Results: 3Comments by: Wizhunter
File: Inventory Grid View02/20/16
Its not working
Posted By: Wizhunter
Hi again Found out the reason why it wont work, its because I use a joypad to play. When I switch the joypad off it shows up great. I will have to manage without it because I am useless playing with a keyboard :( . Thanks anyway Wizhunter
File: Inventory Grid View02/19/16
Its not working
Posted By: Wizhunter
Hi I installed inventory grid addon and its not working for some reason. All my other addons are fine. I am running windows 10.. Am I missing something because all I see is the normal inventory. Please help because I love the look of this addon, Thanks in advance Wizhunter
File: Destinations02/01/16
Won't Work On My Game
Posted By: Wizhunter
Hi Just downloaded this app put it into the folder and thought that's it done. I go to addons and it shows that its there and available for all characters, but when I put map up there is nothing there. Hope You Can Help Thanks Wizhunter