Results: 5Comments by: Alphashado
File: MailR07/26/15
So I've tried to use this addon two...
Posted By: Alphashado
So I've tried to use this addon two weeks in a row now in order to send out a newsletter to a trading guild I am an officer in. There are roughly 500 members, and both times it froze roughly 2/3 of the way through. Tonight it froze at 296/492. Not sure why this is happening. I really want to enjoy/use/donate to this addon, but this i...
File: Foundry Tactical Combat (FTC)06/12/15
The option to turn it on is no long...
Posted By: Alphashado
The option to turn it on is no longer there in the current version. Your comment leads me to believe this was just an oversight? I hope so :) It is called "label default frames" and it is most certainly there. Just to follow up on this if anyone else is wondering: Label Default Frames =...
File: Foundry Tactical Combat (FTC)06/11/15
I'm curious why the option to displ...
Posted By: Alphashado
I'm curious why the option to display text info on the default bars was removed? This is a great addon that I've used for a very long time, but I've always preferred the default bars. Is this feature going to be reintroduced in a future update? It saddened me greatly to see it removed :( This feature was added back in version 0.62...
File: Foundry Tactical Combat (FTC)06/11/15
I'm curious why the option to displ...
Posted By: Alphashado
I'm curious why the option to display text info on the default bars was removed? This is a great addon that I've used for a very long time, but I've always preferred the default bars. Is this feature going to be reintroduced in a future update? It saddened me greatly to see it removed :( There is a statement about this by Atropos...
File: Foundry Tactical Combat (FTC)06/11/15
I'm curious why the option to displ...
Posted By: Alphashado
I'm curious why the option to display text info on the default bars was removed? This is a great addon that I've used for a very long time, but I've always preferred the default bars. Is this feature going to be reintroduced in a future update? It saddened me greatly to see it removed :(