Results: 2Comments by: defunct
File: HarvestMap11/08/20
Re: spawned resources only
Posted By: defunct
After the new update, I followed the advice here and it sort of works again. Now, I cannot turn on the 'spawned resources' options because it says I need the 'Node Detection' library. I cannot find any library with this name or anything close to it. It doesn't matter if you look in the settings for Map Pins, compass settings, or 3...
File: HarvestMap11/07/20
spawned resources only
Posted By: defunct
After the new update, I followed the advice here and it sort of works again. Now, I cannot turn on the 'spawned resources' options because it says I need the 'Node Detection' library. I cannot find any library with this name or anything close to it. It doesn't matter if you look in the settings for Map Pins, compass settings, or 3...