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QuadroTony 08/12/14 12:27 PM

which addon caused this error?

Sasky 08/12/14 01:09 PM

The error message is from the base ESO files (not files from a specific addon) so it's pretty much impossible to track down with just that.
  • What addons do you have?
  • When does the error message show?
  • Can you try disabling addons to isolate which addon is causing the problem?
(NOTE: don't disable 1-by-1, but disable half at a time and it'll be much quicker. Ie, if you have 20 addons and disable 10 but the problem's still there, you know it isn't from the 10 you disabled. So now you just need to look at the 10 remaining.)

Garkin 08/12/14 01:16 PM

It is hard to say as this error has occured in XML, so there is no addon name. Try to find out which of your addons uses ZO_ScrollList template.

I.e. try to find all addons which have text "ZO_ScrollList" in .xml or .lua files and disable them one by one. It should not be too much addons. Right now I have installed 85 addons and none of the uses this template.

merlight 08/12/14 01:22 PM

That's weird. Try looking for "activeControls" or "ZO_ScrollList" in your addons. That could narrow the suspects down a bit.

QuadroTony 08/12/14 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by Garkin (Post 11422)
It is hard to say as this error has occured in XML, so there is no addon name. Try to find out which of your addons uses ZO_ScrollList template.

I.e. try to find all addons which have text "ZO_ScrollList" in .xml or .lua files and disable them one by one. It should not be too much addons. Right now I have installed 85 addons and none of the uses this template.

Search "ZO_ScrollList" (48 hits in 9 files)

advanced filters

Search "activeControls" (4 hits in 1 file)


CrazyDutchGuy 08/12/14 02:32 PM

Can you explain when this error occurs ? Like mouseover on a specific place on the screen or ... ?

QuadroTony 08/12/14 02:43 PM

i dont remember but, it was happend when i scroll roster of the guild and try to travel on my guildmembers
as i can see from screenshot

zgrssd 08/12/14 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by QuadroTony (Post 11430)
i dont remember but, it was happend when i scroll roster of the guild and try to travel on my guildmembers
as i can see from screenshot

If it happened while working with the Stock UI, there is a decent chance it was just a random fluke.
Maybe the person you wanted to travel to left the guild/went offline just as you gave the order, your client was not awar and the two states collided (a classical race condition).

The core of all debugging is reporduceability.
Did this happen more then once? Have you tried a repair scan? If it only happened once, then you just really beat the odds by getting it and can ignore it. Only if stuff happens repeatedly do you have to start to worry.

merlight 08/12/14 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by QuadroTony (Post 11428)
Search "ZO_ScrollList" (48 hits in 9 files)

Souschef - ok, only inventory refresh
advanced filters - not sure at first glance
Itemsaver - ok (FCO), only inventory refresh
junkit - ok (circonians), only inventory refresh

Search "activeControls" (4 hits in 1 file)

mhOutfitter - ok, iterates activeControls in a strange way, but harmless

I looked into some of those. The 2 I didn't check I wouldn't even suspect :) Last one I checked and only one I use was Advanced Filters, it hooks ZO_ScrollList_UpdateScroll which makes it a suspect, but I won't jump conclusions because 1) from my shallow peek I have no idea what it does and why it needs to hook UpdateScroll, and 2) I haven't seen this error once, despite having AF enabled all the time.

Randactyl 08/12/14 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by merlight (Post 11440)
I looked into some of those. The 2 I didn't check I wouldn't even suspect :) Last one I checked and only one I use was Advanced Filters, it hooks ZO_ScrollList_UpdateScroll which makes it a suspect, but I won't jump conclusions because 1) from my shallow peek I have no idea what it does and why it needs to hook UpdateScroll, and 2) I haven't seen this error once, despite having AF enabled all the time.

ZO_ScrollList_UpdateScroll is hooked so AF can update (decrease) the size of the inventory scroll container and move its anchor if there is a set of subfilters for that tab.

merlight 08/12/14 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Randactyl (Post 11441)
ZO_ScrollList_UpdateScroll is hooked so AF can update (decrease) the size of the inventory scroll container and move its anchor if there is a set of subfilters for that tab.

Going off-topic here, but I'd rather do that after ChangeFilter, instead of hooking ZO_ScrollList_UpdateScroll which is used by a variety of lists:
Lua Code:
  1. --    ZO_PreHook(PLAYER_INVENTORY, "ChangeFilter", ChangeFilter)
  2. --    ZO_PreHook("ZO_ScrollList_UpdateScroll", RearrangeControls)
  3.     local zorgChangeFilter = ZO_InventoryManager.ChangeFilter
  4.     local function advancedChangeFilter(self, filterTab)
  5.         ChangeFilter(self, filterTab)
  6.         zorgChangeFilter(self, filterTab)
  7.         local inventoryType = filterTab.inventoryType
  8.         local inventory = self.inventories[inventoryType]
  9.         RearrangeControls(inventory.listView)
  10.     end
  11.     ZO_InventoryManager.ChangeFilter = advancedChangeFilter

QuadroTony 08/15/14 12:42 PM

lol wtf is this?

after each reloadui

QuadroTony 08/15/14 12:49 PM

lol its Wykkyd framework

but i didnt update it, and yesterday all was fine

QuadroTony 10/30/14 03:46 PM

this is another one

what can it be? when i push E to move items
hotkey to move all items from DoItAll working fine, instead

QuadroTony 10/31/14 04:55 AM

can anyone tell me wtf is this addon? i can find it on the site/in minion/in addons folder/or in saved variables folder :confused::confused::confused:

Ayantir 10/31/14 05:10 AM

It should be a .txt file in your addons folder. make a search ?

katkat42 11/01/14 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by QuadroTony (Post 12811)

this is another one

what can it be? when i push E to move items
hotkey to move all items from DoItAll working fine, instead

This is a /bug within the ESO client itself that sometimes crops up. I've gotten it a few times myself. (I've resorted to using the right-click menu to work around it.)

QuadroTony 11/04/14 01:28 PM

what it can be?

Ayantir 11/04/14 01:35 PM

I got this message with MultiCraft, maybe this one. I'm on it this evening
But it's maybe another addon.

Randactyl 11/04/14 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by katkat42 (Post 12863)
This is a /bug within the ESO client itself that sometimes crops up. I've gotten it a few times myself. (I've resorted to using the right-click menu to work around it.)

Hey, you have Inventory Grid View installed yeah?

katkat42 11/04/14 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by Randactyl (Post 12972)
Hey, you have Inventory Grid View installed yeah?

Nope, I'm running Advanced Filters, but not Grid View.

ETA: I'm also running Item Saver, if that helps.

Randactyl 11/04/14 08:53 PM

Was just chasing down a lead, thanks anyways :)

QuadroTony 11/20/14 03:25 PM

erro t login screen
what it can be?

Sasky 11/21/14 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by QuadroTony (Post 13374)
erro t login screen

Addons aren't loaded in the login screen and can't affect it. Go ahead and throw that one to Zenimax.

QuadroTony 11/21/14 11:57 AM

they dont answer either... weird situation btw

Ayantir 11/21/14 01:30 PM

In the launcher, you can try the repair function too.

QuadroTony 04/07/15 07:13 AM

what about this? looks like random behaviour i cannot figure out WHEN it happends

and too many addons to turn em one by one to figure out

Garkin 04/07/15 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by QuadroTony (Post 20270)
what about this? looks like random behaviour i cannot figure out WHEN it happends

and too many addons to turn em one by one to figure out

Try to look for string "matches in lua files in your addon folder. It looks like debug message from some database addon.

QuadroTony 04/07/15 10:36 AM

catch it!

and what is this weirdo?

QuadroTony 04/08/15 01:35 AM

any ideas?:)

Ayantir 04/08/15 02:10 AM

Maybe game itself, you are in gamepad mode here.. you should be in keyboard.

And this line is (the 26th line) .. called by InitializeEvents() which is only called by ZO_GamepadStoreRepair:Initialize(scene) ..

Lua Code:
  1. ZO_GamepadStoreRepair = ZO_GamepadStoreListComponent:Subclass()
  3. function ZO_GamepadStoreRepair:New(...)
  4.     return ZO_GamepadStoreListComponent.New(self, ...)
  5. end
  7. function ZO_GamepadStoreRepair:Initialize(scene)
  8.     ZO_GamepadStoreListComponent.Initialize(self, scene, ZO_MODE_STORE_REPAIR, GetString(SI_STORE_MODE_REPAIR))
  10.     self.fragment:RegisterCallback("StateChange", function(oldState, newState)
  11.         if newState == SCENE_SHOWING then
  12.             self.list:UpdateList()
  13.         end
  14.     end)
  16.     self:InitializeEvents()
  17.     self:InitializeKeybindStrip()
  18.     self:CreateModeData(SI_STORE_MODE_REPAIR, ZO_MODE_STORE_REPAIR, "EsoUI/Art/Vendor/", fragment, self.keybindStripDescriptor)
  19.     self.list:SetNoItemText(GetString(SI_GAMEPAD_NO_DAMAGED_ITEMS))
  20. end
  22. function ZO_GamepadStoreRepair:InitializeEvents()
  23.     local OnInventoryUpdated = function(eventId, bagId, slotId, isNewItem, soundCategory, reason)
  24.         if not self.control:IsControlHidden() then
  25.             if reason == INVENTORY_UPDATE_REASON_DURABILITY_CHANGE then
  26.                 self.list:UpdateList()

QuadroTony 04/08/15 02:18 AM

ye looks like game itself

QuadroTony 04/21/15 05:03 AM

just face this when change guild at the guild bank scene

cant reproduce, happend only once

Ayantir 04/21/15 06:08 AM

There are 3 addons which add something to the keybind strip at guildbank, Roomba, Stacked and a 3rd one, i don't remember it's name..

If Roomba adapts in their presence, I think the two others don't.
It's maybe roomba too, because it sometimes fails. sigh.

Baertram 04/21/15 09:13 AM

for me this error always happens if I have enabled Roomba + Stacked.

1. Open guild bank 1
2. Work with the withdraw panel
3. Change to the deposit panel
4. Change to guild bank 2

Now the error message appears and the roomba keybinds are missing, but stacked keybinds seem to be there.

Change the guild bank again to guild bank 1 and then 2 and everything is ok. Roomba keybinds are there and work again.

So it is just these 2 addons because I don't use any other addon changing the keybinds at the guild bank.

Ayantir 04/21/15 09:37 AM

yes, i must look at my code ^^
But stacked could disable its keybind in gbuilk too, because it stacks nothing here:D

QuadroTony 04/29/15 10:02 AM


votan 04/29/15 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by QuadroTony (Post 20978)

Different versions of LibMainMenu.
LibMainMenu executes code directly after passing the version check, which is not good, if the order is from older to newer.
Copy the newest version to all locations using the older one.

QuadroTony 04/29/15 11:02 AM

how i can detect old lib main menu using Notepad++ and ctrl+f in all open documents?

votan 04/29/15 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by QuadroTony (Post 20983)
how i can detect old lib main menu using Notepad++ and ctrl+f in all open documents?

Search for
local MAJOR, MINOR = "LibMainMenu",

And check the number at the end of this line.
Take the file with the highest number and replace all files with a lower number.

Ayantir 04/29/15 11:51 AM

Didn't know that if I do

Lua Code:
  1. if not LibMainMenu then return end

Code after will be executed anyway ..

I'll upload and test. Think it's SuperStar and Kill Counter which are only using the library for now.

votan 04/29/15 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by Ayantir (Post 20987)
Didn't know that if I do

Lua Code:
  1. if not LibMainMenu then return end

Code after will be executed anyway ..

It depends on the loading order. You may lucky or not :)
It works like this:
Every embedded lib tries to register itself as the newest. The first (not the newest) is newer than nothing, second may newer as the first or not, and so on.
After all addons are loaded, the functions of the newest are registered.
Any code execution before the EVENT_ADDON_LOADED events get triggered, can cause trouble.
LibAddonMenu before r17 had the same problem.

QuadroTony 04/29/15 12:14 PM

yes its kill counter
i update it today and got this

Ayantir 04/29/15 12:19 PM

Well, I've updated it. It's now initialized on 1st addon call.

QuadroTony 05/11/15 05:40 PM

still get it sometimes after load a hero

Ayantir 05/12/15 01:33 AM

if there is no error before, (you can check it with interface.log), it's often an xml problem.

QuadroTony 06/03/15 05:37 PM

hehe long time no seen
too many anchors =)

i know its smthing in JunkIt

happends only once
when i:
alt+enter to make game windowed
win+shift to move to other monitor
alt+enter to make game fullscreen windowed again

sirinsidiator 06/04/15 05:39 AM

That sounds like it is coming from LAM. I'll have a look while I am at it. The new version r18 is nearly ready ;)

QuadroTony 07/08/15 02:37 PM


ZOS_ChipHilseberg 07/08/15 03:00 PM

This happens if an insecure code path creates a menu entry which is then re-used by the ingame UI. We now create 10 secure ones on startup to prevent this, but you have 13 menu entries. We can bump this up to a bigger number like 30 to handle bigger menus.

sirinsidiator 07/08/15 03:29 PM

Maybe it's time to make a library for a secondary level in context menus?
Placing more than 7 entries in one menu is bad UI practice.

circonian 07/08/15 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by sirinsidiator (Post 21916)
Maybe it's time to make a library for a secondary level in context menus?
Placing more than 7 entries in one menu is bad UI practice.

Thats a great idea!

votan 07/09/15 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by ZOS_ChipHilseberg (Post 21915)
This happens if an insecure code path creates a menu entry which is then re-used by the ingame UI. We now create 10 secure ones on startup to prevent this.


Originally Posted by sirinsidiator (Post 21916)
Maybe it's time to make a library for a secondary level in context menus?
Placing more than 7 entries in one menu is bad UI practice.


Originally Posted by circonian (Post 21917)
Thats a great idea!

Thank You Chip! This helps alot.

Yes, I agree to sirinsidiator and circonian. If there are more than 10 menu entries on the first level, one starts to seek with the eyes up'n'down just to click there the mouse pointer is already :D:rolleyes:
On the other hand, we must be careful, that it does not end up in a first level menu with two entries and a second level menu with two entries.
Do we really want to copy the windows contextmenu?

@QuadroTony: Try to remember which contextmenus you used before. Not that much addons are using contextmenus. FilterIt and FCO ItemSaver are using my LibCustomMenu already.

@Chip: Did you add security checks, which could make LibCustomMenu contra-productive?

QuadroTony 07/09/15 12:28 AM

votan's settings menu told its LibCustomMenu Rev. 1

votan 07/09/15 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by QuadroTony (Post 21920)
votan's settings menu told its LibCustomMenu Rev. 1

Yep, that's the newest and only existing version.

Just clarify for those new to this topic:
LibCustomMenu is not an automatic fix. It can't be, because of the "secure" checks:
Any add-on code is "in-secure". Therefore LibCustomMenu can not prevent other add-ons from calling AddMenuItem by hooking it. Because that would make "secure" code "in-secure", too.

Instead LibCustomMenu introduces a new global function AddCustomMenuItem, which should be used by all add-ons calling AddMenuItem.
This function swaps the control-pools before calling AddMenuItem itself and swaps back again. This way the "secure" code does not re-use "in-secure" controls simply because the pools do not contain them.

But if ZOS has extend the "secure" check, this work-around may not work anymore...

BTW: This technique could be used to introduce new menu-item-types, if it is still allowed.

QuadroTony 07/09/15 02:25 AM

do you like smthing like this?

votan 07/09/15 03:26 AM


Originally Posted by QuadroTony (Post 21922)
do you like smthing like this?

A "more"-button should be doable by hooking ShowMenu and truncating the menuitems table at a specfic index. maybe "smart" enough not truncating for just two more entries. For example starting at index 7, but not if just 10 at all.

What I had in mind was a bit over-sized: Grouping the entries in groups of upto 5 and arrange them radial around the mouse pointer.
But that's a lot stuff for how many contextmenus having more than 10 entries? one?

So, your approach is better.
It highly depends on how other add-ons add their entries and ZOS would tolerate it.

But back to your last error:
What were the previous context-menus?
Do you use Votan's Fish Fillet v1.0.0+? Because v0.9 did cause it again, although I'm sure it did not when I released it. This is why I asked Chip, if they had extend the "secure" check.

Edit 1: Where does "Stats to chat" come from?

sirinsidiator 07/09/15 03:44 AM

We could add a new submenu type as part of LibCustomMenu.
Addon authors then can add a submenu entry instead of several normal entries and group their options together logically.

While the idea to dynamically add a "more" element at the end of the list is good, I also think that it should not be necessary as there are not too many addons out there that add context menu entries and once they adapt the submenu it should be back to less than 10 entries.

I already wrote most of the necessary code for a new menu element as part of the iconpicker widget in LAM and it should be pretty easy to adapt it for submenus.

QuadroTony 07/09/15 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by votan (Post 21923)

Edit 1: Where does "Stats to chat" come from?

master merchant
btw this error happends only if clicking use on the Psijick part of the recipe without having all other parts
and ye i cant reproduce it next attempt

circonian 07/09/15 10:50 AM

What about just just preventing the problem at the source. Stop using the right click context menu, and instead add an icon/button or something to each row entry that would pop-up our own custom context menu created with a library that could be shared, for use with all addons. Or Instead of adding a new button to the row just use the item icon that is already there as our button. Or just make it a left click context menu.
Either way then all of the code is our own. This would completely work around the secure code problem.

It could be a system like libAddonMenu, where addons can register themselves & each addon can have 1 entry to the main context menu (the entry referenced by the addon name registered) which will pop-up a second context menu for that addon, like in QuadroTonys More -> picture.

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