Results: 2Comments by: pandaBear_tv
File: HarvestMap01/24/18
Re: Harvest Map pins are off by a few paces to the southeast
Posted By: pandaBear_tv
Anybody know a fix for this? Well as I do more research into this it looks like it's a widespread problem going back a few months. I'm guessing that it's not something I can fix and has to be done on the back end of the add on?
File: HarvestMap01/24/18
Harvest Map pins are off by a few paces to the southeast
Posted By: pandaBear_tv
Just wondering if it's possible to reset the pins that show up as almost every pin seems to be off by 5 or 6 paces from the actual resource and always in the Southeast direction (in relation to the correct point of the resource). It wouldn't really be a problem but every time I collect the resource it will add a new pin. If I give it...