Results: 76Comments by: IsharaMeradin
File: rChat07/25/24
I hate to be that guy and this has...
Posted By: IsharaMeradin
I hate to be that guy and this has likely been answered multiple times but what are the major differences between this and pChat? As I understand it, this was forked off of pChat some time ago. pChat went into maintenance mode and the maintainer did not wish to add new features, but rather maintain the existing features. Hence, rCh...
File: rChat06/21/24
I'm probably overlooking something....
Posted By: IsharaMeradin
I'm probably overlooking something. I dropped one my guilds (it was pretty much dead) and have been trying to update my chat tabs to remove said guild. However, it keeps coming back. I assume there is a setting somewhere in rChat that I have on that keeps bringing it back. What would be the proper process to correctly update my...
File: rChat06/14/24
I'm probably overlooking something....
Posted By: IsharaMeradin
I'm probably overlooking something. I dropped one my guilds (it was pretty much dead) and have been trying to update my chat tabs to remove said guild. However, it keeps coming back. I assume there is a setting somewhere in rChat that I have on that keeps bringing it back. What would be the proper process to correctly update my...
File: Bandits User Interface06/08/24
Temp solution for deleting mail
Posted By: IsharaMeradin
Until a fix is worked out, the temporary solution to being unable to delete mail is to turn off the automation setting in Bandits UI for deleting mail. This will restore the default behavior of having a confirmation pop up after each mail.
File: Bandits User Interface06/07/24
Re: Re: Re: error message on message interface
Posted By: IsharaMeradin
Hello, When i click on delete button, i have the message: user/AddOns/BanditsUserInterface/BUI_Automation lua:775. function expected instead of nil stack traceback: user /AddOns/BanditsUserInterface/BUI_Automation,lua:775 in function 'Delete' self = ltablelliisFirstTimeOpening = F, inboxDirty = F, minNumBackgroundContt...
File: Bandits User Interface06/04/24
Re: error message on message interface
Posted By: IsharaMeradin
Hello, When i click on delete button, i have the message: user/AddOns/BanditsUserInterface/BUI_Automation lua:775. function expected instead of nil stack traceback: user /AddOns/BanditsUserInterface/BUI_Automation,lua:775 in function 'Delete' self = ltablelliisFirstTimeOpening = F, inboxDirty = F, minNumBackgroundContt...
File: Display Leads - with Location Info10/30/23
Lead Location
Posted By: IsharaMeradin
I received the lead for Khajiit Arch, Rising furnishing item today. Unfortunately, I did not know that it was one of the new leads and its location was listed as unknown. I cannot be 100% certain as I did a lot of things. However, I strongly believe that it came from the group boss in the Reaper's March public dungeon. I'm shar...
File: Auto Category - Revised08/19/23
Is there a way to easily sort craft...
Posted By: IsharaMeradin
Is there a way to easily sort craft items that are no longer in the craft bag? In between ESO+ trials I store my mats on multiple characters. When an item gets used up out of the craft bag I keep any new ones in the bank. Currently, I have rules for my bank that check the character name followed by the item types for that characte...
File: Auto Category - Revised08/17/23
Two things: Is there a way to pu...
Posted By: IsharaMeradin
Two things: Is there a way to purge old deleted characters from the saved variables file? I thought about locating them and manually deleting those sections BUT I re-used the names on a couple of them and do not want to delete the wrong one. I see that there is a numerical string that probably corresponds to some internal ZOS tr...
File: Essential Housing Tools07/23/23
I picked up a free copy of ESO via...
Posted By: IsharaMeradin
I picked up a free copy of ESO via Epic Games. When the first character finally got into the tutorial, I was asked if EHT was a new install or if my @name changed. I did not know how to answer that, so I backed out and disabled all addons for the time being. I do not want to screw up EHT for my Steam install. What is the best wa...
File: Auto Category - Revised04/18/23
Something like: ischarname("Bob")...
Posted By: IsharaMeradin
Something like: ischarname("Bob") Maybe this: charname(arg1,...) I did not see that when looking through the API before. Thanks for pointing it out to me. .
File: Auto Category - Revised04/11/23
I would like to request a rule wher...
Posted By: IsharaMeradin
I would like to request a rule where I can lump items in the bank based upon the loaded in character. Instead of trying to remember what specific categories I am storing on each alt, it would be nice to set up rules for the bank where if a given character is loaded, all items I want to store on that character would be in one categor...
File: Inventory Insight09/19/22
I.I. Tooltip appears at different locations
Posted By: IsharaMeradin
Across my nine characters I have two or three that have spontaneously decided that the I.I tooltip should appear above the item card rather than below it as is my preference. I just noticed it today after maintenance and the minor patch (not that that would have anything to do with it). I am wondering if there is a setting that I...
File: Info Panel09/03/22
So it appears the anchor points get...
Posted By: IsharaMeradin
So it appears the anchor points get messed up. I was able to fix the alignment issue by adding the following code on line 1080, in the update function, when the width gets changed. -- Also update the panel anchors ZO_PerformanceMetersFramerateMeter:ClearAnchors() ZO_PerformanceMetersFramerateMeter:SetAnchor(LEFT,ZO_PerformanceMe...
File: Info Panel08/26/22
Additional info with regards to the...
Posted By: IsharaMeradin
Additional info with regards to the shifting, may help in troubleshooting when able... When a character is loaded, the info panel will be at whatever pre-determined position. When there is a loading screen, the info panel will shift towards the middle. If the info panel is turned off in Bandits UI, it will reset to the pre-deter...
File: Bandits User Interface08/26/22
I have 4.317 (I've double-checked)...
Posted By: IsharaMeradin
I have 4.317 (I've double-checked) and when crime bounty meter is active I get this error, usually on loading screen exit: |c4B8BFEBandits|cFEFEFE User Interface|r v:4.316 user:/AddOns/BanditsUserInterface/BUI_Meters.lua:168: operator / is not supported for number / nil stack traceback: user:/AddOns/BanditsUserInterface/BUI_Met...
File: Bandits User Interface08/22/22
Re: Can't drag/drop to quickslots at bottom of inventory
Posted By: IsharaMeradin
I used to be able to drag/drop things down into the quickslots boxes your UI provides at the bottom of the inventory pane. Now when I try to do it, it just goes "bonk", playing an error sound. Is this by design now, did ZOS change some API or is it simply a bug? Not sure but this may have started when ZOS added the Tools, Emotes...
File: No, thank you! - Blackwood07/21/22
While using mouse and keyboard UI a...
Posted By: IsharaMeradin
While using mouse and keyboard UI and with the "Don't rotate game camera" option on, the endeavor store preview option is not available while the crown store option is available and works. While using gamepad UI and with the "Don't rotate game camera" option on, both the endeavor store and crown store preview options are greyed ou...
File: Alchemy Unknown06/07/22
Received the following when selecti...
Posted By: IsharaMeradin
Received the following when selecting an ingredient for a potion mixture at the alchemy table after having updated the game to High Isle. user:/AddOns/AlchemyUnknown/AlchemyUnknown.lua:76: function expected instead of nil stack traceback: user:/AddOns/AlchemyUnknown/AlchemyUnknown.lua:76: in function 'AlchemyUnknown.ShowIcons'...
File: Bandits User Interface06/06/22
After High Isle update, whenever a...
Posted By: IsharaMeradin
After High Isle update, whenever a companion is out the active quick slot icon shifts underneath the quick slots panel. Unfortunately, neither is available to have their position adjusted when using the frames mover. Previously, the companion ultimate icon slot would always be present. It now appears only when a companion is acti...
File: Alchemy Unknown06/06/22
Received the following when selecti...
Posted By: IsharaMeradin
Received the following when selecting an ingredient for a potion mixture at the alchemy table after having updated the game to High Isle. user:/AddOns/AlchemyUnknown/AlchemyUnknown.lua:76: function expected instead of nil stack traceback: user:/AddOns/AlchemyUnknown/AlchemyUnknown.lua:76: in function 'AlchemyUnknown.ShowIcons'...
File: Auto Category - Revised06/06/22
Checked for updates prior to launch...
Posted By: IsharaMeradin
Checked for updates prior to launching the game and installed the update for this addon. In the jewelry station UI I could not open up any collapsed category (may be true of other workstations too). A combination of attempting to expand and toggling "include bank items" would open up the first category. Received the following L...
File: Rare Fish Tracker05/20/22
Re: Character achievements?
Posted By: IsharaMeradin
Will you be updating Rare Fish Tracker to try to keep up character-based achievements with it? It's such a great addon; it would be the best way for people to be able to continue to do "Master Angler" on more characters, even though no one else would see it or know. (My friend is still going to be fishing, and she enjoys going for th...
File: Auto Category - Revised04/10/22
[REQ] IsInCraftBag
Posted By: IsharaMeradin
Here is something I want to try and do but I am not sure how to set it up. And if it is not currently possible, I'd like to request that it be made possible. I currently have rules to separate the various crafting materials by their workstation and further separated by raw, booster and the rest being the regular material. What...
File: TraitBuddy03/15/22
@IsharaMeradin The DLC only just...
Posted By: IsharaMeradin
@IsharaMeradin The DLC only just came out. Please give me time to work out a fix. Sorry to have stepped on toes here. I only wanted to help out. Plus the mentioned addon cannot replace what TraitBuddy does in any way shape or form. It is just an organizational tool for the various inventory type menus.