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Aysling 04/04/14 07:34 AM

Minion Won't Start
1 Attachment(s)
I see a lot of people having issues with loading screens and such, but I can't get past the splash screen! It just freezes.

Your minion#.log (located in your Documents folder under .minion). - I do not appear to have a .minion folder?
Your minion.xml (located in your Documents folder under .minion).

A screenshot of the problem if applicable.

What operating system are you using Minion with? - Windows 7

Dolby 04/04/14 10:29 AM

Hi Aysling,

Did you install Minion in the default location or did you change it? Does your windows user name have some non-English/ascii/etc characters in it?

Also this might sound like a strange question but what is your default web browser (Minion uses it for network/proxy settings).


Aysling 04/04/14 07:03 PM

I installed it in the default location. My username is all English characters. Chrome.

Aysling 04/08/14 12:09 AM

Any ideas?

Aysling 04/14/14 11:31 AM

I haven't received an update/reply in 10 days.

I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling multiple times, with no success. I tried letting it run overnight to see if it just needed a bit longer to load that first time. I use Curse updater, and I'd really like to use Minion as my main updater for ESO, as all of my addons are on, and only a few are on curse!

Can anyone help, please?

Dolby 04/14/14 11:51 AM

Sorry Aysling,

I'm talking to our java programmer to get ideas on where I should start looking. I'm really not sure where to start with your problem. There is no error and its not even loading the splash screen graphic. I havent had any one else with this problem either to help piece together what could cause this.

I will say that when Minion starts it wants an internet connection. If it can't get one it wont get past the splash screen. Is there any firewall scanner on your system preventing Minion from connecting or possibly even loading? Check the activity logs of your malware/security scanner if you have one installed to see if there is anything Minion related.

I am wondering if there is some missing files in your installation? If you go to the folder Minion is installed in C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Local\Minion\app do you have the following?:

- lib (folder with 22 jar files)
- minion_updater.wsf
- Minion-jfx.jar
- package.cfg

We have also released an update version 2.0.5 at Can you un-install Minion and re-install our latest release?

Aysling 04/15/14 10:26 AM

2 Attachment(s)
The last time I installed (not sure if it's the new version) I did gain a .minion folder! I'll post those files and then check the rest of your suggestions.

Dolby 04/15/14 10:34 AM

Thanks for posting your error log, it is saying Minion is having trouble accessing the internet (specifically over port 443). Either because of a proxy, firewall, over zealous virus scanner or something else. Can you think of anyhting that would prevent Minion from connecting?

Aysling 04/15/14 10:39 AM

Ok, I performed the following steps:

Uninstalled old minion
Removed all addon files
Disabled Curse Client
Registry cleaning
Disabled entire security suite
Downloaded new Minion
Installed Minion using default settings
Ran Minion

I do not appear to have a minion updater file that I can find, and it STILL doesn't work =(

Thank you for the update! As a person who works in the tech industry I can appreciate that it takes time to find a solution, but as a user it was frustrating not knowing what was going on ^^;

Dolby 04/15/14 10:57 AM

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That is strange, wonder what allowed Minion to create the minion.xml and log just that one time.

If you right click your task bar and "start task manager" under processes do you see anything named Minion? Just wondering if its crashing and leaving the process open hiding the real problem. Although if you deleted everything you would have gotten a open file error if Minion was still running.

What do you have for settings under java? Go to your control panel and search for Java, click on the icon, then go to network settings. What is selected (see my attached picture for my settings).

Also Minion uses the "Internet Options" setting under control panel as well. Go to your control panel, search for Internet Options and click it. Under the connections tab are there any VPN settings? If you click on LAN Settings what is the configuration set to? Try unchecking "automatically detect settings", this has helped others although it works fine for me using auto detect.

Vanation 04/16/14 10:27 AM

2 Attachment(s)
I am also getting the same error except the graphic for the splash does load. I have asked ppl in all my guilds to send me a reply if they have the same issue and I have over 200 replys that they do and that minion is unusable. I and it looks like many others have been trying to use minion since early release with no success.

Dolby 04/16/14 10:38 AM

Hi Vanation, thanks for posting your log, did you try anything in my post above?

I am able to produce the same error logs you guys are getting when I disable Minions access to and

What security software is installed on your systems?

Dolby 04/16/14 10:47 AM

One other thing to try would be to run the Minion jar manually.

Go to the directory Minion is installed in, then the app directory, double click on Minion-jfx.jar. If you installed Minion in the default location it is at C:\Users\<your windows username>\AppData\Local\Minion\app\

Please let me know how this works as it will help with diagnosing the issue.

Vanation 04/16/14 11:00 AM

Before I posted I tried all you suggested...even going as far as attempting multiple browsers as a default. Also, there was nothing open in task manager. I tried the new suggestion but again no dice. I will ask guildies to post. Oh and security for me is Norton 360.

Dolby 04/16/14 11:48 AM

Installed Norton 360 on a VM so I could see if this is the issue and Minion loads fine for me but maybe you could confirm some settings?

1. Under Security >> Manage Firewall
2. Click on Program Rules
3. Find Minion select it and press Modify

You should have 2 entries to allow outbound 1 for TCP and UDP and one for just TCP. If not please post a screen shot.

Also under the "Tasks" tab at the top. Click on "Check Security History". Do you see anything related to Minion or Maybe try Launching Minion first, then visit that location.


Dolby 04/16/14 12:04 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Aysling do you have Norton 360 installed too? I found that if I blocked the program Minion I would get the black box like you do.

When Minion is blocked by Norton:

How to unblock:

Vanation 04/16/14 04:38 PM

Well after this talk I figured it out myself (since I work with networks) and I will tell you what you need to do to fix the issue outside of a new version update and what will be needed in future patches to minion.

The problem is formed before the program even hits your firewall for permission. The cause for the issue is a program that monitors the Winsock protocol for windows conflicting with the minion software. These programs usually use a Layered Service Provider (LSP) that can help identify the particular program installed.

To find the LSP:

1. Download autoruns for windows from Microsoft. edit was a better link
2. unzip the
3. run the autoruns.exe file
4. click on the tab that says winsock providers
5. A list should appear. A column showing the publisher should be available.
6. Check with the publishers for updates to resolve the conflict between their software and minion.
7. Some programs may just have to be removed if you wish to run minion in its current form

I sent this out to guildies and so far the programs (that they came back to me with) that can not be updated and work with minion so far are:
pc tools/ spyware doctor
trend micro
panda antivirus
and some versions of Bigfoot Networks/ Killer gaming
(mine was almost the last 1 but my card was new enough that there was a workable update that was compatible with minion)

For a developer solution you will need to change the ports that minion accesses to avoid common heavy use ports that other programs may use. This will avoid those winsock protocol conflicts from appearing.:D

Dolby 04/16/14 07:16 PM

Thanks for your research Vanation, very much appreciated! Our java programmer will go over this.

Aysling 04/17/14 08:32 AM

Ok, I'm never going to attempt to troubleshot my computer on no sleep - "BigFoot Killer Network Manager? My computer came with that. Probably not necessary, I'll just uninstall it..."

You can imaging how that went.

Anyway, that was my issue! Now that I've re-installed my wireless network card Minion seems to be working for me! Thank you both so much =)

Skwor 04/19/14 09:07 AM

Same thing Bigfoot was locking Minion up at start up screen.
I went for weeks trying to get this to work.
I recommend this thread for sticky status!!!!! :banana: :banana: :banana:

Sleepyhead 10/02/14 04:06 PM

I've been periodically trying to get minion to work since ESO launch and it has always crashed after i opened it, but the program would still be lingering when I checked task manager. I moved the file to my default drive and now it works. Please fix this.

Dolby 10/02/14 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by Sleepyhead (Post 12455)
I've been periodically trying to get minion to work since ESO launch and it has always crashed after i opened it, but the program would still be lingering when I checked task manager. I moved the file to my default drive and now it works. Please fix this.

Hi Sleepyhead, thanks for posting. Can you explain a little more about what you mean when you moved the file to your default drive?

Are you saying you installed Minion in the default location and now it works? Could you give me an example of the location where Minion doesnt work for you?

Thanks :)

AlreadyDenied 12/02/15 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by Dolby (Post 4677)
Thanks for your research Vanation, very much appreciated! Our java programmer will go over this.

I fixed my problem. First i have windows 10 home edition. I had to reinstall java 7 because java 8 is buggy with windows 10. second block Avira antivirus from blocking the software. third When i installed minion i also didn't have a folder so i created one. and communicated with other users you had the folder. yes you have to manually configure a folder. then create a auto-run file to help find the files in my documents folder. after that i just went to options in minion reset all configurations try first stuff after install and done. minion now works for me. if you want more info email me at [email protected] i will be gladly to send you info and snapshots. of the steps etc.

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