Results: 9Comments by: Tekvektor
File: RdK Group Tool07/25/20
I did and this was all they had to...
Posted By: Tekvektor
I did and this was all they had to say as of this morning
File: RdK Group Tool07/25/20
whatever else I can, what would be...
Posted By: Tekvektor
whatever else I can, what would be useful? I've also found the same behavior with Dolgubons Lazy Set Crafter but havnt identified any other addons I can tell are causing issues. I currently only have RTK enabled on my PVP toons. here's a list of addons I"m currently running 06/24/2020 04:59 PM Action...
File: RdK Group Tool07/23/20
Loving the addon however, I'm seein...
Posted By: Tekvektor
Loving the addon however, I'm seeing the following issue over the last two days since it was installed. With RdK Group tool active I've been seeing the following error getting generated Too many anchors processed. Tail of anchor list: CraftStoreFixed_StylePanelScrollChild79Button6-> CraftStoreFixed_StylePanelScrollChild79Butt...
File: CraftStore Gold Road07/23/20
Since about 2 days ago I've been se...
Posted By: Tekvektor
Since about 2 days ago I've been seeing the following error getting generated Too many anchors processed. Tail of anchor list: CraftStoreFixed_StylePanelScrollChild79Button6-> CraftStoreFixed_StylePanelScrollChild79Button6Texture-> CraftStoreFixed_StylePanelScrollChild79Button13-> CraftStoreFixed_StylePanelScrollChild79Button1...
File: Leo's Altholic03/14/19
running medic, applied all the chan...
Posted By: Tekvektor
running medic, applied all the changes and fixes but getting the follwoing user:/AddOns/LeoAltholic/LeoAltholic.lua:1358: end expected (to close function at line 177) near ''
File: Foundry Tactical Combat (FTC) - Endless Archive05/27/17
So you just login and it doesn't wo...
Posted By: Tekvektor
So you just login and it doesn't work? You don't have to do anything first, it's just broken? I'm using Gamer1986PAN's exact FTC setup without issue. Try backing up your settings file and completely deleting FTC and then reinstall. Turn off all other addons. sorry for my ignorance. . . which one is the settings file?
File: Foundry Tactical Combat (FTC) - Endless Archive05/25/17
Could you show me your settings so...
Posted By: Tekvektor
Could you show me your settings so I can try to replicate the setup? sure thing what do you need? Windows 10 professional x64 Geforce GTX 1080 16GB Ram addons: advanced filters AI Research Grid AI Research Grid with Glass and Xivkyn Awesome Guildstore Craft Bag Extended Graftstore Morrowind Destinations Dustman...
File: Foundry Tactical Combat (FTC) - Endless Archive05/25/17
I'm having the same issue. Does...
Posted By: Tekvektor
I'm having the same issue. Does it only happen on a Warden character? Unfortunately no, all 11 of mine, verified while gathering daily resource mail deliveries
File: Foundry Tactical Combat (FTC) - Endless Archive05/25/17
I'm having the same issue. user...
Posted By: Tekvektor
I'm having the same issue. user:/AddOns/FoundryTacticalCombat/FoundryTacticalCombat.lua:75: function expected instead of nil stack traceback: user:/AddOns/FoundryTacticalCombat/FoundryTacticalCombat.lua:75: in function 'FTC.Initialize' I'm running the english version of the digital collectors edition purchased directly from...