Results: 4Comments by: Plz save Shissu GTools
File: Shissu Guild Tools Lite07/14/24
Guild Bank Deposits to Roster
Updated this version to a Lite version with reduced functionality, please read the description page in full. Hey Splat, I hope you are well! We know you are extremely busy, and we are so grateful for the time you have already spent on this incredibly valuable tool. If you can find time to look into fixing the function that addons...
File: Shissu's Guild Tools07/14/24
Please Help
Thank you everyone who worked on this addon. It's value to us cannot be overstated, as it was the greatest ESO guild management tool in all of history. We cried tears of anguish when the 2024 API changes brought Shissu's Guild Tools low, and cast it into dust. We pray to the divines every day that it's ability to add guild bank depos...
File: Shissu Guild Tools Lite04/10/24
Re: Join dates in roster
Updated this version to a Lite version with reduced functionality, please read the description page in full. Thanks so much for the guidance! Confirming the old join dates are working with the small change you recommended below. Is there anyway you could fix 1 more function in a future update, the function that tracks gold depo...
File: Shissu Guild Tools Lite03/24/24
Join dates in roster
Updated this version to a Lite version with reduced functionality, please read the description page in full. Hey, thanks so much for helping look into this addon again. iv been checking for an update daily and installed instantly as i was so excited, without reading the description page in full or in part. this caused me to lose a...