Results: 4Comments by: Rathputin
File: LoreBooks05/04/14
Missing books
Posted By: Rathputin
Her my copy of lbreport: shadowfen/shadowfen_base: { 0.615, 0.623, 17, 3, 2, nil }, --Die Pforten ins Reich des Vergessens, Teil 1 { 0.571, 0.654, 6, 10, nil, nil }, --Über die Knahaten-Grippe
File: Esohead04/20/14
Some translation to german
Posted By: Rathputin
Edit: I found the English names in HarvestMap. In Esohead for the English version 1.0.8 I changed the case of some names and added "Kresh Weed", "Pure Water", "Heavy Sack", and "Silver Weed". What are the German names for those? Also what is "Jute" in German? ... Thanks for your good work. I play with the german client. So h...
File: Multi-Quest Tracker04/05/14
Posted By: Rathputin
Its a nice AddOn, but I miss the Level of the Quest displayed in the List (in front or behind the header). The questlevel is located here: ZO_QuestTracker.tracker.conditionPool.m_Active.m_Data.level So please add this. Thanx
File: Esohead04/05/14
German translation
Posted By: Rathputin
For all those who play in german. EsoHead won't collect Data for the german Client. So I translate the Array (OK, there are some Words, i don't translated, cause I don't know them). The Array is located in the file 'EsoheadConstants.lua' in the AddOn-Folder. The Name of the Array: 'EH.validNodes'. I put the Translation in the same or...