Results: 2Comments by: sutekh1
File: Mount Feed Timer05/14/14
Re: Re: 1 horse reached 50
Posted By: sutekh1
I keep getting an error now that one of my horses has reached 50 (something about nil value) and had to turn the add on off. I have not found a way to fix this or turn off monitoring the lvl 50 (maxed) horse. Any advise or fix? Gratz :p I need your help for fix this error, my mount is only level 40... Please show me the er...
File: Mount Feed Timer05/13/14
1 horse reached 50
Posted By: sutekh1
I keep getting an error now that one of my horses has reached 50 (something about nil value) and had to turn the add on off. I have not found a way to fix this or turn off monitoring the lvl 50 (maxed) horse. Any advise or fix?