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iccohen 11/07/23 01:18 PM

Bonanza Errors
Installed MasterMerchant along with any required dependencies. There are no errors from the install until I right-click an Item (in the example below a Blood Billows) and choose the Bonanaza option.

I then receive the following error:

Error Caught
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Scene/ZO_Scene.lua:43: function expected instead of nil
stack traceback:
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Scene/ZO_Scene.lua:43: in function 'ZO_Scene:AddFragment'
<Locals> self = [table:1]{name = "mailInbox", restoresHUDSceneToggleUIMode = F, state = "hidden", restoresHUDSceneToggleGameMenu = F, disallowEvaluateTransitionCompleteCount = 0}, fragment = [table:2]{} </Locals>
user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/MasterMerchant_UI.lua:3169: in function 'MasterMerchant:SwitchToMasterMerchantListingsView'
<Locals> self = [table:3]{tradingHouseOpened = F, guildSalesViewMode = "guild_vm", isFirstScan = F, AwesomeGuildStoreDetected = F, gamepadVendorSceneRefreshed = F, customTimeframeText = "90 Days", itemsViewSize = "items_vs", listingsViewSize = "listings_vs", version = "3.7.83", effective_lang = "en", listingsViewMode = "listings_vm", reportsPostedViewMode = "posted_vm", tradingHouseBrowseMarkerHooked = T, personalSalesViewMode = "self_vm", inventoryMarkersHooked = T, guildList = "Master of Chaos, Band of Elder...", bonanzaSearchText = "Blood Billows", purchasesViewSize = "purchases_vs", viewer = F, purchasesViewMode = "purchases_vm", client_lang = "en", salesViewMode = "self_vm", guildsViewSize = "guild_vs", supported_lang = T, reportsCanceledViewMode = "canceled_vm", reportsViewMode = "posted_vm", wwDetected = F, name = "MasterMerchant", mwimDetected = F, isInitialized = F, reportsViewSize = "reports_vs"}, listingsView = F, isHidden = T, theFragment = [table:4]{} </Locals>
user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/MasterMerchant.lua:1191: in function 'MasterMerchant:OnSearchBonanzaPopupInfoLink'
<Locals> self = [table:3], itemLink = "|H0:item:132506:4:1:0:0:0:0:0:...", searchText = "Blood Billows" </Locals>
user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/MasterMerchant.lua:1426: in function 'OnSelect'
/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_ContextMenus/ZO_ContextMenus.lua:475: in function 'ZO_Menu_ClickItem'
<Locals> control = ud, button = 1, menuEntry = [table:5]{itemYPad = 0} </Locals>
ZO_MenuItem1_MouseUp:4: in function '(main chunk)'
<Locals> self = ud, button = 1, upInside = T, ctrl = F, alt = F, shift = F, command = F </Locals>

I've read up on some "fixes", including deleting a potential corrupted MM, resetting LibGuildStore, etcd. but none have worked.

I'm frustrated because I know it's an easy fix, I just don't know what it is...



Sharlikran 11/07/23 03:20 PM

That is fairly thorough, you right click the item, but from where though your inventory or the Craft Bag?

I can try to see if I can reproduce it but as mentioned in the MM sticky post I need you to use the slash commands indicated, reload the UI, then reproduce the error, then reload the UI to save the log file, then provide the link. All the steps are in the MM comments section in the sticky post.

iccohen 11/07/23 03:43 PM

Hope this is what you need
2 Attachment(s)
1. I did a right-click directly from my Inventory
2. Added DebugLogViewer & LibDebugLogger (and any dependencies); however, when I went to Settings > Debug Settings ESO said they were not available, check back later (still displayed message after closing down and re-opening
3. Found LibDebugLogger.dua file and saved as XML (enclosed)
4. Also enclosed dua file
6. Ran Minion again
5. I read through the report errors sticky, and tried to provide as much info as possible, hope it helps.

Thanks again

Sharlikran 11/07/23 05:51 PM

Thanks for the attached files but that's not what I was looking for. What I needed is way more simple than that. Read the sticky again and then watch the video. The link is from the website. The video even shows clicking the button t copy paste the link.

I did test this just on a item in my inventory that is considered treasure the same as what you were using. I didn't have the error so I'm not sure I can figure this out.

Sharlikran 11/07/23 07:43 PM

All I was looking for was: a link like that. You can click that to see an example.

Then I thought I'd just drag and drop your file that you attached until I saw it was the DebugLogViewer.lua not the LibDebugLogger.lua from saved variables.

The xml has some info but not what I'm looking for. Thanks so far. Just read the MM sticky post again and watch the video and then provide the link like I show above.

If that gets a bit frustrating and you want a break that's fine you can do the following but I still need that link eventually.

1. Disable all mods including bug catcher but MM and it's requirements.
2. Search Bonanza for an item in your inventory from the right click menu

If it works then start enabling mods until it breaks.

If it doesn't work with all the mods disabled then try reinstalling MM and then use the Reset LibGuildStore feature from the LibGuildStore menu.

However, I can't reproduce it.

iccohen 11/07/23 08:19 PM

Is that what you are referring to? (Sid's Secret Lab)

I cannot find any videos on the Troubleshooting&HowTo: AddOn install/find, Read & report lua errors, keybind issues sticky

Sharlikran 11/07/23 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by iccohen (Post 48757)
I cannot find any videos on the Troubleshooting&HowTo: AddOn install/find, Read & report lua errors, keybind issues sticky

Because you are reading the ESOUI forum sticky post with that title. I keep saying to read the MM sticky post. MM stands for Master Merchant. What I am telling you is to go to the MM comments section and read the sticky post from there, not the ESOUI forums post.

For you and other readers

Remember that each mod has it's own comments section and description page.

Some examples:

MM Description page:
MM Comments Section:

For some reason users seem to forget those exist for each mod. If it wasn't for unresolved user behavior issues I would open the MM comments. The MM comments are closed so posting here is acceptable and you won't be reminded to post in the mods comments section first.

However, normally you would not post in the forums and instead you would report your issue directly to the mod's comments section. ;)

Sharlikran 11/07/23 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by iccohen (Post 48757)
Is that what you are referring to? (Sid's Secret Lab)

I cannot find any videos on the Troubleshooting&HowTo: AddOn install/find, Read & report lua errors, keybind issues sticky

That is what I am referring to but you really might want to read the MM sticky post. Because when I go to that link it says n/a as if it's a new file with nothing in it. When I click the sessions tab there is also nothing.

The only thing about the video is it might not show all the steps. I made it for a french person to watch even though they don't speak English. So I forget all I show in the video. So read the MM sticky post (again not the ESOUI forums posts) and be sure you do all the steps. Because that link basically gave me a blank log file.

Sharlikran 11/07/23 08:33 PM

You did create the proper link this time though. So just follow the MM sticky post steps and then provide a new link. The MM sticky post has about 8 steps in it under the section "Reporting Errors" and multiple UI reloads because that's how the log file gets updated and saved.

iccohen 11/08/23 07:47 AM

OK I finally folowed directions
Found the sticky post were talking about, and I followed the directions. The link should be what you wanted from me in the first place. Hopefully you can figure it out!



Sharlikran 11/08/23 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by iccohen (Post 48761)
Found the sticky post were talking about, and I followed the directions. The link should be what you wanted from me in the first place. Hopefully you can figure it out!

As I mentioned I could not reproduce it so you will have to try some things on your end. At least I have something to look at now and if something stands out I can make the suggestion.

iccohen 11/08/23 11:02 AM

Thanks for your help
Thanks for taking the time to help me out. If I figure it out I will of course let you know on this thread.

Sharlikran 11/08/23 01:28 PM

Since I have the full log I can see there is an additional error prior to the one you reported.

user:/AddOns/LibGuildStore/LibGuildStore.lua:325: function expected instead of nil


/EsoUI/PregameAndIngame/ZO_Options/ZO_SharedOptions.lua:65: attempt to index a nil value

This is important because the line 325 in the current version is the word "end" so that can't be. You have install issues and should reinstall MM.

In case you do this, don't keep any backup folders of mods in your Addons folder at all or any zip files. It will really mess things up. Keep all backups and zip files outside of the Addons folder in a completely different folder. Not a folder in Addons but a folder, completely outside the Addons folder.

Then if I keep reading that leads down to: user:/AddOns/BugEater-1.0-R10_Update4/BugEater/libs/LibAddonMenu-1.0/LibAddonMenu-1.0.lua:48: in function 'lam:AddHeader'

/EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Scene/ZO_Scene.lua:43: function expected instead of nil

that is above

user:/AddOns/MasterMerchant/MasterMerchant_UI.lua:3169: in function 'MasterMerchant:SwitchToMasterMerchantListingsView'

All that is what prompted you to contact me.

However, I can now see your situation is because you use mods, like most users, that you should not use, at all, period. Like mods with LibAddonMenu-1.0. So that's on you and I understand it's accidental. BugEater may be the only program you are using with embedded libraries. So how it's causing such an issue is interesting.

My recomendation is to get rid of BugEater first of all. Just don't have it at all. The idea with Lua errors is if you have one, then you have an error. You report it and uninstall that mod until it is fixed. Not just let it keep running. Lua is a top down script so anything after the line that has the error may not run depending on the type of error. In the errors above they mention that a function is expected and that function can't be found because the error is "prior to" or "higher up" in the file so the script won't be read any further. Which is why the function can't be found even though the code is there because it's after the line with the error.

If you have any other mods with embeded libraries and LibStub it's just going to cause issues. I dislike that LWC has them but if that is the only mod you have that uses LibStub you will probably be fine. BugEater is so outdated and it has LibAddonMenu-1.0 that I'm suppriced the game runs at all.

Get rid of BugEater and then reinstall the rest of your mods. Meaning start at the top in Minion and resintall one mod at a time by using the right click and choose reinstall.

Then if you have more Lua errors just uninstall the mod. It's not working, and there is nothing you can do about that. Using BugEater to supress the message does nothing for you it's still broken.

If you use a mod like USPF and it has an Lua error (your may not and this is just an example) there are possibly, 5 versions now. So you have to be more diligent and get the newest version.

iccohen 11/08/23 06:12 PM

Good News
Per your suggestion, I uninstalled BugEater.

I also disabled LibStub (didn't uninstall yet), and reinstalled the Addons in Minion.

I then went in and the Bonanaza is now displaying when I right-click in inventory. Fshizzle!

Still getting some strange errors, but I will be able to work with them by using Sid's Secret Lab to kind of pinpoint them, i.e. still seeing the "function expected instead of nil" errors. But I will disable them one at a time til the error(s) go away. When I figure out which one(s) is/are the culprit(s) I will post it here.

Thanks again!

Sharlikran 11/08/23 07:52 PM

As much as I dislike LibStub, it is still required for Dolgubon's mods. There is nothing wrong with them. The only issue is that when users load older mods like you had with LibAddonMenu-1.0 for example, then that's when LibStub causes issues because it will try to load that in addition to LibAddonMenu-2.0. Then there are conflicts.

I am glad you are trying to do this yourself. However, the errors do imply you may have game install issues if not other serious Lua conflicts because of older mods. If you would load all your mods with LibStub and without BugEater installed like you have it, then I will look again. I might see other errors that are more simple to address then you trying on your own.

Plus it will be more learning for you because some mods just need some lines changed for example.


local LAM = LibStub("LibAddonMenu-2.0")


local LAM = LibAddonMenu2

Baertram 11/09/23 01:37 AM

Info about LibStub removal, libraries in subfolders, hardcoded called by the addons txt file, and maybe causing errors because of that can also be found here:

iccohen 11/09/23 09:47 AM

Updated URL post Bug Eater removal
Sharlikran thanks for the offer of checking out this latest and greatest:

Also Baertram, thanks for the link. I gave it a once-over but will need to read it again, as my work is interfering with my gaming social life. But I might wait to see if Sharlikran has some suggestions based on the above link.

I'm confused about it because AddOn Manager shows dependencies (e.g. LibTreasure) as not being installed when I have confirmed that they are installed.

The game runs fine except in a couple of instances (inside Mara's Inn in Vulkhel Guard, and somewhere outside in Southpoint) where it did a "tunnel vision" where sides of the screen were blurry, and couldn't access any functions via ESC or menus (i.e. by clicking I for Inventory). In these instances I had to shutdown from Windows Desktop; went back in and nothing was lost and picked up where I left off.

Thanks again both of you...

Sharlikran 11/09/23 11:18 AM

I understand work takes priority but with your errors I need something. Open Minion and look at the 4 buttons: Installed, Find More, Backup, and Options. Click Options and it should sow a Path, but don't change it.

For example: C:\Program Files (x86)\STEAM\steamapps\common\Zenimax Online\The Elder Scrolls Online\AddOn

Either get me a screenshot or copy paste the entire path. I want to know what it is please. It should be different than what I copied, but ignore that just copy paste what is showing for you.

iccohen 11/09/23 11:25 AM

File Path from Minion
C:\Users\iccoh\OneDrive\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns

(Above path displayed when selected Options)

Baertram 11/09/23 02:01 PM

OneDrive is known to interfere with ESO if you backup your documents folder to it!
ESO stores SavedVariables and addons in your user's documents folder too.
I recommend to disable OneDrive or at least the documents backup setting in OneDrive and test if this fixes the missing dependencies (although they are installed).

If not:
Take a screenshot ingame via the screenshot key (see controls) and at the top right, as you take the screenshot, it writes a foldername. E.g. C:\users\...\documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\Screenshots
The folder above "Screenshots" (live) should contain an AddOns folder then and your addons and libraries must be placed in there!

iccohen 11/09/23 02:19 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I read about OneDrive issues (from your site I believe), but is this referring to the OneDrive for storing items in the cloud, or the local computer OneDrive? (BTW thanks Microsoft for the utter confusion). Because it is on the local one.

When I took the screenshot from within ESO I confirmed that the path is c:\users\XXXXX\OneDrive\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns, and confirmed that all AddOns & Libraries are stored there (see enclosed screenshot).

Sharlikran 11/09/23 04:33 PM

I can't guarantee that things are working properly because your first Log file had a timestamp from 11-07 18:16 until 11-08 08:30. Your second Log file has timestamps continuing from 11-08 8:43 up until 11-08 08:31 and you still have errors for Addons on lines that can't have an error like the one for MM on line 325. I mentioned line 325 is the word "end" so you have issues that need resolved.

I don't have Windows 10 or 11 so I can't guarantee that this is complete or step by step but see if my hacked together instructions can get you to disable OneDrive from backing up your Documents folder. There is at least a screenshot of what it should look like when you properly toggled that feature off and Windows is no longer trying to backup the Documents folder.

If you can get that to happen then in Minion you should set Minion to write to C:\Users\[your user name]\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns and then go from there. Because of how OneDrive works once it is disabled, double check BugEater is uninstalled by manually deleting the folder prior to opening Minion. Make sure it's not there.

iccohen 11/10/23 10:22 AM

Good Times
I followed your advice and removed the AddOns from OneDrive. There are a couple of steps you should add to your list (I know you don't have it cos you're on a Mac).

1. Copy the AddOns folder (Copy instead of Cut in case something happens while you're doing these steps)
2. Go to the location where you want to place the AddOns folder (e.g. C:\Users\<your name>\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live.
3. Paste the AddOns folder inside the live folder.
4. Now disable OneDrive for the Documents folder. If you disable OneDriveto starts, you won't be able to retrieve any files and/or folders that are stored in the cloud.
5. Open Minion and select the Options button.
6. Click the folder icon and point to the new AddOns path from step 2.
7. Open ESO and once in the game select AddOns from the main menu to ensure all AddOns & Dependents are seen by ESO.

When I did the above and then used Sid's site, I still saw a couple of issues (see but certainly not as many as before. It shows a LibMediaProvider-1.0" is missing (reason: outdated) message even though I confirmed it is there and even re-installed it in Minion.


Sharlikran 11/10/23 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by iccohen (Post 48778)
I followed your advice and removed the AddOns from OneDrive. There are a couple of steps you should add to your list (I know you don't have it cos you're on a Mac).

Incorrect, I said I don't have Windows 10 or 11, not that I have a mac.

Sharlikran 11/10/23 06:18 PM

So the reason you are having errors now is because something is really messed up with your install. You say you are using Minion but the folders for some of the mods are /AddOns/LibMapPing_2_0_0/LibMapPing/ which Minion would not do that. Normally that only happens with someone manually installed the mod.

So you issue is that most of your mods are installed to: /AddOns/LibMapPing_2_0_0/LibMapPing/, or in other words /AddOns/[Name Of Zip File]/[Addon Folder]/

What are you doing? I mean, just disabling OneDrive won't cause that. Don't manually install mods and create parent folders with the name of the zip file. Don't put backups of mods in the Addons folder. Don't put zip files in the addons folder.

You have so many installed so wrong I'd say manually delete the contents of the Addons folder and start over. Make sure you use Minion because those installs are so broken the way they are done.

Also to clarify, I'm not trying to be insulting. It started with a link to the log file. Then disable OneDrive and use Minion to update or install mods. Each step through, has an odd and creative way of getting out of hand.

Baertram 11/11/23 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by iccohen (Post 48775)
I read about OneDrive issues (from your site I believe), but is this referring to the OneDrive for storing items in the cloud, or the local computer OneDrive? (BTW thanks Microsoft for the utter confusion). Because it is on the local one.

One does not exist without the other!
OneDrive is a cloud storage and local files just get copied into the cloud drive, or cloud files get referenced to your local disk (and copied to the disk upon first usage then).
The problem is that some tools and software that uses the c:/users/documents folder access cannot work properly if at the same time a tool like OneDrive blocks access to the folders/subfolders. Because ESO and/or Minion need the access to the same folders it often comes to potholes that way.

iccohen 11/22/23 08:41 AM

So I've cleaned up the AddOns, and now I'm down to these errors. These occur when I right-click an item to view in Bonanza. Note that I have ensured all AddOns are up to date, named correctly, and are in the proper folder.

In a previous message I was asked why I manaully installed some AddOns; because I did not know about Minion at that time. Once I discovered it, I used it going forward for my installs.

Sid's link -

Thanks again in advance for your help.

Sharlikran 11/22/23 08:25 PM

You still have mods in /AddOns/[Name of Zip]/[Mod Folder]/ instead of /AddOns/[Mod Folder]/

In addition to that you still have an error on the line "end" which is incorrect. So while you think you have the current version you can't possibly have the current version. The line number is stupid to have an error on that line.

Take a screen shot quickly more than once and then the path to the screenshots folder will appear in the upper corner. Post a copy of that screenshot please.

iccohen 11/22/23 09:36 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I went through each folder in AddOns and corrected the paths for each so none reflect the zip file folder name in the paths. When I tested again in game, I received no errors and the Bonanza window popped up (no results displayed but the item I right-clicked displayed).

Enclosed is the screenshot "screenshot" with the path.

Thanks again for your help on this.

Sharlikran 11/22/23 10:44 PM

Okay delete the screen shot. Thank you.


I went through each folder in AddOns and corrected the paths for each so none reflect the zip file folder name in the paths. When I tested again in game, I received no errors and the Bonanza window popped up
That is still weird that having incorrect parent folders caused such an issue.

Remember the Bonanza cache is 24 hours because the item may have sold. When you right click it will only show items you have seen at kiosks you have visited. Then you can use Beam Me Up to port to the zone for the item and then travel to the city to buy the items, if it's still there.

Baertram 11/23/23 02:55 AM


Originally Posted by Sharlikran (Post 48954)

That is still weird that having incorrect parent folders caused such an issue.

Yep, normally if the path is something like
/AddOns/[Name of Zip]/[Mod Folder]/
instead of /AddOns/[Mod Folder]/
the txt file in the [Mod Folder] will still be read (if it's not > 3 subfolder depth, starting at live/AddOns/ folder).
All code lines should be executed properly then.

But: If in your addon .dds textures are loaded from the mod folder or any subfolders of the mod need to be loaded, like libraries etc.
it could fail then as the subfolder depth get's too high.

Though you are right: The errors should popup with nil error cuz code is unknown, or similar.
And it should not show any error in a line where the most current version of the mod got no lines of code, or where there shows error with index
nil error in line 24 but in line 24 is no table etc.
-> This normally shows that the mod version is not the proper last one and the mod needs to be updated

(e.g. manually, just to make sure all files are the most current one: Delete the live/AddOns/[Mod folder] completely then and re download the most current version from, then extarct the zip file and ONLY take the contents of the extracted zip file starting with the folder with name [Mod folder] -> Put that into live/AddOns. Repeat for the needed dependencies/libraries.)

So glad it works now but if the error message says something that cannot be your versions are most probably still not all up2date and/or there happens errors with the zip extracted subfolders that I did not know yet ;)

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