Results: 60Comments by: afxmac
File: Auto Category - Revised09/07/24
Transmute and Tel Var Containers
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, how do I identify transmute crystals and tel var containers? A while back something was changed and I no longer find them under containers. thx afx
File: Wizard's Wardrobe06/14/24
Auto switching in dungeons is messed up
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, since the last ESO update, auto switching the substitute sets in dungeon is messed up. I select the trash set before the dungeon, then when I port in, I am back to the DD setup I wore previously. I need to manually switch again. Then it sort of works, but I often get messages right in the middle of a fight, that the sets can...
File: PersonalAssistant (Banking, Consume, Junk, Loot, Repair, Worker) [Masteroshi430's branch]06/06/24
Is it possible to add a option for...
Posted By: afxmac
Is it possible to add a option for automatic depositing affix, signature and focus scripts to bank? Yes please! thx afx
File: Tamriel Trash Centre04/03/24
Heyo! Version 1.4 is here, with TTC...
Posted By: afxmac
Heyo! Version 1.4 is here, with TTC, MM, ATT and requested ESOHub! :cool: Coool! can't wait to test it out!
File: Mephisto03/31/24
Structural Change Request
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, I quite like the idea of Mephisto supporting dungeons explicitly, as some of the newer DLC dungeons can have specific requirements in VET. Should be quite useful for tanks (I have 6 tank chars). Without having looked at it closely yet, I wonder about the following: Is there only one default set for dungeons and raids, or are...
File: LibHistoire - Guild History03/28/24
As a reminder, this is not a mod is...
Posted By: afxmac
As a reminder, this is not a mod issue. LibHistoire is not saving information on the HD. ZOS saves the information on your HD in a new binary cache. So please read about it. Nothing that I read was in any way conclusive. And of course I did clean the cache. The addon not getting the data in several hours should never ever resul...
File: LibHistoire - Guild History03/27/24
Hi, this thing drives me nuts ;-(...
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, this thing drives me nuts ;-( Arkadius Trade Tools requires it, so I can't just dump it. No matter how long I am logged in (several hours..), it always complains that it has not finished downloading the history. On two different systems and two accounts. How can I reign this in? thx afx
File: Tamriel Trash Centre02/26/24
I am actually looking forward to ad...
Posted By: afxmac
I am actually looking forward to adding "Master Merchant" and "ESO Hub" as selectable choice of price source for markers. In the near future - maybe in 1.4.0 version - I'll implement a way to pick at least MM as a source, and I'll look what I can do for "ESO Hub". This is in my roadmap! :) I should probably post that someday. Cool...
File: Tamriel Trash Centre02/26/24
How do I interpret listing? Wha...
Posted By: afxmac
How do I interpret listing? What are the numbers in ? The number of listings? The settings menu lists two top markers, not a top and a bottom marker, slightly confusing.
File: Tamriel Trash Centre02/26/24
Any chance of also integrating the...
Posted By: afxmac
Any chance of also integrating the ESO Hub trading DB?
File: Show TTC Price02/25/24
Not seeing the effects of the addon
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, my inventory and (AGS) guild store do not show individual prices of stacks nor do I see any other features. What could be the reason? thx afx
File: Price Tooltip (+Gamepad)02/24/24
Missing single price
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, I am going bonkers over trying to get anything but ATT prices shown in the inventory. It worked once but I manged to mess it up, but no matter what grid options I try, I only see one golden or white price, no individual prices for stacks or price ranges. I use ATT, AGS and TTC. Any idea what could be wrong? thx afx
File: PersonalAssistant (Banking, Consume, Junk, Loot, Repair, Worker) [Masteroshi430's branch]01/02/24
Filter crafting mats for the bank
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, does anyone have a set of custom rules to put only crafting mats into the bank that are needed for daily crafting? On my non ESO+ account I often get stuff that is below my level which start to clutter the bank when using the default put into bank rule. Before I start doing this all manually, I thought I'd rather ask here fi...
File: TraitBuddy11/30/23
Traitbuddy shows only 45 known styles on my Grand Master Crafter
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, I have the Grand Master Crafter Achievement with my main, but trait buddy tells me I have only 45 styles completed. What is wrong? thx afx
File: Advanced Filters - Updated11/09/23
2 Errors at login
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, I get two errors at login: ERROR - ApplyFilter: FilterType at Inventory '1' was nil! Tag 'AF_ButtonFilter', butto 'All', filterType: 'nil', groupName: 'All'AF_FilterBar:ActivateButton: All >ERROR - filterPanelId is NIL! I also use AutoCategory, FCO CraftFilter, Inventory Insight, Item Set Browser, Locked Items Tab, Quality...
File: Rulebased Inventory08/22/23
Re: Re: A rule to identify specific crafting mats
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, how would I set up a rule that only targets specific crafting mats (those that are needed for daily writs)? I have an account with ESO plus and inventory management is a PITA. I don't want any mats in the bank that are not needed for daily crafting. So far, I have trouble identifying functions that would allow this. I was...
File: Rulebased Inventory08/22/23
A rule to identify specific crafting mats
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, how would I set up a rule that only targets specific crafting mats (those that are needed for daily writs)? I have an account without ESO plus and inventory management is a PITA. I don't want any mats in the bank that are not needed for daily crafting. So far, I have trouble identifying functions that would allow this. I w...
File: Synced Account Settings [Masteroshi430's branch]07/25/23
Syncing between Steam and Epic
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, if I read the description right, this is for syncing between chars on one account. Could it also be used to sync settings (at least the global ones) between two distinct accounts? I just grabbed the free Epic account and do not really want to update dozens of addon settings. thx afx
File: PersonalAssistant (Banking, Consume, Junk, Loot, Repair, Worker) [Masteroshi430's branch]07/15/23
Re: Re: Deleting green recipes and blue jewelry writs?
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, maybe I did no look in the right spot, but is there a way to auto-delete known green recipes and blue jewelry writs? This is apparently highly requested so I will probably do something later, right now I'm busy trying to make two other add-ons truncate Japanese characters properly... THX! afx
File: PersonalAssistant (Banking, Consume, Junk, Loot, Repair, Worker) [Masteroshi430's branch]07/15/23
Deleting green recipes and blue jewelry writs?
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, maybe I did no look in the right spot, but is there a way to auto-delete known green recipes and blue jewelry writs? thx afx
File: Display Leads - with Location Info06/13/23
Error message
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, the latest Update display an error message about a missing "-" in the German locale. The locale file starts with a comment that only has one "-" at the beginning. Easy fix. ciao afx
File: Auto Category - Revised06/01/23
Re: Re: Error on ismarked(
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, I wanted to add ismarked("research") to my categories, but it does not work, I get an error message, that research is unknown. What am I doing wrong? thx afx You are not doing anything wrong there. It's likely that "research" was marked with a warning rather than an error - the checker is warning you that it does not reco...
File: Auto Category - Revised05/31/23
Error on ismarked(
Posted By: afxmac
Hi, I wanted to add ismarked("research") to my categories, but it does not work, I get an error message, that research is unknown. What am I doing wrong? thx afx
File: Tank02/06/23
Was looking to try this one out but...
Posted By: afxmac
Was looking to try this one out but it doesn't show up when searching in Minion. I don't mind doing a manual download and install but wanted to give you a heads up in case there was something you needed to do on the esoui/minion side of things to make sure it shows up in minion Me too, Minion does not show it;-( Not even the inst...
File: PerfectPixel01/04/23
The creation date does not matter,...
Posted By: afxmac
The creation date does not matter, the last changed date, and even time, should matter. IIRC, Windows does display the last change, not creation date... And it really takes effort on the application side to not change this date when updating.