Results: 2Comments by: Stoya
File: Wykkyd Outfitter08/25/14
@Stoya. The skill thing when that h...
Posted By: Stoya
@Stoya. The skill thing when that happens to me I swap weapons a couple of times and the graphic icons on the bar catch up. I too noticed an occasional hang last night when dequipping a shield. Still trying to nail it down. That would mesh with my experience, as typically I swapped to medium set from heavy with a shield equipped....
File: Wykkyd Outfitter08/25/14
Oddities since update
Posted By: Stoya
Hey Wykkyd, Keybinding craziness aside, I did rebuild all of my armor sets and skill sets from scratch last night, going so far as to delete my old saved variables file for mhOutfitter. As I understand the intent, a typical gear/skill swap macro would have the actual gear swap as function 1, and then a skill bar 1 swap for func...