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Vuelhering 04/12/14 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by Sharp (Post 3490)
With the amount of freedom we have on weapons and skills, has anyone looked at some high-dps builds? I am curious, as I grow towards level 50(48 currently) I am looking at streamlining my build, right now, it was just in the moment, leveling this is what I need now type build.

My sorc is a bow/2H user, full stamina. The bow skills are nice to have, esp used from stealth where they can do huge damage, with the Mage Fury finisher. Things like crystal frag + critical charge + uppercut + another charge + mage fury are insane instant damage.

I don't yet have uppercut, though, but looks stupid on paper for single target stuff.

dinkarvid 09/05/22 12:47 AM

I have always played a sorceror in any MMO's I have played and I have played a lot since 1999 this game excites me as this sorceror is really good as a solo player taking on 2 or 3 mobs at a time is no problem what so ever. saveinsta

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