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circonian 04/28/15 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by stAjora (Post 20964)
As you can see, I'm collecting all information regarding a players researched traits. I tried to do this dynamically but I couldn't figure it out. Shouldn't be able to build the complete tree craft->weapon_type->trait with a couple loops?

I did not test it, but you could do something like this:
Lua Code:
  1. local function GetInfoForSmithingCraftType(craftingSkillType)
  2.     local numResearchLines = GetNumSmithingResearchLines(craftingSkillType)
  4.     for researchLineIndex=1, numResearcLines do
  5.         local name, icon, numTraits = GetSmithingResearchLineInfo(craftingSkillType, researchLineIndex)
  7.         for traitIndex=1, numTraits do
  8.             local traitType, traitDescription, known = GetSmithingResearchLineTraitInfo(craftingSkillType, researchLineIndex, traitIndex)
  9.             if known then
  10.                 -- do whatever
  11.             end
  12.         end
  13.     end
  14. end

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