on my computer: a 2.0 version by...
File: Action Duration Reminder09/08/19
I can't even install or update this...
Posted By: tseka
I can't even install or update this addon anymore on Minion :( me too I'm afraid... after numerous Minion prompts and failed attempts to update ADR, I uninstalled the addon using Minion. when I try to install again (after restarting Minion too), I see version 3.2.6. available in Minion. Installing it again, fails and gets st...