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-   -   Current addon for porting settings? (

IsaacsLaughing 07/22/20 08:31 PM

Current addon for porting settings?
Tried SetMeUp and Deome's Settings Profiles Updated by BSKCorp but neither has been updated since 2018 and both produced LUA errors when I tried to use them. Is there one that works for the current game?

Baertram 07/23/20 03:18 AM


Some addons got included settings to port them to other chars or servers, but some don't.
And it's not possible to create addons to port all addon settings as some are old and use character names, others are newer and use the meanwhile "correct and rename safe" characterIds. Some do not even use standard structures of ZOs ZO_SavedVariables but their own structures.

All you can do is edit the SavedVariables files and manipulate them manually, copy whole subtables starting with $AccountWide and exchange your @AccountName with the new @AccountNameNew, and copy whole CharacterName subtables exchanging your CharacterName with the other CharacterNameNew.
If it's using the characterId number (number in "" like "81234567890123") you'd need to copy this whole subtable and exchange the number with the uniqueId of your other character (you are able to get the id of the currently logged in Character via this script in the chat:

/script GetCurrentCharacterId()

Tabloes in the SV lua files start with { and end with } so always find the matching { and } to get "a whole table".
Subtables = tables in a table:
Lua Code:
  1. ["SavedVariablesName"]
  2. {--starting main table
  3.  ...
  4.    ["$AccountWide"]
  5.    { --starting subtable1
  6. ...
  7.       ["Data1_1"]
  8.       { --starting subtable1_1
  9. ...
  10.       }, --ending subtable1_1
  11.    }, --ending subtable1
  12. ...
  13.    ["CharacterName1"]
  14.    { --starting subtable2
  15. ...
  16.       ["Data2_1"]
  17.       { --starting subtable2_1
  18. ...
  19.       }, --ending subtable2_1
  20.       ["Data2_2"]
  21.       { --starting subtable2_2
  22. ...
  23.       }, --ending subtable2_2
  24.    }, --ending subtable2
  26.    ["812345678901234"] --Unique characterId
  27.    { --starting subtable3
  28. ...
  29.       ["Data3_1"]
  30.       { --starting subtable3_1
  31. ...
  32.       }, --ending subtable3_1
  33.       ["Data3_2"]
  34.       { --starting subtable3_2
  35. ...
  36.       }, --ending subtable3_2
  37.    }, --ending subtable3
  38. }-- ending main table
There are other threads here in the forum about manipulating SavedVariables, just search for them please.

IsaacsLaughing 07/23/20 09:35 AM

whaa I have no idea what any of that is. If I did understand it, I'd just write the addon I want. -_- And how am I supposed to search for something I know nothing about.

Your sign-off sounds annoyed and tired as if this comes up a lot. But this is the addon search *and requests* section. So if the need for an addon to do this is as common as it sounds, then a lot of people will appreciate if someone makes the addon instead of talking in a language we don't understand, hey?

Sharlikran 07/23/20 11:51 AM

English is not the first language of most posters so don't consider them as being annoyed.

I have never used SetMeUp but it is for the games settings and as you mentioned it's a bit old so it may not save all of the game's settings to copy over to a new character. Then I looked at Deome's Settings Profiles and it is the same thing but is very old.

So before anyone looks into this, these do not transfer settings for mods. To clarify you want to store your characters main menu settings, correct?

Sharlikran 07/23/20 12:42 PM

So I downloaded SetMeUp because it was the newest and it works fine if you have LibStub installed so make sure you download the most recent version of that.

There will be an error when you try to load the saved settings.

First Step

Open Core.lua from the SetMeUp\Components\Core folder.

Line 193: CHAT_SYSTEM:SetChannelCategoryColor(tonumber(settingID), tonumber(redColor), tonumber(greenColor), tonumber(blueColor))

Change to:

-- CHAT_SYSTEM:SetChannelCategoryColor(tonumber(settingID), tonumber(redColor), tonumber(greenColor), tonumber(blueColor))

Second Step

After you activate the mod and are logged in use the following.

/smu save thename

Just type that exactly. The description page says 'profile name' with a space and that's not what it means. It means any name. I chose to not use a space because it doesn't make sense since a space is usually a separator.

Third Step

Log onto the char where you want to import or load the setting into.

/smu load thename

And that will load the settings just fine.


The mod is old and things have changed. It probably won't do everything. I liked it because one of my chars had some of the chat colors altered when I was testing mods. I was able to use this to load the saved settings and get my chat colors restored to what my other chars use. It may not be perfect but it could help save you some time at least.


It looks like Baertram provided a solution to another mod if you would like to try it.

Baertram 07/23/20 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by Sharlikran (Post 41877)
English is not the first language of most posters so don't consider them as being annoyed.

I have never used SetMeUp but it is for the games settings and as you mentioned it's a bit old so it may not save all of the game's settings to copy over to a new character. Then I looked at Deome's Settings Profiles and it is the same thing but is very old.

So before anyone looks into this, these do not transfer settings for mods. To clarify you want to store your characters main menu settings, correct?

Appologies, I did not read the addon names properly and thought this is about "SavedVariables" of addons, and not the "game settings".

And about this

Your sign-off sounds annoyed and tired as if this comes up a lot
You are right, it came up a lot (SavedVariables -> so it was off.topic sorry) and I doubt anyone wants to create some addon to support like 1000 different other addons. The devs should just add it into their own addons so it works properly, or you will have to do it the manual way I tried to describe :p

Baertram 07/24/20 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by Marazota
^ this is how helpfull comment looks like

I should have ignored this but I can't:

Definately not!
ONLY if you had stripped this last sentence AND had kept to the topic.

I already appologized for writing to the wrong topic, but even then my answer was helping for those who would need to check their SavedVariables. So it was helping, but only for the wrong thread.

I'm glad you know how to demotivate the ones that keep the things running YOU ask for every 2nd day.
I bet ppl will like this and support your addon requests etc. even more now.
Oh wait, several others had already stopped communication with you (obviously, visible to me as well now, for good reasons) months ago, and I tried to keep it running if you provide usefull info.
But as you do not seem to care about the hands that feed you, well deserved, don' expect any answers anymore, as they "are not helpfull for you".

Now I'll ignore this as you are a person not worth to think about anymore :-)

Marazota 07/24/20 12:03 PM

im just trying to help to OP nothing more, why delete comment, here it is

this addon still working for me -

read comments of addon there must be a link to fixed version

Marazota 07/24/20 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Baertram (Post 41883)
I should have ignored this but I can't:

Definately not!
ONLY if you had stripped this last sentence AND had kept to the topic.

I already appologized for writing to the wrong topic, but even then my answer was helping for those who would need to check their SavedVariables. So it was helping, but only for the wrong thread.

I'm glad you know how to demotivate the ones that keep the things running YOU ask for every 2nd day.
I bet ppl will like this and support your addon requests etc. even more now.
Oh wait, several others had already stopped communication with you (obviously, visible to me as well now, for good reasons) months ago, and I tried to keep it running if you provide usefull info.
But as you do not seem to care about the hands that feed you, well deserved, don' expect any answers anymore, as they "are not helpfull for you".

Now I'll ignore this as you are a person not worth to think about anymore :-)

i wasnt offensive to you but you are:confused:
so lets clear this out

this is AddOn Search/Requests section, where noobs asking for addons they need

so why you wondering that newbs like OP dont like your posts where you advice just go and learn LUA and create what they need ;)

i understand why you did this - you trying to lure people to create addons, but it will not work, they coming here only for one reason - to find addon they need, that all

but you doing Don Quixote's job in almost every topic, dunno why:confused:
if newbs cannot find addon they need, they will not develope it, they will just move along
How many users you advised to create addon they need, became a developers? 0

about my "requests", 90% of my posts its not requests, but bug reports
if you dont like bug reports, i will not post bug reports for your addons anymore, no problems:)
nobody paying me for tester's job, but im still doing it for free, you should respect this at least;)

Rhyono 07/25/20 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Marazota (Post 41885)
i wasnt offensive to you but you are:confused:
so lets clear this out

this is AddOn Search/Requests section, where noobs asking for addons they need

so why you wondering that newbs like OP dont like your posts where you advice just go and learn LUA and create what they need ;)

I get your point: most people want things handed to them and have no interest in learning.


Originally Posted by Marazota (Post 41885)
i understand why you did this - you trying to lure people to create addons, but it will not work, they coming here only for one reason - to find addon they need, that all


if newbs cannot find addon they need, they will not develope it, they will just move along
How many users you advised to create addon they need, became a developers? 0

You're probably right in this regard too, but you shouldn't feel vindicated. The majority of people being too lazy (or incompetent) to learn to do what they want is simply unfortunate.


Originally Posted by Marazota (Post 41885)
nobody paying me for tester's job, but im still doing it for free, you should respect this at least;)

Saying you aren't getting paid to test, to the person that isn't getting paid to create, is hilarious. You wouldn't get to test it (or use it) if it wasn't created in the first place. I suppose he could stop creating so that you no longer have to test?

Marazota 07/25/20 12:38 PM

he could do what he wants, but he demotivated me to test his addons for bugs, its for sure ;)

GhostwheelAI 07/25/20 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by Rhyono (Post 41892)
The majority of people being too lazy (or incompetent) to learn to do what they want is simply unfortunate.

Pardon me for interrupting... Most people don't know anything about computers, programming and stuff. And most of them will not enjoy coding. Giving advice to start coding is like telling them to get lost.

Not all people are nerds :)

Rhyono 07/25/20 11:02 PM

There are plenty of things I don't enjoy doing or don't know how to do, but I don't expect others to do them for me. Baertram's (and my own) responses have become uncordial due to the disparity in gratitude and the demands that people present. There is an abundance of entitlement in the requests that we see. That is not in reference to IsaacsLaughing's original question, which was reasonable.

Baertram 07/26/20 10:31 AM


Giving advice to start coding is like telling them to get lost.
I could simply not answer at all and give no advice.
I never said only "Do it your own", but I always said "no it is not possible because of" or "yes it would be, but you would need to...".
These were my words and always will be.

Check my answers, my one above (even if unrelated to IsaacsLaughing's question, which I already wrote above): It got an answer, instructions and help what you could do to solve your problem.
It's up to you then. I do not answer to say "get lost" at all! I answer to give an answer, and at least, show the players there might be a rason why it wasn't created before, even telling you the reason then.
Most of the time no one did something you requested before, because it is too much effort!
Some even started, giving my/others advice and help afterwards, and then stopped as they realized themselves it's too much work to handle (which we told them before).

You guys need to learn there isn't always something available and there won't be always someone doing it for you.
So either accept and do it your own, or do not accept and feel whatever you like to. It's simply the truth.
So why should one say you "maybe, come back in 2 years" if it simply won't happen :-)


if newbs cannot find addon they need, they will not develope it, they will just move along
At least I will not write disrespectively about users here...
And what's the difference between "moving along" because noone answered, and "moving along" because someone answered and provided another way to solve it?

You simply do not like the truth, that's all. You want to hear another answer and as you did not get it you strat to write some stuff like "this is how a helpfull answer looks like".
Simply face the truth and accept it, or "move along" as you said.

The other consequence would be that there will not be anyone answering anymore, as they do not want to get involved in such a non-sense discussion with someone like you.

GhostwheelAI 07/26/20 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Baertram (Post 41900)
You guys need to learn there isn't always something available and there won't be always someone doing it for you.

Usually I google stuff

I know, I asked for help in lua questions section and answers were helpful. People who are not interested in how everything works, how to make a game or plugin will always demand things done and will take work hours put to it for granted. It's just how world works. Telling them to start coding, I don't know...

Nevermind. I shouldn't have interfered in the discussion here.

Sorry for my English btw. I haven't spoken it for a while...

Baertram 07/27/20 02:45 AM

At least some ppl search before, thanks for doing so :p


Originally Posted by GhostwheelAI (Post 41901)
It's just how world works. Telling them to start coding, I don't know...

Well, it might be how the world works, but who said we cannnot change this, or at least try?

A few said something like "I cannot code and won't learn it". Some were friendly, others were not.
I only experienced 1 person getting angry, because he did not like our answers.
And this guy was banned meanwhile cuz he really overdid it.
All the others just ignored our answers, said "thanks for the info/thanks for trying", tried to find another way, or even found another way.

To be honest: What is the problem with telling the truth and asking to solve a problem on their own?
Imo the problem would be to just ignore and accept how it works now, to support this even more.

Sharlikran 07/27/20 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by GhostwheelAI (Post 41901)
Usually I google stuff

I know, I asked for help in lua questions section and answers were helpful. People who are not interested in how everything works, how to make a game or plugin will always demand things done and will take work hours put to it for granted. It's just how world works. Telling them to start coding, I don't know...

Nevermind. I shouldn't have interfered in the discussion here.

Sorry for my English btw. I haven't spoken it for a while...

I do not feel your comments were unreasonable. It is not appropriate for mod authors to imply, "I don't care about your issue or request go away."

However, I feel most mod authors post comments that fit the context at that moment. For example if a user makes a polite request for a feature and the author does not agree it should be part of the mod there is no reason the author should feel they can't object to the feature.

Most posts I read when authors post "Then make a pull request" which as you mentioned means learn to write Lua yourself and then give me the code is because the user asked for a feature and the author is objecting to the request. I do not know if the context is always there but sometimes I do see the user respond to the author's objection with basically, "Why not?" When that happens then the author is going to be annoyed and I feel that is reasonable.

IsaacsLaughing has received an answer. He only has to edit one line and then the mod can be used. I don't feel the rest of the conversation pertains to the original post.

I have started a thread to go over my concerns that came up reading the interactions between users and authors in this thread.

Sordrak 08/03/20 02:02 AM

This thread...

Just what the hell...

The answer of Baertram was perfectly fine and it seems I've missed a few changes in the past and might be up to date now again. So yes, certainly a helpful answer.

Besides, i do not read the answer "go code it yourself" or something like that here. You don't need to learn coding to copy a structure in the SV file. Of course, some sort of editor (like notepad++ or so) would be helpful for the highlighting of the structures.

And answers like:

nobody paying me for tester's job, but im still doing it for free, you should respect this at least
Did you pay for a single addon so far? No? Then take this comment and stick it up somewhere, thanks.
You are enjoying addons other people put effort in, sometimes weeks or month of work without demanding any sort of compensation. And now these addon authors should kiss your a** and be happy because you report a bug? You report the bug because you are using the addon in the first place. You are the one that is happy when the bug is fixed.

Holy ****, BuT I'm StIlL dOiNg It FoR fReE.

Just wtf...

And for the topic itself:
I do not use such an addon, so I can't really help in this regard. The only thing I'm using is VotansKeybinder to ensure that i do not have to change the keyboard settings (which for me is the most annoying thing) on all characters.

Baertram 08/03/20 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by Sordrak (Post 42016)
The answer of Baertram was perfectly fine and it seems I've missed a few changes in the past and might be up to date now again. So yes, certainly a helpful answer.

Besides, i do not read the answer "go code it yourself" or something like that here. You don't need to learn coding to copy a structure in the SV file. Of course, some sort of editor (like notepad++ or so) would be helpful for the highlighting of the structures.

1st: I answered but it was slightliy "off-topic" as I answered to another question. Mea culpa. But I agree with everyhtring else: If someone had asked for SV settings it would have been correct :p

2nd: This was just about my answers in the "addon search forums" I had wtritten, that someone seems to find "non helping".
But as explained I never just said "go away and learn code", but provided the reasons why noone created or will most likely not create such a searched addon.
Better to give an answer someone may not like (and which I cannot foresee as personal likes and dislikes were not mentioned in the addons earch qeustion) then just not answering at all imo.

Marazota 08/03/20 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by Sordrak (Post 42016)
Did you pay for a single addon so far? No?

actually yes, did some donations
check and mate

Wheels 08/03/20 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by Marazota (Post 42018)
actually yes, did some donations
check and mate

This is not paying for an addon, this is supporting an author after appreciating their free to use software they have provided to the public.

Sordrak 08/03/20 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Marazota (Post 42018)
actually yes, did some donations
check and mate

lol as if donations would be considered as a payment or give any privilege of support or anything like that. :)

It doesn't.

Besides of that, do you install random addons and check for bugs and report them? I doubt that.
You report the bugs in the addons you use, right? For the only purpose that you do not have to deal with that specific bug anymore, right? I don't think it is an unselfish act or should be paid in any way.

Coming up with such a comment just tells a lot about you.

ChEcK aNd MaTe.

Marazota 08/03/20 01:55 PM

if you think that bug-fixing providing benefit only for user that reported a bug, you are wrong

check and mate again :cool:

Sordrak 08/03/20 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Marazota (Post 42025)
if you think that bug-fixing providing benefit only for user that reported a bug, you are wrong

check and mate again :cool:

No, but it's the reason it is reported. It is not an unselfish deed and bringing up something with payment for it is simply retarded.

ChEcK aNd MaTe AgAiN :cool:

Sharlikran 12/19/20 01:03 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I had needed this for some chars since i changed my chat colors a while back so I updated its ability to run. I didn't fix anything about it such as whether or not it will really save all your settings. It will do whatever the original author programmed it to do.

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