Results: 2Comments by: hitem
File: Foundry Tactical Combat (FTC)05/01/14
Re: Target Health bar.
Posted By: hitem
Can anyone help me to get the single health bar back beneath the compass?! I found it very handy. Its was in the 0.24 version but not the 0.27. Here a picture of witch bar i mean. Yeah, i notice this to. Disabling uniteframes activates it. but i want both...... Also, a scale to adjust the...
File: Wykkyd Outfitter04/18/14
edit. Just saw the recent replys u...
Posted By: hitem
edit. Just saw the recent replys under! Im having the same issue, specificly with Impulse. the other day i had it with another skill, will post more information here if i can find which it was again. Anyhow, i only have a flamestaff: (impulse morphed to elemental ring: fire ring) Hope this he...