Results: 2Comments by: Projectz3
File: Lui Extended02/18/19
Re: Re: Lui texture bug?
Posted By: Projectz3
Hi, i reinstalled the game and since then i have the issue that all of the added textures by this mod are missing i rly have no idea what went wrong and couldnt find any information here due to this issue most of the icon buffs are missing like status effects or set effects the icon for blocking and the custom unit frame textures......
File: Lui Extended02/17/19
Lui texture bug?
Posted By: Projectz3
Hi, i reinstalled the game and since then i have the issue that all of the added textures by this mod are missing i rly have no idea what went wrong and couldnt find any information here due to this issue most of the icon buffs are missing like status effects or set effects the icon for blocking and the custom unit frame textures......