Results: 2Comments by: KrakenBum
File: HarvestMap12/02/20
I consistently get this error
Posted By: KrakenBum
I have been dealing with this error code for quite a while and my only solution is to uninstall harvest map and reinstall it, use the command batch to get all node locations user:/SavedVariables/HarvestMapDLC.lua:5738: unfinished string near '' This error happens randomly to other .lua files, EP, DC, AD. When I get thi...
File: Dressing Room for Stonethorn11/15/20
Dressing Room deletes all set ups on start
Posted By: KrakenBum
user:/AddOns/DressingRoom/DressingRoomUI.lua:377: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: user:/AddOns/DressingRoom/DressingRoomUI.lua:377: in function 'DressingRoom:CreateSetupWindow' user:/AddOns/DressingRoom/DressingRoom.lua:989: in function 'DressingRoom:PreInitialize' user:/AddOns/DressingRoom/DressingRoom.lua:1125: in...