Results: 3Comments by: p1nkempyreal
File: Destinations04/30/16
Re: Re: Game freeze
Posted By: p1nkempyreal
Do you have it or Harvest Map set to ALOT of pins? I.e. if your PC isn't powerful, don't have all the markers turned on. Or is it possible you have another mod conflicting with Destinations? Can you do /reloadui when it happens and what happens when you do /reloadui? I do not use Harvest Map and with Destinations I have set unknow...
File: Destinations04/30/16
Re: Re: Game freeze
Posted By: p1nkempyreal
With the newest update, and the one before, my game freezes when I try to bring up the map in solo areas. I have tired in Ragnthar and again in Sancre Tor. :( Any ideas?? I have not had any other problems with this add-on so I will just disable when in solo areas for now. Are you using a non-official language on your client? I ask a...
File: Destinations04/29/16
Game freeze
Posted By: p1nkempyreal
With the newest update, and the one before, my game freezes when I try to bring up the map in solo areas. I have tired in Ragnthar and again in Sancre Tor. :( Any ideas?? I have not had any other problems with this add-on so I will just disable when in solo areas for now.