Results: 5Comments by: necco889
File: CombatInsights09/01/24
Follow Up: I leveled up my bow a...
Posted By: necco889
Follow Up: I leveled up my bow and unlocked the second passive of Hawkeye, the addon no longer fails with the fight analysis. ... Thank you, should be fixed now!
File: CombatInsights02/16/24
Re: Analysis failed with error
Posted By: necco889
Hi. When using the addon, I get this error: Analysis failed with error: user:/AddOns/CombatInsights/src/hit.lua:295: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: user:/AddOns/CombatInsights/src/hit.lua:295: in function 'Hit:ReCalcDmgTaken' self = {critDmg = 129, timeMs = 324819, dmgDone = 30, dmgDoneModifier = 1.3,...
File: LostPassives10/17/23
The what bug ? Was there a thread o...
Posted By: necco889
The what bug ? Was there a thread on the eso forums about this ? I haven't played for a while and have no clue. There was, but not much feedback was given... Hyper did a video about it (also included there) The fix is on PTS already so lets...
File: CombatInsights10/16/23
Re: Awesome!
Posted By: necco889
Really excited that you're developing this! Solinur's old addon was helpful and am thankful to have a replacement. Cheers mate, hope you'll find it useful, lmk if you find any bugs :D
File: LostPassives10/15/23
Thx for the feedback, fixed both!
Posted By: necco889
Thx for the feedback, fixed both!