Results: 3Comments by: Sovereia
File: [deprecated] Armory Style Manager06/14/24
is this addon discontinued? or is i...
Posted By: Sovereia
is this addon discontinued? or is it still actively being managed?
File: Fancy Action Bar02/20/24
Deep Fissure broke
Posted By: Sovereia
Noticed Scorch's Deep Fissure morph is having an issue. Scorch timer works properly 3s that pops to 6s after first wave of skalk. However, for Deep Fissure the cooldown is holding at 0 after first wave of skalk and not displaying the 6s timer for second wave.
File: Armory Style Manager12/27/23
error code 9428B91 appears upon ope...
Posted By: Sovereia
error code 9428B91 appears upon opening armory menu for first time per login.