Results: 175Comments by: Sp00sty
File: Azurah - Interface Enhanced07/17/24
Any source in XML to change the actual Experience Bar size?
Posted By: Sp00sty
Thanks for all the work on this! Azurah has options for the Text on the Experience Bar but when you change it to larger than the actual Bar it doesn't change the bar dimensions as well. I needed to change the text size/font/colors just due to my Screen GUI Scale and just readability but once done as large as I need the bar itse...
File: Map Coordinates06/12/24
Can I figure out how to use this addon with Raw coordinates provided by UESP??
Posted By: Sp00sty
This is an old addon so may be a necro post but is there a way to use this addon with the Raw Coordinates data in the UESP Data logs. I was trying to help someone on ESOReddit find some books and thought this would be an option to suggest to them but when I went into the UESP Log Data for those books it is in different format from...
File: Synced Account Settings [Masteroshi430's branch]04/25/24
Note: The addon is now saving/resto...
Posted By: Sp00sty
Note: The addon is now saving/restoring keybinds along other settings. ;) Should we disable Votan's Keybinder or this new module to avoid any conflicts?
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter12/23/23
Any location in code to manually Change the Writ Table order in the Status bar?
Posted By: Sp00sty
Hello Dolgubon, Really thanks for all your hard work on this. And the Writ Status bar really saves my sanity when doing 10 Characters fast so I don't get to the turn-in missing one anymore. I was just wondering if you might let me know where or if I can edit the code just to change the Letter order of the Tables on the Statu...
File: AUI - Advanced UI03/14/23
Dropbox quick fix def works - copy-paste only
Posted By: Sp00sty
Thanks for the fix. Just one note for others, I thought to delete the original folders first before I realized the files inside are only the ones requiring fixes. So just copy-paste the folders where they need to go so they just overwrite the old files.
File: LootDrop Reborn07/02/22
Re: Re: Not showing IP from Master Crafting Writs ??
Posted By: Sp00sty
@Sp00sty - Hey. Are you sure you aren't level 50 on the character you are doing them on? I have a few characters who haven't maxed JC yet and inspiration definitely shows when crafting. If you go to Loot Window Options -> Skill Display is it set to show skills On? Below that, under Craft XP, do you have that on as well? The other...
File: LootDrop Reborn07/01/22
Not showing IP from Master Crafting Writs ??
Posted By: Sp00sty
Hello all, anyone else not receiving IP in loot frame or loot-to-chat for IP from Master Writs? Had Guild member post in chat and I just tested on a brand new certified Alt same result. IP DOES show from the Crafting for the Cert AND the cert Completion. IP DOES show for the Crafting for the Master Writ Just doesn't show...
File: AlphaGear 2 (Builds, Gear, Skills, Banking)03/28/22
Remove all gear Hotkey not removing Jewelry and Weapons
Posted By: Sp00sty
Hello all, Have most current update and can't seem to get the Remove all Gear hotkey to work properly, unless I'm doing it wrong (always likely at my age). I am doing some data collection and I need to remove ALL gear and skills at each level up in order to snapshot Base Character Stats. Using a hotkey for Remove all gear fo...
File: Azurah - Interface Enhanced03/16/22
Manual Install Azurah and LAM no change - revert 2.4.24 OK
Posted By: Sp00sty
I did manual install and even deleted SavedVariables and no Joy with 2.4.25. Reverted and everything is okay with both Addons Active. I have never had any issue with both running and the only thing I use with AUI is Mini-map, Action Bar and Frames Modules, never Frame Mover. And as I posted this problem exists for me with no...
File: Azurah - Interface Enhanced03/16/22
Same As Sidious00 - with more detail
Posted By: Sp00sty
Loss of ESC key and access to settings and BugCatcher errors but can't get into Bugcatcher in this state to post. DETAILS: * Also using AUI with custom Action Bar/Quick Access Bar - FRAME MOVER not Activated - No issues before with both running. * As soon as updated with Minion - Login and AUI Action Bar is OFFSET to lef...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter08/23/21
Banker Assistant Despawning when auto-deposit turned on
Posted By: Sp00sty
LazyWrit - 3.0.92 LibLazy 3.075 Was new code added to despawn during auto-deposit, didn't act this way before. Ran 2 Characters this morning with ONLY auto-deposit turned on - Banker despawn NOT on When arriving back at craft hall - manual access Banker Assistant - deposit made and immediate Banker Despawn - have to...
File: AUI - Advanced UI05/01/21
Re: Re: Combat bar shifted today
Posted By: Sp00sty
Same here. There is a manual fix that I always have to apply to fix the quick bar overlap every time it gets updated. I'll do that and post back if it is part of the same issue. NOPE: There is no need for my Fragment fix from before so that code as been updated. If I have the nerve I might try manually editing the code in the...
File: AUI - Advanced UI05/01/21
Re: Combat bar shifted today
Posted By: Sp00sty Same here. There is a manual fix that I always have to apply to fix the quick bar overlap every time it gets updated. I'll do that and post back if it is part of the same issue. NOPE: There is no need for my Fragment fix from before so that code as been updated. If I have the nerve I might try m...
File: WritWorthy11/10/20
PSA - If bag is full WW will start putting crafted items in Bank
Posted By: Sp00sty
I thought I had an issue with the game not crediting WW items for Master Writs. I did not know that WW has the ability to store crafted items in the bank if your bag is full while you are running the queue at tables. I must have not caught when my bag went full and WW kept on crafting and marking complete so I kept moving. Not...
File: Ravalox' Quest Tracker11/07/20
Just FYI, don't update with MINION after using @Calamath patch
Posted By: Sp00sty
Hey all, I applied @Calamath patch, many thanks to them. And I was making a last check of MINION before bed and it had Ravalox as available for update. I thought maybe Calia/Demiknight had grabbed the temp patch code. DON'T use it, it is putting the last Calia Update back in and wiping the temp patch if you want to keep usi...
File: Quality Sort10/10/20
Works perfectly, and with the ATT s...
Posted By: Sp00sty
Works perfectly, and with the ATT setting turned on. Thanks What can I send you in-game? Or do you have a donation tab?
File: Quality Sort10/10/20
Re: Re: Looks like it is Arkadius Trade Tools for me - as of this AM
Posted By: Sp00sty
Thanks! This was super helpful! I was just able to reproduce the issue with ATT and the "Enable Prices in Inventories" option enabled. I'll see if I can patch in compatibility in Quality Sort. Otherwise, I might need to reach out to the author of ATT with a proposed fix. Hey thanks for the quick check. I can definitely live w...
File: Quality Sort10/10/20
Looks like it is Arkadius Trade Tools for me - as of this AM
Posted By: Sp00sty
I have many many addons as well. This worked fine the last few days, and my ATT was updated well before this. It def is an addon issue as it is fine when Quality is the only one loaded, even with all Libraries still active. I tried going one by one and finally got to ATT loaded with nothing but Quality Sort and the error is...
File: AUI - Advanced UI07/27/20
Is there a way to turn off the buff...
Posted By: Sp00sty
Is there a way to turn off the buffs in ESO and just use the AUI ones? I have 2 of the same buff showing on my screen in 2 different spots Thanks in Advance :) In-game Settings Turn off Buffs - can't remember where they moved it, I think its under Combat now.
File: Guild Hall Button05/02/20
When you have time to look - the debug text is still posting to chat for me?
Posted By: Sp00sty
The output text to chat only started this AM login for me, wasn't there yesterday evening. I don't know if MINION didn't grab the update properly or not. This is happening with every character load and not from using any slash commands and I have every extra setting inside turned OFF. Send the output of /guildhall list and /gui...
File: Social Indicators04/23/20
Features Request: Alliance and Character Level of Guild Members?
Posted By: Sp00sty
Hello, If you are entertaining any more features, with Guild Chat pushing to here, would you consider bringing forward the Alliance and Character level indicator code from there? Or is that something else that ZOS removed from the Chat APIs ?
File: FCO ItemSaver03/30/20
Is there a switch to turn off Sell marked-> Junk in Inventory GUI?
Posted By: Sp00sty
I am prob blind but is there a switch to just turn this off? I have looked but can't seem to find it. I see that it has a keybind option but I don't use it at all. Thanks
File: LoreBooks09/16/19
Turn on Eidetic memory is greyed out on all characters?
Posted By: Sp00sty
I hadn't really noticed for a long while as I didn't use Eidetic except for my main. Now after checking for a ESOReddit question the option is greyed out on all characters. I saw the posts on possible Map Pins conflict so I turned that off. I haven't tried turning off Librarian Book Manager yet. I also deleted both Lorebook...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Set (and Furniture!) Crafter07/18/19
Re: Re: FIXED - bad Saved Variables
Posted By: Sp00sty
FIXED - It was acting differently on diff characters even with account wide settings. Hadn't considered starting fresh variables but as soon as I did it cleared up. ----------- I thought before I could have both turned off, I only craft sets on one Master Crafter and only rarely. But with latest update it appears that one o...
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Set (and Furniture!) Crafter07/17/19
FIXED - bad Saved Variables
Posted By: Sp00sty
FIXED - It was acting differently on diff characters even with account wide settings. Hadn't considered starting fresh variables but as soon as I did it cleared up. ----------- I thought before I could have both turned off, I only craft sets on one Master Crafter and only rarely. But with latest update it appears that one o...