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Ayantir 07/15/15 09:06 AM

2.1 update
Hello devs,

As for the 1.6 thread, We'll try to regroup useful infos about next update incoming.

Before 2.1 goes Live, we'll have few things to do :

- Identify Authors who left and Major Addons (with unique features) which REALLY need love. New authors interested to take a project are strongly encouraged to check the list (todo.)


This list is establishhed by me.
I consider top downloads as a priority, then for each addon, I check :
last update, comments activity, author & maintener last login on esoui and kind of update (lib update , bug fix or new features).
Some outdated addons may not be here, that's because : Author mainteners still have some activity. Addon has clearly duplicate features with an active addon. Addon popularity is too low (for my point of view).

Don't forget that if your work is yours while you're here, since you leave eso, it clearly goes to the "eso community", anyone is free to take back your work with or without your permission, especially if you're silent. Some folks ask, others don't, others merge your addons features into theirs.

Please consider writing a licence, some comments (in lua files, website anywhere you want, pm admins) if you're having some special requests about credits.

- List things that you didn't liked on last topic, or just say what you would like to see improved about our discussions. about the topic, the wiki, or other things related to dev chat.

- Other things, feel free to discuss, ask, etc :banana:

If you're an author and don't have plans / motivation to continue your addons, please let us know

Have fun :D

merlight 07/15/15 10:18 AM

Just when I started playing regularly again, they manage to remind me why I unsubscribed. Placing the Imperial City behind a pay-wall is not going to make me want to play more. The Planemeld was a breeze compared to what ZOS management is doing to the game.

You will probably not notice until months after I've stopped coming back. When that happens, do whatever you want with my add-ons, they're unlicensed.

We're still waging war in Blackwater Blade, but it's uncertain for how long we'll keep on struggling.

Atropos 07/15/15 10:58 AM

Hi Ayantir, nice idea.

Is there any place where authors would like to hang out and chat while we are working on PTS on addon updates?

Maybe we can set up a guild once the PTS comes up to have a convenient in-game chat channel?

Also anyone who wants is welcome to hang out in the TF TeamSpeak ( if you want to chat about the API updates or hang out while working.

Randactyl 07/15/15 11:05 AM

A pts guild would be cool. I was in the esoui one on live for a while, but needed the guild slot back :D

I'm still mixed on this paid for IC thing. The balance changes and everything else should be rolled out to everyone with 2.1 (wouldn't make sense otherwise), but if a B2Per tries to use the sewer entrance is the game just going to pop up the crown store instead of letting them through the door? *nervous laughter*

QuadroTony 07/15/15 11:07 AM

i need a pts guild to test some things with hiring guild traders

Ayantir 07/15/15 11:11 AM

A dev guild could be interesting, why not.

For my part, I don't really need help on pts for my addons, but for some usage someone of an opposite faction could be useful, or a guild bank plenty of ressources, of huge tons of items to destroy, those kind of things. But we can need some help for exploring or other things.

Why not create "Devs" on PTS?

The only problem is that because ZOS dump and erase the contents quite often, it could only be opened while PTS is newer than live. For my part I can provide HUGE resources for EU side (v14 chars, 2 full guildbanks, all craft maxed, lot of gold). but nothing on NA side except my level 5 char only created to keep my name for me :D

And for TS, if I can speak quite well english, a lot of devs here don't speak a lot english but only write :D
But why not.

sirinsidiator 07/15/15 11:34 AM

PTS guild sounds good. I definitely need a guild store for obvious reasons :D
We could write a simple addon that saves all members of the guild and once the server gets wiped the founder of the guild can use a slashcommand to send an invite to everyone who was in it.

Halja 07/15/15 11:53 AM

It has been awhile since I logged on to it but IIRC may still be up. I'm not at home to check.

IRC server:
Channel: #ESOUIDev

Seerah and Cairenn from here were monitors during beta and launch. It was a handy way we all talked on.

Fyrakin 07/15/15 11:06 PM

I might be lurking on PTS when its there to make sure nothing broken on my side and fix if it is, might also need a few group members to do some tests. A PTS guild idea sounds useful.

Randactyl 07/16/15 09:53 AM

IRC still works too, but it seems pretty dead.

I'll be all over PTS anyway to play with IC as well :D

Ayantir 07/19/15 07:47 AM

Hi everyone, I started my little list about addons which will need love, please have a look.

Watch addon, wait a bit, maybe author will answser. or just pm it. also look and think if the addon could be merged into another one. or remplaced by another one, more advanced, etc.

there is huge addons in that list, and maybe ones which are still under development and support from their authors, sorry if I did some mistakes.

Randactyl 07/19/15 04:13 PM

I don't think anyone grabbed Weapon Charge Alert after katkat bowed out, but from a cursory glance I'd say it is pretty much outclassed by the weapon charge indicators in AlphaGear. Only reason to maintain it would be if someone doesn't want all of the other functionality of AlphaGear (which I have been enjoying much more than I ever enjoyed Wykkyd's Outfitter).

Harven 07/20/15 04:02 AM

Hey guys,
I grabbed Weapon Charge Alert after katkat42 and did some updates to it not long ago (06/29/15 11:39 PM). Don't know why it's on the list :P

Randactyl 07/20/15 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by Harven (Post 22122)
Hey guys,
I grabbed Weapon Charge Alert after katkat42 and did some updates to it not long ago (06/29/15 11:39 PM). Don't know why it's on the list :P

Cool! I somehow missed your name in the team list. My bad :banana:

Ayantir 07/27/15 12:48 PM

2.1 is plannd for tomorrow on PTS, it should be 13GB without audio files (so consider ~18).

Rhalyf 07/27/15 05:12 PM

I'd be interested in picking up an unsupported AddOn or two if you guys need more devs.

QuadroTony 07/27/15 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by Rhalyf (Post 22293)
I'd be interested in picking up an unsupported AddOn or two if you guys need more devs.

try pick up this mby

Ayantir 07/28/15 04:23 AM

Hey guys, I finished my list of major addons which will be obsolete after next update.

So If you got time, motivation, even if you never coded in lua !!! please consider them :

The biggest & the most downloaded are :

Don't forget the small ones if you like them ! :)

QuadroTony 07/28/15 04:24 AM

why Destinations?
author still active

Cairenn 07/28/15 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by QuadroTony (Post 22308)
why Destinations?
author still active

Ayantir 07/28/15 04:26 AM

Snowman posted that he'll retire. I replied myself to him that I will take care of his addons, but I list it here aswell in case of.

sirinsidiator 07/28/15 05:38 AM

If nobody else wants it, I can take care of Sous Chef. I actually wrote a pm to katkat in April, but never got an answer and didn't have the time anyways until now.

Ayantir 07/28/15 07:50 PM

little update of #1st post with code source and links to documentations.

don't forget the thread created by dave :

I've created Devs guild on PTS

Please note that for now we're on NA dump. EU devs should use templates for character tests.

Feel free to join by sending me an ingame request (@Ayantir).

Aetheron 07/28/15 08:06 PM

Hi Everyone,
Do the mod categories listed as "nothing to worry" mean that the new API has no changes in these areas? Just wondering if Combat Reticle will be impacted (aside from the API version number). I'm somewhat distracted at the moment, but if needed can fix it - just hoping I don't have to.


pills 07/28/15 09:00 PM

if someone wanted to support MailR I would greatly appreciate it. I am happy to help and share what little bits of wisdom I have, but I dont think I can fully support it going forward (been looking to have someone take it over since about last August or so). I have only been supplying critical fixes since then really.

Major Features:
* save selected messages
* save sent messages
* adds reply/forward buttons
* ignored message deletion confirmation
* guild mail features (send mail to guilds)

Planned Features:
* add better support for other addons that use mail (awesome guild store is only current known addon that is impacted by MailR)
* add guild mail report e.g. show list of guildies that did not receive messages because of full inbox, etc and allow user to resend messages to those people
* add throttle timer to addon settings UI to allow people to send messages slower if they are getting kicked for spamming

Please let me know if you are interested in taking over. Thanks.

Ayantir 07/28/15 10:06 PM

1st feedbacks :

- SavedVars are wiped at every login.. A more detailled explanation here :

For now , character logout wipe your Savedvariables, even if you'are using a fresh file. use /reloadui for testing.

- Zbug is broken. I didn't looked at it but it shouldn't be hard to fix

Lua Code:
  1. 2015-07-29T06:20:28.057+01:00 |cff0000Lua Error: EsoUI/Common/ZO_UIErrors/ErrorFrame.lua:16: attempt to index a nil value
  2. stack traceback:
  3.     EsoUI/Common/ZO_UIErrors/ErrorFrame.lua:16: in function 'ZO_ErrorFrame:Initialize'
  4.     EsoUI/Common/ZO_UIErrors/ErrorFrame.lua:9: in function 'ZO_ErrorFrame:New'
  5.     EsoUI/Common/ZO_UIErrors/ErrorFrame.lua:106: in function 'ZO_UIErrors_Init'
  6.     16580884636663927968:3: in function '(main chunk)'|r

- ZO_ScrollList have been modified, few addons are problematic (got one broken, saw MasterMerchant too)
Lua Code:
  1. 2015-07-29T06:20:28.290+01:00 |cff0000Lua Error: EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Templates/ScrollTemplates.lua:513: attempt to index a nil value
  2. stack traceback:
  3.     EsoUI/Libraries/ZO_Templates/ScrollTemplates.lua:513: in function 'ZO_ScrollList_AddDataType'


Originally Posted by Aetheron
Hi Everyone,
Do the mod categories listed as "nothing to worry" mean that the new API has no changes in these areas? Just wondering if Combat Reticle will be impacted (aside from the API version number). I'm somewhat distracted at the moment, but if needed can fix it - just hoping I don't have to.


No, it only means no popular addon looks abandonned

Ayantir 07/29/15 09:21 AM

Achievements dump
Severals have been added :

Lua Code:
  1. local function DumpAchievs()
  3.     ACHIEVEMENTS_DUMPER = {} -- SavedVars
  5.     for i=1, GetNumAchievementCategories() do
  6.         local name, numSubCatgories, numAchievements = GetAchievementCategoryInfo(i)
  8.         for m=1, numAchievements do
  10.             local achievementId = GetAchievementId(i, nil, m)
  11.             local achievName, description = GetAchievementInfo(achievementId)
  12.             local numCriteria = GetAchievementNumCriteria(achievementId)
  14.             ACHIEVEMENTS_DUMPER[achievementId] = {}
  15.             ACHIEVEMENTS_DUMPER[achievementId].achievName = achievName
  16.             ACHIEVEMENTS_DUMPER[achievementId].description = description
  17.             ACHIEVEMENTS_DUMPER[achievementId].category = i
  18.             ACHIEVEMENTS_DUMPER[achievementId].subCategory = false
  19.             ACHIEVEMENTS_DUMPER[achievementId].posInList = m
  20.             ACHIEVEMENTS_DUMPER[achievementId].numCriteria = numCriteria
  21.             ACHIEVEMENTS_DUMPER[achievementId].criterions = {}
  23.             for n=1, numCriteria do
  24.                 local descriptionCrit, _, numRequiredCrit = GetAchievementCriterion(achievementId, n)
  25.                 ACHIEVEMENTS_DUMPER[achievementId].criterions[n] = {}
  26.                 ACHIEVEMENTS_DUMPER[achievementId].criterions[n].descriptionCrit = descriptionCrit
  27.                 ACHIEVEMENTS_DUMPER[achievementId].criterions[n].numRequiredCrit = numRequiredCrit
  28.             end
  30.         end
  32.         for k=1, numSubCatgories do
  34.             local nameSubCat, numAchievementsSubCat = GetAchievementSubCategoryInfo(i, k)
  36.             for l=1, numAchievementsSubCat do
  38.                 local achievementId = GetAchievementId(i, k, l)
  39.                 local achievName, description = GetAchievementInfo(achievementId)
  40.                 local numCriteria = GetAchievementNumCriteria(achievementId)
  42.                 ACHIEVEMENTS_DUMPER[achievementId] = {}
  43.                 ACHIEVEMENTS_DUMPER[achievementId].achievName = achievName
  44.                 ACHIEVEMENTS_DUMPER[achievementId].description = description
  45.                 ACHIEVEMENTS_DUMPER[achievementId].category = i
  46.                 ACHIEVEMENTS_DUMPER[achievementId].subCategory = k
  47.                 ACHIEVEMENTS_DUMPER[achievementId].posInList = l
  48.                 ACHIEVEMENTS_DUMPER[achievementId].numCriteria = numCriteria
  49.                 ACHIEVEMENTS_DUMPER[achievementId].criterions = {}
  51.                 for n=1, numCriteria do
  52.                     local descriptionCrit, _, numRequiredCrit = GetAchievementCriterion(achievementId, n)
  53.                     ACHIEVEMENTS_DUMPER[achievementId].criterions[n] = {}
  54.                     ACHIEVEMENTS_DUMPER[achievementId].criterions[n].descriptionCrit = descriptionCrit
  55.                     ACHIEVEMENTS_DUMPER[achievementId].criterions[n].numRequiredCrit = numRequiredCrit
  56.                 end
  58.             end
  60.         end
  62.     end
  64. end

-> English dump

Rhalyf 07/30/15 12:26 AM

I'd be willing to pick up SousChef if you don't have time for it, sirinsidiator. I'm an avid user of SousChef and I spent some time looking through the code when I was developing my latest addon.

Let me know.

sirinsidiator 07/30/15 12:43 AM

I gladly accept that offer. I haven't looked into the code yet and already have a lot of things planned for my own addons anyways. :D
There are a few small improvements that I have been thinking about adding to SousChef though. Maybe you could look into them for me? ;)

Cairenn 07/30/15 01:24 AM

I love the way you guys keep taking up each others' addons as folks have to leave, come back, etc. Just remember that the original author (or the latest maintainer) needs to send me a PM with a link to the addon that is being taken over and a link to the new maintainer's user profile. That way I can get the ownership of the addon transferred to the new maintainer. :)

QuadroTony 07/30/15 01:29 AM

and who will give Awesome guild store? there is critical issues need to be fixed... introduced in march update :(

Ayantir 07/30/15 01:39 AM

sirinsidiator is here and active, just wait for his updates on his addon. if it's too long to release, just be patient.

edit :

Updated #1st topic :

Added a list of changes / bugs that may impact us.
Updated Globals page on wiki
Updating Events page on wiki -> not yet finished
Added achievements dump

For Events :

For a later usage :

-> Use Patch Notes TXT
-> Notepad++
-> Copy section h2. Events -> next h2 to a new file
-> Search/Replace :

* EVENT -> * [[EVENT
( - space before the "(" -> ]] ('''integer''' ''eventCode'',
*string* -> '''string'''
*bool* -> '''boolean'''
*integer* -> '''integer'''
*number* -> '''number'''
*luaindex* -> '''integer'''
*id64* -> '''id64'''
*luaindex:nilable* -> '''integer:nilable'''
_ - space before the _ -> '' - space before the ''
_) -> '')
_, -> '',

Manually add at end of some lines :
]] ('''integer''' ''eventCode'')

Manually categorize the events following previous categories, Feel free to add/remove somes if needed. (486 events oas of 2.1 to manually categorize)


sirinsidiator 07/30/15 01:53 AM

AGS in the current version does not have any "critical" issues.
The only one who has reported the bug that you are going on about since weeks is you and this should tell you something.

I also already told you that I have to change a fundamental part of AGS in order to get rid of the possibility for it to occur, which is a lot of work and will take some time.

QuadroTony 07/30/15 02:22 AM

ok thanks!
sorry for impatience
feel free Pm me new version if you wanna betatest it ;)

Ayantir 07/30/15 02:37 AM

Quote of the day: Being attacked every 30s while searching skyshards / lorebooks /altabing / reloadui / coding is really boring.

I hope devs who need to do tests in IC are patient, zen and good pvpers. bring some relaxing music too. :rolleyes:

Rhalyf 07/30/15 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by sirinsidiator (Post 22389)
I gladly accept that offer. I haven't looked into the code yet and already have a lot of things planned for my own addons anyways. :D
There are a few small improvements that I have been thinking about adding to SousChef though. Maybe you could look into them for me? ;)

Absolutely. Send them my way!

I'll take on SousChef. Seeing as SousChef doesn't have an active owner/maintainer, do I fork it and submit a new AddOn or is there a different process for this?

CrazyDutchGuy 07/30/15 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by Rhalyf (Post 22404)
Absolutely. Send them my way!

I'll take on SousChef. Seeing as SousChef doesn't have an active owner/maintainer, do I fork it and submit a new AddOn or is there a different process for this?

PM the Addon Owner or it's maintainers. We are not all dead ;) For SousChef, PM the Addon Owner, worst case i can also update it for you atm.

If the Addon Owner does not respond, then i dont't see any issue forking it.

Rhalyf 07/30/15 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by CrazyDutchGuy (Post 22405)
PM the Addon Owner or it's maintainers. We are not all dead ;) For SousChef, PM the Addon Owner, worst case i can also update it for you atm.

If the Addon Owner does not respond, then i dont't see any issue forking it.

Thanks for the message! I've sent a PM to Wobin and KatKat. Now we wait. :)

I'll let you know via PM if I'm unable to reach either of them after a few days.

sirinsidiator 08/03/15 11:12 AM

I started testing on the pts yesterday and first thing I did was copy my saved variables from live into an addon on pts so it does not always revert to the defaults.
Here are the steps I followed:
1) Copy the SavedVariables to pts/AddOns/0SavedVariables
2) Remove all unwanted files (e.g. ZO_Ingame.lua and unused addons)
3) Search and replace the live character name in all files with the pts character name
4) Open a command window and dump all filenames into 0SavedVariables.txt (dir /B > 0SavedVariables.txt)
5) Add an addon header to the beginning of 0SavedVariables.txt

## Title: 0SavedVariables
## Author: myself
## Version: 0
## APIVersion: 100012

No idea if the 0 in front of the name influences the loading order. If it does not work, maybe add a DependsOn entry to the addon that does not accept it this way.

Ayantir 08/04/15 06:40 AM

Personally I consider that all the stuff about SavedVars is currently broken. So I postpone thoses things for 2.1.1. for easy things, reloadui do the job, but when playing with cross character features, I don't really want to try when I know it's broken :rolleyes:

I've updated

This page was quite long to edit (~3hours ..), because of its historical manual categorization.
I massedited without looking to the existing things, as 1.6 update. ZOS added a lot of displayName in few events, & few events almost everywhere and I didn't wanted to check manually each event "does this event changed ?" for the 477 events.

Please note that for 2.1, ZOS didn't added the ConstantTypes in their patchnotes.

Ex :

before we had this :
Lua Code:
  1. EVENT_ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT (integer eventCode, AbilityProgressionResult reason)
with a nice link to the good type.

now we got this :
Lua Code:
  1. EVENT_ABILITY_PROGRESSION_RESULT (integer eventCode, integer reason)
without anything else.

I'll try to re-add those things.

PS : Harven did a very good diff post here, If you're interested to look at, it could be interesting.

I strongly suggest you to mainly look at the removed parts of his post

ZOS usually add a lot of things in beta fixes that will come before 2.1 goes live, so the list of added functions/tables/etc should grow.

+ You'll discover yourself the aded ones if needed

But the removed ones generally don't move and they're generally subject to be the cause of your broken code.

Ayantir 08/05/15 11:06 AM

Sounds dump 2.1.0 :

Lua Code:
  1. --Don't forget SOUNDS. Volume is managed trough Audio Options > Interface Sounds

You can also adjust volume in Lua, but I never did it


ABILITY_CASTER_BUSY = "Ability_CasterBusy",
ABILITY_CASTER_DEAD = "Ability_CasterDead",
ABILITY_CASTER_DISORIENTED = "Ability_CasterDisoriented",
ABILITY_CASTER_FEARED = "Ability_CasterFeared",
ABILITY_CASTER_LEVITATED = "Ability_CasterLevitated",
ABILITY_CASTER_PACIFIED = "Ability_CasterPacified",
ABILITY_CASTER_SILENCED = "Ability_CasterSilenced",
ABILITY_CASTER_STUNNED = "Ability_CasterStunned",
ABILITY_CLICK = "Ability_Click",
ABILITY_FAILED = "Ability_Failed",
ABILITY_FAILED_IN_COMBAT = "Ability_FailedInCombat",
ABILITY_FAILED_REQUIREMENTS = "Ability_FailedRequirements",
ABILITY_MORPH_AVAILABLE = "Ability_MorphAvailable",
ABILITY_MORPH_PURCHASED = "Ability_MorphPurchased",
ABILITY_NOT_ENOUGH_HEALTH = "Ability_NotEnoughHealth",
ABILITY_NOT_ENOUGH_MAGICKA = "Ability_NotEnoughMagicka",
ABILITY_NOT_ENOUGH_STAMINA = "Ability_NotEnoughStamina",
ABILITY_NOT_ENOUGH_ULTIMATE = "Ability_NotEnoughUltimate",
ABILITY_PICKED_UP = "Ability_Picked_Up",
ABILITY_RANK_UP = "Ability_RankedUp",
ABILITY_READY = "Ability_Ready",
ABILITY_SKILL_PURCHASED = "Ability_SkillPurchased",
ABILITY_SLOT_CLEARED = "Ability_Unslotted",
ABILITY_SLOT_MENU_OPEN = "Ability_Slot_Menu_Open",
ABILITY_SLOTTED = "Ability_Slotted",
ABILITY_SYNERGY_READY = "Ability_Synergy_Ready_Sound",
ABILITY_TARGET_BAD_TARGET = "Ability_TargetBadTarget",
ABILITY_TARGET_DEAD = "Ability_TargetDead",
ABILITY_TARGET_IMMUNE = "Ability_TargetImmune",
ABILITY_TARGET_OUT_OF_LOS = "Ability_TargetOutOfLineOfSight",
ABILITY_TARGET_OUT_OF_RANGE = "Ability_TargetOutOfRange",
ABILITY_TARGET_TOO_CLOSE = "Ability_TargetTooClose",
ABILITY_ULTIMATE_READY = "Ability_Ultimate_Ready_Sound",
ABILITY_UPGRADE_PURCHASED = "Ability_UpgradePurchased",
ABILITY_WEAPON_SWAP_FAIL = "weapon_swap_fail",
ABILITY_WEAPON_SWAP_SUCCESS = "weapon_swap_success",
ABILITY_WRONG_WEAPON = "Ability_WrongWeapon",
ACHIEVEMENT_AWARDED = "Achievement_Awarded",
ACHIEVEMENT_CATEGORY_SELECTED = "Achievement_CategorySelected",
ACHIEVEMENT_COLLAPSED = "Achievement_Collapsed",
ACHIEVEMENT_EXPANDED = "Achievement_Expanded",
ACHIEVEMENT_SUB_CATEGORY_SELECTED = "Achievement_SubCategorySelected",
ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP_FAILS = "ActiveCombatTip_Failed",
ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP_SHOWN = "ActiveCombatTip_Shown",
ACTIVE_COMBAT_TIP_SUCCESS = "ActiveCombatTip_Success",
AGENT_CHAT_ACTIVE = "Agent_Chat_Active",
ALCHEMY_CLOSED = "Alchemy_Closed",
ALCHEMY_CREATE_TOOLTIP_GLOW_FAIL = "Alchemy_Create_Tooltip_Glow_Fail",
ALCHEMY_CREATE_TOOLTIP_GLOW_SUCCESS = "Alchemy_Create_Tooltip_Glow_Success",
ALCHEMY_OPENED = "Alchemy_Opened",
ALCHEMY_REAGENT_PLACED = "Alchemy_Reagent_Placed",
ALCHEMY_REAGENT_REMOVED = "Alchemy_Reagent_Removed",
ALCHEMY_SOLVENT_PLACED = "Alchemy_Solvent_Placed",
ALCHEMY_SOLVENT_REMOVED = "Alchemy_Solvent_Removed",
ALLIANCE_POINT_TRANSACT = "AlliancePoint_Transact",
ALLIANCE_WAR_WINDOW_CLOSE = "AllianceWarWindow_Close",
ALLIANCE_WAR_WINDOW_OPEN = "AllianceWarWindow_Open",
AVA_GATE_CLOSED = "AvA_Gate_Closed",
AVA_GATE_OPENED = "AvA_Gate_Opened",
AVA_KEEP_CAPTURED = "AvA_KeepCaptured",
BLACKSMITH_CREATE_TOOLTIP_GLOW = "Blacksmith_Create_Tooltip_Glow",
BLACKSMITH_EXTRACT_START_ANIM = "Blacksmith_Extract_Start_Anim",
BLACKSMITH_EXTRACTED_BOOSTER = "Blacksmith_Extracted_Booster",
BLACKSMITH_FAILED_EXTRACTION = "Blacksmith_Failed_Extraction",
BLACKSMITH_IMPROVE_TOOLTIP_GLOW_FAIL = "Blacksmith_Improve_Tooltip_Glow_Fail",
BLACKSMITH_IMPROVE_TOOLTIP_GLOW_SUCCESS = "Blacksmith_Improve_Tooltip_Glow_Success",
BOOK_ACQUIRED = "Book_Acquired",
BOOK_CLOSE = "Book_Close",
BOOK_COLLECTION_COMPLETED = "Book_Collection_Completed",
BOOK_OPEN = "Book_Open",
BOOK_PAGE_TURN = "Book_PageTurn",
CADWELL_BLADE_SELECTED = "Cadwell_BladeSelected",
CADWELL_ITEM_SELECTED = "Cadwell_ItemSelected",
CAMPAIGN_BLADE_SELECTED = "Campaign_BladeSelected",
CC_ALLIANCE = "Click_AllianceButton",
CC_CLASS = "Click_ClassButton",
CC_CREATE = "Click_CreateButton",
CC_GAMEPAD_CHARACTER_CLICK = "Console_Character_Click",
CC_LOCK_VALUE = "Lock_Value",
CC_PREVIEW_GEAR = "Preview_Gear",
CC_RACE = "Click_RaceButton",
CC_RANDOMIZE = "Click_RandomizeButton",
CC_SELECTOR_CLICK = "Click_CC_Selector",
CC_UNLOCK_VALUE = "Unlock_Value",
CHAMPION_CYCLED_TO_MAGE = "Champion_CycledToMage",
CHAMPION_CYCLED_TO_THIEF = "Champion_CycledToThief",
CHAMPION_CYCLED_TO_WARRIOR = "Champion_CycledToWarrior",
CHAMPION_DAMAGE_TAKEN = "Champion_DamageTaken",
CHAMPION_MAGE_MOUSEOVER = "Champion_MageMouseover",
CHAMPION_PENDING_POINTS_CLEARED = "Champion_PendingPointsCleared",
CHAMPION_POINT_GAINED = "Champion_PointGained",
CHAMPION_POINTS_COMMITTED = "Champion_PointsCommitted",
CHAMPION_RESPEC_ACCEPT = "Champion_RespecAccept",
CHAMPION_RESPEC_TOGGLED = "Champion_RespecToggled",
CHAMPION_SPINNER_DOWN = "Champion_SpinnerDown",
CHAMPION_SPINNER_UP = "Champion_SpinnerUp",
CHAMPION_STAR_LOCKED = "Champion_StarLocked",
CHAMPION_STAR_MOUSEOVER = "Champion_StarMouseover",
CHAMPION_STAR_UNLOCKED = "Champion_StarUnlocked",
CHAMPION_SYSTEM_UNLOCKED = "Champion_SystemUnlocked",
CHAMPION_THIEF_MOUSEOVER = "Champion_ThiefMouseover",
CHAMPION_WARRIOR_MOUSEOVER = "Champion_WarriorMouseover",
CHAMPION_ZOOM_IN = "Champion_ZoomIn",
CHAMPION_ZOOM_OUT = "Champion_ZoomOut",
CLOTHIER_CREATE_TOOLTIP_GLOW = "Clothier_Create_Tooltip_Glow",
CLOTHIER_EXTRACT_START_ANIM = "Clothier_Extract_Start_Anim",
CLOTHIER_EXTRACTED_BOOSTER = "Clothier_Extracted_Booster",
CLOTHIER_FAILED_EXTRACTION = "Clothier_Failed_Extraction",
CLOTHIER_IMPROVE_TOOLTIP_GLOW_FAIL = "Clothier_Improve_Tooltip_Glow_Fail",
CLOTHIER_IMPROVE_TOOLTIP_GLOW_SUCCESS = "Clothier_Improve_Tooltip_Glow_Success",
COLLECTIBLE_ON_COOLDOWN = "Collectible_On_Cooldown",
COLLECTIBLE_UNLOCKED = "Collectible_Unlocked",
COLLECTION_COMPLETED = "Collection_Completed",
COMBO_CLICK = "Click_Combo",
CONSOLE_GAME_ENTER = "Console_Game_Enter",
COUNTDOWN_WARNING = "Countdown_Warning",
CRAFTING_CREATE_SLOT_ANIMATED = "Crafting_Create_Slot_Animated",
CRAFTING_GAINED_INSPIRATION = "Crafting_Gained_Inspiration",
DEATH_RECAP_ATTACK_SHOWN = "DeathRecap_AttackShown",
DEATH_RECAP_KILLING_BLOW_SHOWN = "DeathRecap_KillingBlowShown",
DEFER_NOTIFICATION = "Defer_Notification",
DIALOG_ACCEPT = "Dialog_Accept",
DIALOG_DECLINE = "Dialog_Decline",
DIALOG_HIDE = "Dialog_Hide",
DIALOG_SHOW = "Dialog_Show",
DISPLAY_ANNOUNCEMENT = "Display_Announcement",
DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY_NORMAL = "DungeonDifficultySetToNormal",
DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY_VETERAN = "DungeonDifficultySetToVeteran",
DYEING_ACCEPT_BINDING = "Dyeing_Accept_Binding",
DYEING_APPLY_CHANGES = "Dyeing_Apply_Changes",
DYEING_APPLY_CHANGES_FROM_DIALOGUE = "Dyeing_Apply_Changes_From_Dialogue",
DYEING_CLOSED = "Dyeing_Closed",
DYEING_OPENED = "Dyeing_Opened",
DYEING_RANDOMIZE_DYES = "Dyeing_Randomize_Dyes",
DYEING_SAVED_SET_SELECTED = "Dyeing_Saved_Set_Selected",
DYEING_SWATCH_SELECTED = "Dyeing_Swatch_Selected",
DYEING_TOOL_DYE_SELECTED = "Dyeing_Tool_Dye_Selected",
DYEING_TOOL_DYE_USED = "Dyeing_Tool_Dye_Used",
DYEING_TOOL_ERASE_SELECTED = "Dyeing_Tool_Erase_Selected",
DYEING_TOOL_ERASE_USED = "Dyeing_Tool_Erase_Used",
DYEING_TOOL_FILL_ALL_SELECTED = "Dyeing_Tool_Fill_All_Selected",
DYEING_TOOL_FILL_SELECTED = "Dyeing_Tool_Fill_Selected",
DYEING_TOOL_FILL_USED = "Dyeing_Tool_Fill_All_Used",
DYEING_TOOL_SAMPLE_SELECTED = "Dyeing_Tool_Sample_Selected",
DYEING_TOOL_SAMPLE_USED = "Dyeing_Tool_Sample_Used",
DYEING_TOOL_SET_FILL_SELECTED = "Dyeing_Tool_Set_Fill_Selected",
DYEING_TOOL_SET_FILL_USED = "Dyeing_Tool_Set_Fill_Used",
DYEING_UNDO_CHANGES = "Dyeing_Undo_Changes",
EDIT_CLICK = "Click_Edit",
ELDER_SCROLL_CAPTURED_BY_ALDMERI = "ElderScroll_Captured_Aldmeri",
ELDER_SCROLL_CAPTURED_BY_DAGGERFALL = "ElderScroll_Captured_Daggerfall",
ELDER_SCROLL_CAPTURED_BY_EBONHEART = "ElderScroll_Captured_Ebonheart",
EMPEROR_ABDICATED = "Emperor_Abdicated",
EMPEROR_CORONATED_ALDMERI = "Emperor_Coronated_Aldmeri",
EMPEROR_CORONATED_DAGGERFALL = "Emperor_Coronated_Daggerfall",
EMPEROR_CORONATED_EBONHEART = "Emperor_Coronated_Ebonheart",
EMPEROR_DEPOSED_ALDMERI = "Emperor_Deposed_Aldmeri",
EMPEROR_DEPOSED_DAGGERFALL = "Emperor_Deposed_Daggerfall",
EMPEROR_DEPOSED_EBONHEART = "Emperor_Deposed_Ebonheart",
ENCHANTING_ARMOR_GLYPH_PLACED = "Enchanting_ArmorGlyph_Placed",
ENCHANTING_ARMOR_GLYPH_REMOVED = "Enchanting_ArmorGlyph_Removed",
ENCHANTING_ASPECT_RUNE_PLACED = "Enchanting_AspectRune_Placed",
ENCHANTING_ASPECT_RUNE_REMOVED = "Enchanting_AspectRune_Removed",
ENCHANTING_CLOSED = "Enchanting_Closed",
ENCHANTING_CREATE_TOOLTIP_GLOW = "Enchanting_Create_Tooltip_Glow",
ENCHANTING_ESSENCE_RUNE_PLACED = "Enchanting_EssenceRune_Placed",
ENCHANTING_ESSENCE_RUNE_REMOVED = "Enchanting_EssenceRune_Removed",
ENCHANTING_EXTRACT_START_ANIM = "Enchanting_Extract_Start_Anim",
ENCHANTING_JEWELRY_GLYPH_PLACED = "Enchanting_JewelryGlyph_Placed",
ENCHANTING_JEWELRY_GLYPH_REMOVED = "Enchanting_JewelryGlyph_Removed",
ENCHANTING_OPENED = "Enchanting_Opened",
ENCHANTING_POTENCY_RUNE_PLACED = "Enchanting_PotencyRune_Placed",
ENCHANTING_POTENCY_RUNE_REMOVED = "Enchanting_PotencyRune_Removed",
ENCHANTING_WEAPON_GLYPH_PLACED = "Enchanting_WeaponGlyph_Placed",
ENCHANTING_WEAPON_GLYPH_REMOVED = "Enchanting_WeaponGlyph_Removed",
ENLIGHTENED_STATE_GAINED = "EnlightenedState_Gained",
ENLIGHTENED_STATE_LOST = "EnlightenedState_Lost",
FENCE_ITEM_LAUNDERED = "Fence_Item_Laundered",
FINESSE_FINISH_RANK_FOUR = "Finesse_Rank_Four_Ender",
FINESSE_FINISH_RANK_ONE = "Finesse_Rank_One_Ender",
FINESSE_FINISH_RANK_THREE = "Finesse_Rank_Three_Ender",
FINESSE_FINISH_RANK_TWO = "Finesse_Rank_Two_Ender",
FLAG_ASSAULTED_ALLIANCE1 = "Flag_AssaultedByAlliance1",
FLAG_ASSAULTED_ALLIANCE2 = "Flag_AssaultedByAlliance2",
FLAG_ASSAULTED_ALLIANCE3 = "Flag_AssaultedByAlliance3",
FLAG_ATTACKED_ALLIANCE1 = "Flag_AttackedByAlliance1",
FLAG_ATTACKED_ALLIANCE2 = "Flag_AttackedByAlliance2",
FLAG_ATTACKED_ALLIANCE3 = "Flag_AttackedByAlliance3",
FLAG_CAPUTURED_ALLIANCE1 = "AvA_Resource_Captured_ByAldmeri",
FLAG_CAPUTURED_ALLIANCE2 = "AvA_Resource_Captured_ByEbonheart",
FLAG_CAPUTURED_ALLIANCE3 = "AvA_Resource_Captured_ByDaggerfall",
FLAG_LOST_ALLIANCE1 = "Flag_LostByAlliance1",
FLAG_LOST_ALLIANCE2 = "Flag_LostByAlliance2",
FLAG_LOST_ALLIANCE3 = "Flag_LostByAlliance3",
GAMEPAD_ALCHEMY_BEGIN = "Console_Alchemy_Begin",
GAMEPAD_CLOSE_WINDOW = "Console_Window_Close",
GAMEPAD_MAP_COMPLETE_MAP_CHANGE = "Console_Map_Complete_Map_Change",
GAMEPAD_MAP_START_MAP_CHANGE = "Console_Map_Start_Map_Change",
GAMEPAD_MENU_BACK = "Console_Menu_Back",
GAMEPAD_MENU_DOWN = "Console_Menu_Down",
GAMEPAD_MENU_FORWARD = "Console_Menu_Forward",
GAMEPAD_MENU_JUMP_DOWN = "Console_Menu_Jump_Down",
GAMEPAD_MENU_JUMP_UP = "Console_Menu_Jump_Up",
GAMEPAD_MENU_UP = "Console_Menu_Up",
GAMEPAD_OPEN_WINDOW = "Console_Window_Open",
GAMEPAD_PAGE_BACK = "Console_Page_Back",
GAMEPAD_PAGE_FORWARD = "Console_Page_Forward",
GAMEPAD_PAGE_NAVIGATION_FAILED = "Console_Page_Navigation_Failed",
GAMEPAD_STATS_SINGLE_PURCHASE = "Console_Stats_Single_Purchase",
GENERAL_ALERT_ERROR = "General_Alert_Error",
GENERAL_FAILED_REQUIREMENTS = "General_FailedRequirements",
GROUP_DISBAND = "Group_Disband",
GROUP_INVITE = "Group_Invite",
GROUP_JOIN = "Group_Join",
GROUP_KICK = "Group_Kick",
GROUP_LEAVE = "Group_Leave",
GROUP_PROMOTE = "Group_Promote",
GUILD_HERALDRY_APPLIED = "Guild_Heraldry_Applied",
GUILD_HERALDRY_CATEGORY_SELECTED = "Guild_Heraldry_CategorySelected",
GUILD_HERALDRY_STYLE_SELECTED = "Guild_Heraldry_StyleSelected",
GUILD_HERALDRY_SUBCATEGORY_SELECTED = "Guild_Heraldry_SubCategorySelected",
GUILD_HERALDRY_UNDO_CHANGES = "Guild_Heraldry_UndoChanges",
GUILD_HISTORY_BLADE_SELECTED = "GuildHistory_Blade_Selected",
GUILD_HISTORY_ENTRY_SELECTED = "GuildHistory_Entry_Selected",
GUILD_KEEP_CLAIMED = "Guild_Keep_Claimed",
GUILD_KEEP_LOST = "Guild_Keep_Lost",
GUILD_KEEP_RELEASED = "Guild_Keep_Released",
GUILD_RANK_CREATED = "GuildRank_Created",
GUILD_RANK_DELETED = "GuildRank_Deleted",
GUILD_RANK_LOGO_SELECTED = "GuildRankLogo_Selected",
GUILD_RANK_REORDERED = "GuildRank_Reordered",
GUILD_RANK_SAVED = "GuildRank_Saved",
GUILD_RANK_SELECTED = "GuildRank_Selected",
GUILD_ROSTER_ADDED = "GuildRoster_Added",
GUILD_ROSTER_DEMOTE = "GuildRoster_Demote",
GUILD_ROSTER_PROMOTE = "GuildRoster_Promote",
GUILD_ROSTER_REMOVED = "GuildRoster_Removed",
GUILD_SELF_JOINED = "Guild_Self_Joined",
GUILD_SELF_LEFT = "Guild_Self_Left",
HELP_BLADE_SELECTED = "Help_BladeSelected",
HELP_ITEM_SELECTED = "Help_ItemSelected",
HOR_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED = "Horizontal_List_Item_Selected",
IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_GAINED_ALDMERI = "Imperial_City_Access_Gained_Aldmeri",
IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_GAINED_DAGGERFALL = "Imperial_City_Access_Gained_Daggerfall",
IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_GAINED_EBONHEART = "Imperial_City_Access_Gained_Ebonheart",
IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_LOST_ALDMERI = "Imperial_City_Access_Lost_Aldmeri",
IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_LOST_DAGGERFALL = "Imperial_City_Access_Lost_Daggerfall",
IMPERIAL_CITY_ACCESS_LOST_EBONHEART = "Imperial_City_Access_Lost_Ebonheart",
INVENTORY_DESTROY_JUNK = "Inventory_DestroyJunk",
INVENTORY_ITEM_APPLY_CHARGE = "InventoryItem_ApplyCharge",
INVENTORY_ITEM_APPLY_ENCHANT = "InventoryItem_ApplyEnchant",
INVENTORY_ITEM_JUNKED = "InventoryItem_MarkAsJunk",
INVENTORY_ITEM_REPAIR = "InventoryItem_Repair",
INVENTORY_ITEM_UNJUNKED = "InventoryItem_NotJunk",
ITEM_MONEY_CHANGED = "Money_Transact",
ITEM_ON_COOLDOWN = "Item_On_Cooldown",
JOURNAL_PROGRESS_CATEGORY_SELECTED = "Journal_Progress_CategorySelected",
JOURNAL_PROGRESS_SUB_CATEGORY_SELECTED = "Journal_Progress_SubCategorySelected",
JUSTICE_GOLD_REMOVED = "Justice_GoldRemoved",
JUSTICE_ITEM_REMOVED = "Justice_ItemRemoved",
JUSTICE_PICKPOCKET_BONUS = "Justice_PickpocketBonus",
JUSTICE_PICKPOCKET_FAILED = "Justice_PickpocketFailed",
JUSTICE_STATE_CHANGED = "Justice_StateChanged",
KEYBIND_BUTTON_DISABLED = "Keybind_Button_Disabled",
LEADERBOARD_CATEGORY_SELECTED = "Leaderboard_CategorySelected",
LEADERBOARD_SUBCATEGORY_SELECTED = "Leaderboard_SubCategorySelected",
LEVEL_UP = "LevelUp",
LFG_SEARCH_FINISHED = "LFG_Search_Finished",
LFG_SEARCH_STARTED = "LFG_Search_Started",
LOCKPICKING_BREAK = "Lockpicking_lockpick_broke",
LOCKPICKING_CHAMBER_LOCKED = "Lockpicking_chamber_locked",
LOCKPICKING_CHAMBER_RESET = "Lockpicking_chamber_reset",
LOCKPICKING_CHAMBER_START = "Lockpicking_chamber_start",
LOCKPICKING_CHAMBER_STRESS = "Lockpicking_chamber_stress",
LOCKPICKING_CONTACT = "Lockpicking_lockpick_contact",
LOCKPICKING_FAILED = "Lockpicking_failed",
LOCKPICKING_FORCE = "Lockpicking_force",
LOCKPICKING_NO_LOCKPICKS = "No_lockpicks_or_impossible",
LOCKPICKING_START = "Lockpicking_start",
LOCKPICKING_UNLOCKED = "Lockpicking_unlocked",
LORE_BLADE_SELECTED = "Lore_BladeSelected",
LORE_ITEM_SELECTED = "Lore_ItemSelected",
MAIL_ACCEPT_COD = "Mail_AcceptCod",
MAIL_ITEM_DELETED = "Mail_ItemDeleted",
MAIL_ITEM_SELECTED = "Mail_ItemSelected",
MAIL_SENT = "Mail_Sent",
MAP_LOCATION_CLICKED = "Map_Location_Clicked",
MAP_PING = "Map_Ping",
MAP_PING_REMOVE = "Map_Ping_Remove",
MAP_ZOOM_IN = "Map_Zoom_In",
MAP_ZOOM_LEVEL_CLICKED = "Map_Zoom_Level_Clicked",
MAP_ZOOM_OUT = "Map_Zoom_Out",
MARA_INVITE_RECEIVED = "Mara_InviteReceived",
MARKET_CATEGORY_SELECTED = "Market_CategorySelected",
MARKET_CROWNS_SPENT = "Market_CrownsSpent",
MARKET_PREVIEW_SELECTED = "Market_PreviewSelected",
MARKET_PURCHASE_SELECTED = "Market_PurchaseSelected",
MARKET_SUB_CATEGORY_SELECTED = "Market_SubCategorySelected",
MEDAL_AWARDED = "MedalAwarded",
MENU_BAR_CLICK = "Click_MenuBar",
MENU_HEADER_SELECTION = "Menu_Header_Selection",
MENU_SUBCATEGORY_SELECTION = "Menu_Subcategory_Selection",
MESSAGE_BROADCAST = "System_Broadcast",
NEGATIVE_CLICK = "Click_Negative",
NEW_MAIL = "New_Mail",
NEW_NOTIFICATION = "New_Notification",
NO_INTERACT_TARGET = "No_Interact_Target",
NONE = "No_Sound",
NOTE_CLOSE = "Note_Close",
NOTE_OPEN = "Note_Open",
NOTE_PAGE_TURN = "Note_PageTurn",
OBJECTIVE_ACCEPTED = "Objective_Accept",
OBJECTIVE_COMPLETED = "Objective_Complete",
OBJECTIVE_DISCOVERED = "Objective_Discovered",
OVERLAND_BOSS_KILL = "Overland_Boss_Kill",
PLAYER_MENU_ENTRY_DISABLED = "PlayerMenu_EntryDisabled",
POSITIVE_CLICK = "Click_Positive",
PROVISIONING_BLADE_SELECTED = "Provisioning_BladeSelected",
PROVISIONING_CLOSED = "Provisioning_Closed",
PROVISIONING_ENTRY_SELECTED = "Provisioning_EntrySelected",
PROVISIONING_OPENED = "Provisioning_Opened",
QUEST_ABANDONED = "Quest_Abandon",
QUEST_ACCEPTED = "Quest_Accept",
QUEST_BLADE_SELECTED = "Quest_Blade_Selected",
QUEST_COMPLETED = "Quest_Complete",
QUEST_FOCUSED = "Quest_Focused",
QUEST_OBJECTIVE_COMPLETE = "Quest_ObjectivesComplete",
QUEST_OBJECTIVE_INCREMENT = "Quest_ObjectivesIncrement",
QUEST_OBJECTIVE_STARTED = "Quest_ObjectivesStarted",
QUEST_SELECTED = "Quest_Selected",
QUEST_SHARE_ACCEPTED = "QuestShare_Accepted",
QUEST_SHARE_DECLINED = "QuestShare_Declined",
QUEST_SHARE_SENT = "Quest_Share_Sent",
QUEST_SHARED = "Quest_Shared",
QUEST_STEP_FAILED = "Quest_StepFailed",
QUICKSLOT_CLEAR = "Quickslot_Clear",
QUICKSLOT_CLOSE = "Quickslot_Close",
QUICKSLOT_MOUSEOVER = "Quickslot_Mouseover",
QUICKSLOT_OPEN = "Quickslot_Open",
QUICKSLOT_SET = "Quickslot_Set",
QUICKSLOT_USE_EMPTY = "Quickslot_Use_Empty",
RADIAL_MENU_CLOSE = "Radial_Menu_Close",
RADIAL_MENU_MOUSEOVER = "Radial_Menu_Mouseover",
RADIAL_MENU_OPEN = "Radial_Menu_Open",
RADIAL_MENU_SELECTION = "Radial_Menu_Selection",
RAID_LIFE_DISPLAY_CHANGED = "Raid_Life_Display_Changed",
RAID_LIFE_DISPLAY_SHOWN = "Raid_Life_Display_Shown",
RAID_TRIAL_COMPLETED = "Raid_Trial_Completed",
RAID_TRIAL_FAILED = "Raid_Trial_Failed",
RAID_TRIAL_NEW_BEST = "Raid_Trial_New_Best",
RAID_TRIAL_SCORE_ADDED_HIGH = "Raid_Trial_Score_Added_High",
RAID_TRIAL_SCORE_ADDED_LOW = "Raid_Trial_Score_Added_Low",
RAID_TRIAL_SCORE_ADDED_NORMAL = "Raid_Trial_Score_Added_Normal",
RAID_TRIAL_SCORE_ADDED_VERY_HIGH = "Raid_Trial_Score_Added_Very_High",
RAID_TRIAL_SCORE_ADDED_VERY_LOW = "Raid_Trial_Score_Added_Very_Low",
RAID_TRIAL_STARTED = "Raid_Trial_Started",
RANK_UP = "RankUp",
RECIPE_LEARNED = "Recipe_Learned",
SCRIPTED_EVENT_COMPLETION = "ScriptedEvent_Completion",
SCROLL_DOWN = "Scroll_Down",
SCROLL_END = "Scroll_Down",
SCROLL_UP = "Scroll_Up",
SKILL_GAINED = "Skill_Gained",
SKILL_LINE_ADDED = "SkillLine_Added",
SKILL_LINE_LEVELED_UP = "SkillLine_Leveled",
SKILL_LINE_SELECT = "SkillLine_Select",
SKILL_TYPE_ARMOR = "SkillType_Armor",
SKILL_TYPE_AVA = "SkillType_AvA",
SKILL_TYPE_CLASS = "SkillType_Class",
SKILL_TYPE_GUILD = "SkillType_Guild",
SKILL_TYPE_RACIAL = "SkillType_Racial",
SKILL_TYPE_TRADESKILL = "SkillType_Tradeskill",
SKILL_TYPE_WEAPON = "SkillType_Weapon",
SKILL_TYPE_WORLD = "SkillType_World",
SKILL_XP_BOSS_KILLED = "SkillXP_BossKilled",
SKYSHARD_GAINED = "Skyshard_Gained",
SMITHING_CLOSED = "Smithing_Closed",
SMITHING_FINISH_RESEARCH = "Smithing_Finish_Research",
SMITHING_ITEM_TO_EXTRACT_PLACED = "Smithing_Item_To_Extract_Placed",
SMITHING_ITEM_TO_EXTRACT_REMOVED = "Smithing_Item_To_Extract_Removed",
SMITHING_ITEM_TO_IMPROVE_PLACED = "Smithing_Item_To_Improve_Placed",
SMITHING_ITEM_TO_IMPROVE_REMOVED = "Smithing_Item_To_Improve_Removed",
SMITHING_OPENED = "Smithing_Opened",
SMITHING_START_RESEARCH = "Smithing_Start_Research",
SPINNER_DOWN = "Spinner_Down",
SPINNER_UP = "Spinner_Up",
STABLE_BUY_MOUNT = "Stable_BuyMount",
STABLE_FEED_CARRY = "Stable_FeedCarry",
STABLE_FEED_SPEED = "Stable_FeedSpeed",
STABLE_FEED_STAMINA = "Stable_FeedStamina",
STATS_PURCHASE = "Stats_Purchase",
STEALTH_DETECTED = "Stealth_Detected",
STEALTH_HIDDEN = "Stealth_Hidden",
TABLET_CLOSE = "Tablet_Close",
TABLET_OPEN = "Tablet_Open",
TABLET_PAGE_TURN = "Tablet_PageTurn",
TARGET_DESELECTED = "Target_Deselect",
TARGET_SELECTED = "Target_Select",
TELVAR_GAINED = "Telvar_Gained",
TELVAR_LOST = "Telvar_Lost",
TELVAR_MULTIPLIERMAX = "Telvar_MultiplierMax",
TELVAR_MULTIPLIERUP = "Telvar_MultiplierUp",
TELVAR_TRANSACT = "Telvar_Transact",
TRADE_INVITE_RECEIVED = "Trade_InviteReceived",
TRADE_PARTICIPANT_READY = "Trade_ParticipantReady",
TRADE_PARTICIPANT_RECONSIDER = "Trade_ParticipantReconsider",
TREASURE_MAP_CLOSE = "TreasureMap_Close",
TREASURE_MAP_OPEN = "TreasureMap_Open",
TUTORIAL_INFO_SHOWN = "Tutorial_Info_Show",
TUTORIAL_SHOWN = "Tutorial_Window_Show",
UAV_DAMAGE_SHIELD_ADDED = "Damage_Shield_Effect_Added",
UAV_DAMAGE_SHIELD_ADDED_TARGET = "Damage_Shield_Effect_Added_Target",
UAV_DAMAGE_SHIELD_LOST = "Damage_Shield_Effect_Lost",
UAV_DAMAGE_SHIELD_LOST_TARGET = "Damage_Shield_Effect_Lost_Target",
UAV_DECREASED_ARMOR_ADDED = "Decreased_Armor_Effect_Added",
UAV_DECREASED_ARMOR_ADDED_TARGET = "Decreased_Armor_Effect_Added_Target",
UAV_DECREASED_ARMOR_LOST = "Decreased_Armor_Effect_Lost",
UAV_DECREASED_ARMOR_LOST_TARGET = "Decreased_Armor_Effect_Lost_Target",
UAV_DECREASED_HEALTH_REGEN_ADDED = "Decreased_Health_Regen_Effect_Added",
UAV_DECREASED_HEALTH_REGEN_ADDED_TARGET = "Decreased_Health_Regen_Effect_Added_Target",
UAV_DECREASED_HEALTH_REGEN_LOST = "Decreased_Health_Regen_Effect_Lost",
UAV_DECREASED_HEALTH_REGEN_LOST_TARGET = "Decreased_Health_Regen_Effect_Lost_Target",
UAV_DECREASED_MAGICKA_REGEN_ADDED = "Decreased_Magicka_Regen_Effect_Added",
UAV_DECREASED_MAGICKA_REGEN_ADDED_TARGET = "Decreased_Magicka_Regen_Effect_Added_Target",
UAV_DECREASED_MAGICKA_REGEN_LOST = "Decreased_Magicka_Regen_Effect_Lost",
UAV_DECREASED_MAGICKA_REGEN_LOST_TARGET = "Decreased_Magicka_Regen_Effect_Lost_Target",
UAV_DECREASED_POWER_ADDED = "Decreased_Power_Effect_Added",
UAV_DECREASED_POWER_ADDED_TARGET = "Decreased_Power_Effect_Added_Target",
UAV_DECREASED_POWER_LOST = "Decreased_Power_Effect_Lost",
UAV_DECREASED_POWER_LOST_TARGET = "Decreased_Power_Effect_Lost_Target",
UAV_DECREASED_STAMINA_REGEN_ADDED = "Decreased_Stamina_Regen_Effect_Added",
UAV_DECREASED_STAMINA_REGEN_ADDED_TARGET = "Decreased_Stamina_Regen_Effect_Added_Target",
UAV_DECREASED_STAMINA_REGEN_LOST = "Decreased_Stamina_Regen_Effect_Lost",
UAV_DECREASED_STAMINA_REGEN_LOST_TARGET = "Decreased_Stamina_Regen_Effect_Lost_Target",
UAV_IMMUNITY_ADDED = "Immunity_Effect_Added",
UAV_IMMUNITY_ADDED_TARGET = "Immunity_Effect_Added_Target",
UAV_IMMUNITY_LOST = "Immunity_Effect_Lost",
UAV_IMMUNITY_LOST_TARGET = "Immunity_Effect_Lost_Target",
UAV_INCREASED_ARMOR_ADDED = "Increased_Armor_Effect_Added",
UAV_INCREASED_ARMOR_ADDED_TARGET = "Increased_Armor_Effect_Added_Target",
UAV_INCREASED_ARMOR_LOST = "Increased_Armor_Effect_Lost",
UAV_INCREASED_ARMOR_LOST_TARGET = "Increased_Armor_Effect_Lost_Target",
UAV_INCREASED_HEALTH_REGEN_ADDED = "Increased_Health_Regen_Effect_Added",
UAV_INCREASED_HEALTH_REGEN_ADDED_TARGET = "Increased_Health_Regen_Effect_Added_Target",
UAV_INCREASED_HEALTH_REGEN_LOST = "Increased_Health_Regen_Effect_Lost",
UAV_INCREASED_HEALTH_REGEN_LOST_TARGET = "Increased_Health_Regen_Effect_Lost_Target",
UAV_INCREASED_MAGICKA_REGEN_ADDED = "Increased_Magicka_Regen_Effect_Added",
UAV_INCREASED_MAGICKA_REGEN_ADDED_TARGET = "Increased_Magicka_Regen_Effect_Added_Target",
UAV_INCREASED_MAGICKA_REGEN_LOST = "Increased_Magicka_Regen_Effect_Lost",
UAV_INCREASED_MAGICKA_REGEN_LOST_TARGET = "Increased_Magicka_Regen_Effect_Lost_Target",
UAV_INCREASED_POWER_ADDED = "Increased_Power_Effect_Added",
UAV_INCREASED_POWER_ADDED_TARGET = "Increased_Power_Effect_Added_Target",
UAV_INCREASED_POWER_LOST = "Increased_Power_Effect_Lost",
UAV_INCREASED_POWER_LOST_TARGET = "Increased_Power_Effect_Lost_Target",
UAV_INCREASED_STAMINA_REGEN_ADDED = "Increased_Stamina_Regen_Effect_Added",
UAV_INCREASED_STAMINA_REGEN_ADDED_TARGET = "Increased_Stamina_Regen_Effect_Added_Target",
UAV_INCREASED_STAMINA_REGEN_LOST = "Increased_Stamina_Regen_Effect_Lost",
UAV_INCREASED_STAMINA_REGEN_LOST_TARGET = "Increased_Stamina_Regen_Effect_Lost_Target",
UAV_MAX_HEALTH_DECREASED = "Max_Health_Decreased",
UAV_MAX_HEALTH_DECREASED_TARGET = "Max_Health_Decreased_Target",
UAV_MAX_HEALTH_INCREASED = "Max_Health_Increased",
UAV_MAX_HEALTH_INCREASED_TARGET = "Max_Health_Increased_Target",
UAV_MAX_HEALTH_NORMAL = "Max_Health_Normal",
UAV_MAX_HEALTH_NORMAL_TARGET = "Max_Health_Normal_Target",
UAV_MAX_MAGICKA_DECREASED = "Max_Magicka_Decreased",
UAV_MAX_MAGICKA_DECREASED_TARGET = "Max_Magicka_Decreased_Target",
UAV_MAX_MAGICKA_INCREASED = "Max_Magicka_Increased",
UAV_MAX_MAGICKA_INCREASED_TARGET = "Max_Magicka_Increased_Target",
UAV_MAX_MAGICKA_NORMAL = "Max_Magicka_Normal",
UAV_MAX_MAGICKA_NORMAL_TARGET = "Max_Magicka_Normal_Target",
UAV_MAX_STAMINA_DECREASED = "Max_Stamina_Decreased",
UAV_MAX_STAMINA_DECREASED_TARGET = "Max_Stamina_Decreased_Target",
UAV_MAX_STAMINA_INCREASED = "Max_Stamina_Increased",
UAV_MAX_STAMINA_INCREASED_TARGET = "Max_Stamina_Increased_Target",
UAV_MAX_STAMINA_NORMAL = "Max_Stamina_Normal",
UAV_MAX_STAMINA_NORMAL_TARGET = "Max_Stamina_Normal_Target",
UAV_POSSESSION_APPLIED = "Possession_Effect_Applied",
UAV_POSSESSION_APPLIED_TARGET = "Possession_Effect_Applied_Target",
UAV_POSSESSION_REMOVED = "Possession_Effect_Removed",
UAV_POSSESSION_REMOVED_TARGET = "Possession_Effect_Removed_Target",
VETERAN_RANK_UP = "VeteranRankUp",
VOICE_CHAT_ALERT_CHANNEL_MADE_ACTIVE = "Voice_Chat_Alert_Channel_Made_Active",
VOICE_CHAT_MENU_CHANNEL_JOINED = "Voice_Chat_Menu_Channel_Joined",
VOICE_CHAT_MENU_CHANNEL_LEFT = "Voice_Chat_Menu_Channel_Left",
VOICE_CHAT_MENU_CHANNEL_MADE_ACTIVE = "Voice_Chat_Menu_Channel_Made_Active",
VOLUME_DING_ALL = "Volume_Ding_All_Sound",
VOLUME_DING_AMBIENT = "Volume_Ding_Ambient",
VOLUME_DING_MUSIC = "Volume_Ding_Music",
VOLUME_DING_SFX = "Volume_Ding_SFX",
VOLUME_DING_UI = "Volume_Ding_UI",
VOLUME_DING_VO = "Volume_Ding_VO",
WOODWORKER_CREATE_TOOLTIP_GLOW = "Woodworker_Create_Tooltip_Glow",
WOODWORKER_EXTRACT_START_ANIM = "Woodworker_Extract_Start_Anim",
WOODWORKER_EXTRACTED_BOOSTER = "Woodworker_Extracted_Booster",
WOODWORKER_FAILED_EXTRACTION = "Woodworker_Failed_Extraction",
WOODWORKER_IMPROVE_TOOLTIP_GLOW_FAIL = "Woodworker_Improve_Tooltip_Glow_Fail",
WOODWORKER_IMPROVE_TOOLTIP_GLOW_SUCCESS = "Woodworker_Improve_Tooltip_Glow_Success",

Ayantir 08/05/15 12:14 PM has been updated to 2.1

Later usage :
  • Install Dumper addon
  • /gd
  • /reloadui

Copy the constant part into a new file in Notepad++


[" (8 space before [) -> empty

"] -> empty

Use Excel
  • Paste the data
  • Sort by name
  • Copy results back to Notepad++

Search/Replace (Regular Expression) :

(\w+) \= (\w*\.?\w*), -> |-|<div id="\1">\1</div>|\2
(\w+) \= (\"\w*\"), -> |-|<div id="\1">\1</div>|\2
(\w+) \= (-\d*\.?\d*), -> |-|<div id="\1">\1</div>| \2
(\w+) \= (.*), -> |-|<div id="\1">\1</div>|\2


|-|<div -> |-\r\n|<div
</div>| -> </div>\r\n|

Add before the list :

{| class="wikitable"

Add after the list :


Anceane 08/07/15 01:27 AM

Interrogation on addon update to come
First sorry, i know you are all very busy working on this new API, and i followed this thread closely for some addons that i use avidely, but there is some that may be you considere as barely used though i wonder if they will pass the 2.1 :



Pawksickles (with that one i am able to read anything in game even with bad eyes)

Public Dungeon Champions

Thank you for answering :)

Ayantir 08/11/15 10:08 PM

Hey there,

2.1.1 will pop today, it should solve savedvar problem and add some new adjustments to gameplay/etc.
I'll publish code source as usual and recreate Devs guild if we move on EU dump.

Many thanks to Atropos, Randactyl, votan73 and sirinsidiator who joined, I hope everyone appreciated this little initiative. Fell free to ask an invite (@Ayantir) if you tend to debug/play on pts next week ;)

Randactyl 08/12/15 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by Ayantir (Post 22632)
Hey there,

2.1.1 will pop today, it should solve savedvar problem and add some new adjustments to gameplay/etc.
I'll publish code source as usual and recreate Devs guild if we move on EU dump.

Many thanks to Atropos, Randactyl, votan73 and sirinsidiator who joined, I hope everyone appreciated this little initiative. Fell free to ask an invite (@Ayantir) if you tend to debug/play on pts next week ;)

You can go ahead and keep me in Devs after each PTS wipe. Now that saved vars should be fixed I have a few things I can do

Ayantir 08/12/15 05:07 PM

ESOUI Source code 2.1.1

I'll update my parser, try to improve it a bit, in order to update and add more infos.

mra4nii 08/14/15 01:29 PM

Show Motifs is not abandoned. New version will be live in few days after patch is live.
Same for other addons i have/maintain.

Ayantir 08/22/15 10:31 AM

Little bump to warn all users of EVENT_COMBAT_STATE, please, please check your code in order to check if your addons will be 2.1 compliant, this event is now a WAY MORE verbose than before and can be very spammy.

I don't have addons which plays with this but after few tests, all combat addons are impacted. It's mainly performance issues, keep in mind our addons could be laggy if badly coded :rolleyes:

Ayantir 08/25/15 11:35 PM

2.1.3-pts will be released today, it will be last release before 2.1.4-live will hit live servers 31Aug for NA and Sept 1st for EU.

There are still few big addons which could be taken by some motivated people, if you want (guy, f you already got too many addons, let this one to a new dev !)

circonian 08/27/15 09:10 PM

Has anyone posted the source code for the newest PTS release anywhere?

Ayantir 08/27/15 09:15 PM

ESOUI 2.1.3-pts Code Source

circonian 08/27/15 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by Ayantir (Post 23005)

Thanks Ayantir !!!

Ayantir 09/01/15 04:01 AM

2.1.4-Live Source Code

Wandamey 09/01/15 06:38 AM

hi topic!

I've asked Cairenn for being added to Khrill's addons teams. At least Post-It as i rely on it for one of my addons.

but I won't pretend i'll be able to patch them all quickly. I'd start with API bump and UI errors if needed.

QuadroTony 09/01/15 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by Wandamey (Post 23126)
hi topic!

I've asked Cairenn for being added to Khrill's addons teams. At least Post-It as i rely on it for one of my addons.

but I won't pretend i'll be able to patch them all quickly. I'd start with API bump and UI errors if needed.

good, good

SnowmanDK 09/02/15 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by Ayantir (Post 22021)
[*]Map, Coords, Compasses

Not taken, just co-supported, as I am still around but not as much as I used to at the moment ;)

Ayantir 09/04/15 09:41 AM

Warning for all addons with map coordinates :

somes changes :

Craglorn :
You'll need to add ~0.005 to X axis
You'll need to add ~0.005 to Y axis

Alik'r :

See under

Exemples :

Treasure Map Crag I : [17:15] Raidelorn: 28,62×62,07 (craglorn/craglorn_base) : Lost Treasure Addon : {0.2816, 0.6162, [[Craglorn Treasure Map I]]
Treasure Map Crag III : [16:57] Raidelorn: 70,44×55,92 (craglorn/craglorn_base) : Lost Treasure Addon : {0.7004, 0.5541, [[Craglorn Treasure Map III]]
Treasure Map Crag IV : [16:52] Raidelorn: 65,54×67,08 (craglorn/craglorn_base) : Lost Treasure Addon : {0.6505, 0.6662, [[Craglorn Treasure Map IV]]

[17:36] le désert d'Alik'r: 22,23×56,78 (alikr/alikr_base) <--- LIVE position of Santaki's delve in Alik'r
{ 0.178, 0.578, 556, 14, 2 } <-- Skyshard reference

A good map :

A wrong map :

I've checked all map, seems only thoses 2 were modified.

Ayantir 09/04/15 05:25 PM

Little update for Alik'r map problem :

Sounds like the map is simply smaller than before, so all coordinates are now a bit more far from center of map.

@Map authors : Is someone motivated to write a correcting formula ?

I'm too bad in mathematics for that :D

PS: Maybe need to check other maps as lot of people report that "pins" are few meters aways of good position

merlight 09/04/15 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Ayantir (Post 23286)
@Map authors : Is someone motivated to write a correcting formula ?

I'm too bad in mathematics for that :D

Take the left-most and the right-most shard (to minimize error), compute distance in X coordinate (old_dx be their distance in old add-on data, new_dx be their current distance).
scale_x = new_dx / old_dx
offset_x = new_x - old_x * scale_x

Similarly for Y.

function translate_old_coords(x, y)
return x * scale_x + offset_x, y * scale_y + offset_y

Or better update the data with translated values, it would get really messy when coords change again.

merlight 09/04/15 06:52 PM

One suggestion that might be a pain to implement at first, but could pay off if coordinates change often. Pick two fixed points on each map, preferably not too close to each other, but also close enough to the "entry point" so that the player discovers them early. Once discovered, you can compute the correct map scale and offset from those two points' coordinates (actual versus those stored in the add-on), and adjust all other points accordingly.

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