Results: 2Comments by: amonsat
File: TraitBuddy06/16/21
Re: Re: something failed
Posted By: amonsat
not work That is because you have installed version 3.1 of TraitBuddy changed by Mitsarugi over 5 years old. The only way to fix this now is to totally uninstall TraitBuddy. Download my version, no one else's, the current version is 8.4.3 If it is still erroring at that point, you will have to clear the Saved Variables for...
File: TraitBuddy06/16/21
something failed
Posted By: amonsat
not work user:/AddOns/TraitBuddy/TraitBuddyData.lua:63: table index is nil stack traceback: user:/AddOns/TraitBuddy/TraitBuddyData.lua:63: in function '(main chunk)' ITEMSTYLE_GRIMHARLEQUIN = 58, ITEMSTYLE_HOLLOWJACK = 59, traitMaterials = {1 = 23203} user:/AddOns/TraitBuddy/TraitBuddy.lua:131: function expe...