Results: 2Comments by: Sidereum
File: Essential Housing Tools07/27/21
Re: Re: [ISSUE] I cannot use the Select option
Posted By: Sidereum
Hey, @Sidereum! I can confirm it. I downgraded to 1751 version and it works fine. I see, thank you! How may I downgrade my addons? Either using Minion or manually. Edit: Nevermind, I found the files in the "Other Files" section! Thank you a lot again.
File: Essential Housing Tools07/26/21
[ISSUE] I cannot use the Select option
Posted By: Sidereum
Hello everyone, I downloaded the EHT add-on just today, but I cannot use the select function, it doesn't work at all. Can anyone else confirm they're having the same issue? Thank you! Hopefully it will be fixed soon. EDIT: I have been using it on the PBE, I am not sure whether it works or not on LIVE.