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Ayantir 04/23/16 01:16 PM

2.4 Update

2.4 update (Dark Brotherhood) is coming today on PTS

Last 2.3 thread :
Last 2.2 thread :
Last 2.1 thread :
Last 1.6 thread :

Placeholders :D

  • Main Axis for Addons

    • Every addon with a call to xXxVeteranXxx() must be reworked
    • Crafting Bag : Stuff management addon should have a look, same bank managers.
    • Poison : Every Alchemy addon must be reworked
    • Maps & Lore : New Zone, New quests -> Datamining
    • Endgame PVE adons -> Sanctum Ophidia Revamp
    • Skill addons (tracking, simulation, etc) : New Skillline (passive).
    • Craft / Items Manager : New sets added, New styles added.

  • New Addons ideas

    • Poisons : Potion Maker, Alchemist, get data and add panels.
    • Auto rechargers : Include poisons
    • Quickslots : Include poisons
    • Debuffs trackers : Include poisons
    • New features based on asassinations activities

  • Code itself

    There's extracts, tools and methods to use reverse engineering and understand the ESOUI original code. A good frontend has been setup by UESP. Devs who starts to build something "big", you should all know this website or get an extract on your computer, to understand, find and see "how it works" :

    The "ESOUI" source code (Core Lua Base Game made by Zenimax) is here :
    ESOUI Source code Updated

  • Patchnotes

    Nice, quite complete, but they don't get the whole stuff. it's a good start. and we can sometimes discuss with ZOS devs about them.
    ESO 2.4.0 API Patch notes

  • Patch Notes TXT

    Here, it's ZOS which provide us the data.


  • Dumps

    To come :

  • Wiki pages

    How-to update Wiki Pages : DONE : DONE : DONE : DONE : TODO

  • Bugs & Unannounced changes

  • Devs guild on PTS

    First here, let's go. @Devs or @ESOUI as you want. Give Guild invites permissions to members


    Want to join ? @Ayantir on PTS or use Gitter

Before 2.4 goes Live, we'll have few things to do :

- Identify Authors who left and Major Addons (with unique features) which REALLY need love. New authors interested to take a project are strongly encouraged to check the list (todo.)


This list is establishhed by me.
I consider top downloads as a priority, then for each addon, I check :
last update, comments activity, author & maintener last login on esoui and kind of update (lib update , bug fix or new features).
Some outdated addons may not be here, that's because : Author mainteners still have some activity. Addon has clearly duplicate features with an active addon. Addon popularity is too low (for my point of view).

Don't forget that if your work is yours while you're here, since you leave eso, it clearly goes to the "eso community", anyone is free to take back your work with or without your permission, especially if you're silent. Some folks ask, others don't, others merge your addons features into theirs.

Please consider writing a licence, some comments (in lua files, website anywhere you want, pm admins) if you're having some special requests about credits.

- List things that you didn't liked on last topic, or just say what you would like to see improved about our discussions. about the topic, the wiki, or other things related to dev chat.

- Other things, feel free to discuss, ask, etc :banana:

If you're an author and don't have plans / motivation to continue your addons, please let us know

Have fun :D

Baertram 04/23/16 01:30 PM

Wow, that was fast... Imo too early.

Ayantir 04/25/16 07:47 AM

I'll twitch tomorrow the features !

PTS is not yet offline, They'll need at least 6hours + 1hour for me to download, so it won't be until 2AM for me.

I'll try to look at almost everything with an author point of view, give some comments about what can be done, what should be reworked.

And 1st topic updated.

Don't forget :

Every addon with a call to xXxVeteranXxx() must be reworked

Randactyl 04/26/16 01:10 AM

Here's all of the new reagent traits:


Beetle Scuttle
 - Lower Spell Resist
 - Increase Armor
 - Protection
 - Vitality

Butterfly Wing
 - Restore Health
 - Lower Spell Crit
 - Sustained Restore Health
 - Vitality

Fleshfly Larva
 - Ravage Stamina
 - Vulnerability
 - Creeping Ravage Health
 - Vitality

Mudcrab Chitin
 - Increase Spell Resist
 - Increase Armor
 - Protection
 - Defile

 - Ravage Health
 - Protection
 - Creeping Ravage Health
 - Defile

Scrib Jelly
 - Ravage Magicka
 - Speed
 - Vulnerability
 - Sustained Restore Health

Spider Egg
 - Reduce Speed
 - Invisible
 - Sustained Restore Health
 - Defile

Torchbug Thorax
 - Lower Armor
 - Lower Weapon Crit
 - Detection
 - Vitality

New trait cancellations:


Vitality / Defile
Sustained Restore Health / Creeping Ravage Health
Protection / Vulnerability

Ayantir 04/26/16 03:49 AM

ESO 2.4.0 API Patch notes


ESOUI Source code Updated -> Updated

Double APIVersion in Metafile : Working

## APIVersion: 100014 100015

Ayantir 04/26/16 05:45 AM : DONE : DONE : DONE

+ Creation of :

l3x0r 04/26/16 06:00 AM

A little bit off-topic, but @Ayantir please never quit playing ESO and developing AddOns, your work for the community is amazing

sirinsidiator 04/26/16 06:29 AM

Yes. We should start a secret project to clone Ayantir so we can spread out the workload between them. :p

Ayantir 04/26/16 09:37 AM

Thanks for the messages,

Unfortunaly it's ZOS job to keep me - as you - here. And for my part this is not really interesting. I'm updating my addons because I find this thing "interesting" to do, but I slowly move my distractions elsewhere. I won't play a lot of DB I think and see how game evolve from a bit further.

Anyway, the POI's of Gold coast :

Lua Code:
  2. {
  3.     [519] =
  4.     {
  5.         [1] =
  6.         {
  7.             ["poiType"] = 15,
  8.             ["normalizedY"] = 0.5586000085,
  9.             ["icon"] = "/esoui/art/icons/poi/",
  10.             ["name"] = "Anvil Wayshrine",
  11.             ["normalizedX"] = 0.3580920100,
  12.         },
  13.         [2] =
  14.         {
  15.             ["poiType"] = 15,
  16.             ["normalizedY"] = 0.4696399868,
  17.             ["icon"] = "/esoui/art/icons/poi/",
  18.             ["name"] = "Kvatch Wayshrine",
  19.             ["normalizedX"] = 0.8134160042,
  20.         },
  21.         [3] =
  22.         {
  23.             ["poiType"] = 15,
  24.             ["normalizedY"] = 0.6603199840,
  25.             ["icon"] = "/esoui/art/icons/poi/",
  26.             ["name"] = "Strid River Wayshrine",
  27.             ["normalizedX"] = 0.7336440086,
  28.         },
  29.         [4] =
  30.         {
  31.             ["poiType"] = 15,
  32.             ["normalizedY"] = 0.4022679925,
  33.             ["icon"] = "/esoui/art/icons/poi/",
  34.             ["name"] = "Gold Coast Wayshrine",
  35.             ["normalizedX"] = 0.5403760076,
  36.         },
  37.         [5] =
  38.         {
  39.             ["poiType"] = 15,
  40.             ["normalizedY"] = 0.4114319980,
  41.             ["icon"] = "/esoui/art/icons/poi/",
  42.             ["name"] = "Kvatch",
  43.             ["normalizedX"] = 0.8227080107,
  44.         },
  45.         [6] =
  46.         {
  47.             ["poiType"] = 15,
  48.             ["normalizedY"] = 0.5238360167,
  49.             ["icon"] = "/esoui/art/icons/poi/",
  50.             ["name"] = "Anvil",
  51.             ["normalizedX"] = 0.4055519998,
  52.         },
  53.         [7] =
  54.         {
  55.             ["poiType"] = 14,
  56.             ["normalizedY"] = 0.4522640109,
  57.             ["icon"] = "/esoui/art/icons/poi/",
  58.             ["name"] = "Hrota Cave",
  59.             ["normalizedX"] = 0.3915199935,
  60.         },
  61.         [8] =
  62.         {
  63.             ["poiType"] = 14,
  64.             ["normalizedY"] = 0.4534400105,
  65.             ["icon"] = "/esoui/art/icons/poi/",
  66.             ["name"] = "Garlas Agea",
  67.             ["normalizedX"] = 0.5793600082,
  68.         },
  69.         [9] =
  70.         {
  71.             ["poiType"] = 15,
  72.             ["normalizedY"] = 0.1794999987,
  73.             ["icon"] = "/esoui/art/icons/poi/",
  74.             ["name"] = "Knightsgrave",
  75.             ["normalizedX"] = 0.2670960128,
  76.         },
  77.         [10] =
  78.         {
  79.             ["poiType"] = 14,
  80.             ["normalizedY"] = 0.5513960123,
  81.             ["icon"] = "/esoui/art/icons/poi/",
  82.             ["name"] = "Tribune's Folly",
  83.             ["normalizedX"] = 0.6445840001,
  84.         },
  85.         [11] =
  86.         {
  87.             ["poiType"] = 15,
  88.             ["normalizedY"] = 0.4636279941,
  89.             ["icon"] = "/esoui/art/icons/poi/",
  90.             ["name"] = "At-Himah Family Estate",
  91.             ["normalizedX"] = 0.7279639840,
  92.         },
  93.         [12] =
  94.         {
  95.             ["poiType"] = 15,
  96.             ["normalizedY"] = 0.3001039922,
  97.             ["icon"] = "/esoui/art/icons/poi/",
  98.             ["name"] = "Beldaburo",
  99.             ["normalizedX"] = 0.2583560050,
  100.         },
  101.         [13] =
  102.         {
  103.             ["poiType"] = 15,
  104.             ["normalizedY"] = 0.6219320297,
  105.             ["icon"] = "/esoui/art/icons/poi/",
  106.             ["name"] = "Enclave of the Hourglass",
  107.             ["normalizedX"] = 0.8176199794,
  108.         },
  109.         [14] =
  110.         {
  111.             ["poiType"] = 15,
  112.             ["normalizedY"] = 0.3802399933,
  113.             ["icon"] = "/esoui/art/icons/poi/",
  114.             ["name"] = "Jarol Estate",
  115.             ["normalizedX"] = 0.2668080032,
  116.         },
  117.         [15] =
  118.         {
  119.             ["poiType"] = 15,
  120.             ["normalizedY"] = 0.6190559864,
  121.             ["icon"] = "/esoui/art/icons/poi/",
  122.             ["name"] = "Anvil Lighthouse",
  123.             ["normalizedX"] = 0.3579959869,
  124.         },
  125.         [16] =
  126.         {
  127.             ["poiType"] = 15,
  128.             ["normalizedY"] = 0.5377159715,
  129.             ["icon"] = "/esoui/art/icons/poi/",
  130.             ["name"] = "Varen's Wall Gatehouse",
  131.             ["normalizedX"] = 0.9079319835,
  132.         },
  133.         [17] =
  134.         {
  135.             ["poiType"] = 15,
  136.             ["normalizedY"] = 0.4221400023,
  137.             ["icon"] = "/esoui/art/icons/poi/",
  138.             ["name"] = "Garlas Malatar",
  139.             ["normalizedX"] = 0.1621800065,
  140.         },
  141.         [18] =
  142.         {
  143.             ["poiType"] = 15,
  144.             ["normalizedY"] = 0.2770760059,
  145.             ["icon"] = "/esoui/art/icons/poi/",
  146.             ["name"] = "Marja's Mill",
  147.             ["normalizedX"] = 0.7536680102,
  148.         },
  149.         [19] =
  150.         {
  151.             ["poiType"] = 15,
  152.             ["normalizedY"] = 0.7203480005,
  153.             ["icon"] = "/esoui/art/icons/poi/",
  154.             ["name"] = "Strid River Artisans Camp",
  155.             ["normalizedX"] = 0.5364279747,
  156.         },
  157.         [20] =
  158.         {
  159.             ["poiType"] = 15,
  160.             ["normalizedY"] = 0.1776919961,
  161.             ["icon"] = "/esoui/art/icons/poi/",
  162.             ["name"] = "Colovian Revolt Forge Yard",
  163.             ["normalizedX"] = 0.3215959966,
  164.         },
  165.         [21] =
  166.         {
  167.             ["poiType"] = 14,
  168.             ["normalizedY"] = 0.3673839867,
  169.             ["icon"] = "/esoui/art/icons/poi/",
  170.             ["name"] = "Kvatch Arena",
  171.             ["normalizedX"] = 0.8604879975,
  172.         },
  173.         [22] =
  174.         {
  175.             ["poiType"] = 15,
  176.             ["normalizedY"] = 0.3214800060,
  177.             ["icon"] = "/esoui/art/icons/poi/",
  178.             ["name"] = "Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary",
  179.             ["normalizedX"] = 0.5315799713,
  180.         },
  181.         ["zoneName"] = "The Gold Coast",
  182.     },
  183. }

Upularity 04/27/16 10:20 AM

Wondering if anyone would be willing to take a look at/taking over Lui? ->

Ayantir 04/29/16 11:34 PM

I don't think i'm doing something bad, but if anyone have an idea, I've random errors on TransferToGuildBank with new crafting bag.. /
I'm maybe to asleep to find my error

merlight 04/30/16 03:58 AM


Originally Posted by Ayantir (Post 26872)
I don't think i'm doing something bad, but if anyone have an idea, I've random errors on TransferToGuildBank with new crafting bag.. /

Perhaps it only works with prime indices. 23173 is prime. 75358 and 813 are not! ;)

sirinsidiator 04/30/16 06:02 AM

Maybe it just wasn't made for direct transfer to the bank? Have you tried moving it to the inventory instead?

Ayantir 04/30/16 06:55 AM

A random error denotes something buggy and even if it wasn't made for that, I would like to avoid rewriting a function which was working well before due to a "random bug" ^^

Wandamey 04/30/16 08:50 AM

disregard. found the issue
thx senpai :)

ZOS_ChipHilseberg 05/02/16 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by Ayantir (Post 26872)
I don't think i'm doing something bad, but if anyone have an idea, I've random errors on TransferToGuildBank with new crafting bag.. /
I'm maybe to asleep to find my error

From the video it looks like you're try to transfer items directly from the craft bag to the bank or guild bank which the backend doesn't support right now. I agree, the error is incorrect, though.

Ayantir 05/12/16 08:22 AM

Resistance formula has a bit changed, so, it should now be :

Lua Code:
  1. local championPointsForStatsCalculation = math.min(playerCPRank, GetChampionPointsPlayerProgressionCap()) / 10
  2. local spellResistPercent = (spellResist-100)/((playerLevel + championPointsForStatsCalculation) * 10
  3. local weaponResistPercent = (weaponResist-100)/((playerLevel + championPointsForStatsCalculation) * 10

Guess why there is no more CP 1-9 ? .. :rolleyes:

Ayantir 05/16/16 09:13 AM


Clock by Tyx won't be updated
+ all Wandamey addons (who left).

If you like some of those addons, feel free to contact Tyx or to make a "reloaded/updated/renammed" version of a Wandamey addon.

I should takeover BloopAway as it was me who requested it. For Clock as long as ZOS don't give an api for inworld clock, i'm not fan.

Ayantir 05/16/16 09:18 AM

Just a word to add that merlight and circonian also left while the TG DLC and they were both a very strong help for our community. some addons are now in charge by another author, but


prasoc 05/16/16 12:43 PM

Many great addon authors have left :( Glad you're still around, Ayantir, and here's to a thriving future of addon development!

Ayantir 05/30/16 09:52 AM

2.4 is tommorrow, live and liveeu should be stopped at 6 am EST / 1 pm GMT to be available ~ 3 pm EST / 9 pm GMT.

I hope your addons are ready to go, mines .. no

fyi, I won't do a 2.5 topic as game is no more fun for me, my last interesting part of game was pvp which is totally broken.

QuadroTony 05/30/16 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by Ayantir (Post 27190)
2.4 is tommorrow, live and liveeu should be stopped at 6 am EST / 1 pm GMT to be available ~ 3 pm EST / 9 pm GMT.

I hope your addons are ready to go, mines .. no

fyi, I won't do a 2.5 topic as game is no more fun for me, my last interesting part of game was pvp which is totally broken.

exploits with cheat engine, yes? so many loud topics on the forum about it

Letho 05/31/16 07:48 AM

OMFG I didn't know ESO uses that type of user input validation. Recently quit The Division for this, as soon as I encounter this personally, ESO will follow. Because this is a part of the game's netcode, recoding and thus fixing this **** should not be possible at reasonable costs. Blizzard must really love the way other gaming companies crap on their userbase and thereby destroy their own games :)

QuadroTony 05/31/16 08:01 AM

yes, ESO has client side trust model
and its terrible

sirinsidiator 05/31/16 08:55 AM

Can we please have an updated ESOUIDocumentation.txt for the live server in case there are changes from the one for PTS?

ZOS_ChipHilseberg 05/31/16 11:29 AM

1 Attachment(s)
New documentation is attached.

sirinsidiator 05/31/16 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by ZOS_ChipHilseberg (Post 27208)
New documentation is attached.

Thanks a lot!

haggen 05/31/16 12:54 PM

Source on GitHub updated as well

Sounomi 06/01/16 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by Letho (Post 27198)
OMFG I didn't know ESO uses that type of user input validation. Recently quit The Division for this, as soon as I encounter this personally, ESO will follow. Because this is a part of the game's netcode, recoding and thus fixing this **** should not be possible at reasonable costs. Blizzard must really love the way other gaming companies crap on their userbase and thereby destroy their own games :)

Hate to break it to you, but even WoW uses that sort of model too. Same with their new Overwatch game, going by all of the news of cheating going on there. In fact, any game that doesn't want to lag to death under stress will use that model, which is most MMOs in the past decade or so. If ESO checked every single input from the client, Cyrodiil would be unplayable with even a fraction of the players out there. it takes a lot of resources to pull that off and hence why developers use the trusted client model.

BTW Ayantir, I really do appreciate the amount of work you do for us and I'd hate to see you to give it up too.

Letho 06/01/16 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by Sounomi (Post 27230)
Hate to break it to you, but even WoW uses that sort of model too. Same with their new Overwatch game, going by all of the news of cheating going on there. In fact, any game that doesn't want to lag to death under stress will use that model, which is most MMOs in the past decade or so. If ESO checked every single input from the client, Cyrodiil would be unplayable with even a fraction of the players out there. it takes a lot of resources to pull that off and hence why developers use the trusted client model.

BTW Ayantir, I really do appreciate the amount of work you do for us and I'd hate to see you to give it up too.

WoW uses a combined model, of course they don't validate EVERY input! Character position, targets, etc. are stored client side. Ressources like mana, life, or of type "UNIT_POWER" are stored server side.
In addition to that this problem is further compensated by the use of warden v5. It can be tricked, of course, but at much higher effort than installing a generic cheat program.

QuadroTony 06/01/16 02:09 AM

the thing is ESO need Game masters, to be online and watch for hackers

but afaik gamemasters dissapear from game long ago

Ayantir 06/01/16 02:15 AM

the best gamemaster is not online, he does scripts to detect cheaters. But I admit that have an ingame experience is a plus in order to understand your "ennemies".

sirinsidiator 06/01/16 04:57 PM

There seems to be a bug with EVENT_QUEST_COMPLETE where it would fire twice when handing in a quest and the second time it passes wrong values (e.g. Champion Points = 16) which causes the bar to count up until it reaches my actual champion point count. For my 501+ CP this takes quite a while and it seems to prevent any further center screen messages from showing up until then.
I included a simple fix in the new version of Medic.

Ayantir 06/02/16 10:21 PM

I created because it has changed.

Ayantir 06/15/16 09:54 PM

Next DLC will pop in August, next PTS should pop between 25 july and 08 august.
I won't do a 2.5 topic

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