-   Minion (
-   -   Minion won't start (

iKhriz 10/22/18 07:43 PM

Minion won't start
My minion won't start.
It's installing to the appdata/local/minion folder by default.
.minion doesn't exist in my %userprofile%, so there's no log or xml file.
I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, installing the 32bit version, starting it as an admin and allowing the minion.exe in Windows Defender, still nothing.
All it does is momentarily show the blue loading circle and then nothing. It doesn't show up in my task manager at all, or in the system tray.
I'm running Windows 10, fully updated.

Plz send help.

Baertram 10/24/18 02:32 AM

Sounds like the java engine is not able to do anything at all.
Maybe check if any java update is available for your system.

Is your windows username containing non-latin characters? Minion is not working with this! Please install it elsewhere and/pr change your windows username to only use latin characters.

Enemy9991 12/08/18 12:19 PM

Same problem here, minion wont start under any circumstances... downloaded both versions, changed my user name, changed the installation folder, updated java and way more... Win 7. Any solutions? :D otherwise my fate is to update 20+ addons manually

marlonbrando 12/15/18 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by Enemy9991 (Post 36604)
Same problem here, minion wont start under any circumstances... downloaded both versions, changed my user name, changed the installation folder, updated java and way more... Win 7. Any solutions? :D otherwise my fate is to update 20+ addons manually

Is the symptom that you click on Minion and nothing seems to happen? If so, is there an icon on your
bottom bar? If there is then I've found that selecting that icon, hitting <alt><space>, selecting
"move" from the menu, hitting the right arrow a few times and then moving the mouse brings the window,
on screen from the left.

I don't know if this is just something unique to my installation but I wanted to mention it regardless.

Enemy9991 12/22/18 04:44 AM


Originally Posted by marlonbrando (Post 36644)
Is the symptom that you click on Minion and nothing seems to happen? If so, is there an icon on your
bottom bar? If there is then I've found that selecting that icon, hitting <alt><space>, selecting
"move" from the menu, hitting the right arrow a few times and then moving the mouse brings the window,
on screen from the left.

I don't know if this is just something unique to my installation but I wanted to mention it regardless.

Nope, no icon anywhere... the only thing you can do is to kill minion through the task manager and that doesnt fix the problem. The process itself uses 0 % of RAM, HDD etc... it seems like something is blocking it or I dunno, but my antivirus seems to be okey with minion and all of my other software dont have such possibilities. There is also a problem with "sound mixer" but I cant fix it as it appears again and again after recommended repair, can it be the problem? I found out that it only shows the error message so I dont really know if it can block minion.

EDIT: Yes, the symptom is that after the execution nothing happens =P

Baertram 12/22/18 10:28 AM

Send us your Minion.log file then.
Or check it yourself. In there you can see "how far" Minion gets. Normally, as you do not see anything, an antivirus or a firewall is blocking the contact to the Minion server. Or you are using a proxy server which is not defined properly.

RossT 01/16/19 08:33 AM

This worked for me

Originally Posted by marlonbrando (Post 36644)
Is the symptom that you click on Minion and nothing seems to happen? If so, is there an icon on your
bottom bar? If there is then I've found that selecting that icon, hitting <alt><space>, selecting
"move" from the menu, hitting the right arrow a few times and then moving the mouse brings the window,
on screen from the left.

I don't know if this is just something unique to my installation but I wanted to mention it regardless.

Thanks, that worked! :cool:

CatOfTheCanals 02/04/19 03:38 PM

I'm having a similar issue. Although I do get a log file. The xml file is missing though. And the only lines in the log are.


INFO  2019-02-04 21:27:57,942 [JavaFX Application Thread] gg.minion.Minion:start(43): Attempting to start Minion...
I did everything found in the other forums, updated java etc. Stumped

Baertram 02/05/19 04:05 AM

If Minion is not starting:

-Use the 32bit version on a 64bit OS
-Start it as administartor
-Your windows username should not contain non-latin characters
-Allow Minion in your antivirus so it is able to write to the c:\users\windows user name\appData folders

Enemy9991 02/06/19 01:48 PM

Well, although I couldnt find the log file, I am almost sure It ll be same as CatOfTheCanals' log is. It is allowed in my antivirus, I have 32bit version installed, my win username doesnt contain any special or non-latin characters, I am starting it as an administrator, my Java is updated and still It doesnt work. Cant do much more to make it launch... I guess the Minion itself is badly made and It should run on any PC without some hardcore computer knowledge, as it is only updating addons...

Baertram 02/07/19 12:41 PM

Well, simply wrong guess :-)
Software is not always compatible as the devs do not know your rig, your isp, your anti-virus and other installed applications. Maybe it's a virus or malware on your pc. Maybe it's a Java bug occurring with your hardware. There are 1000060580 things to consider which devs are not able to check or prevent. But you cannot blame the software then, to be fair.

Did you search for Minion.log in c:/users/windows user name/app data subfolder .minion? You need to enable to show system dirs in your folder settings (win explorer) but the windows search should find it as well. If there is no Minion.log file then Minion got no write access to your hard drive as it seems, which could have several reasons again.

Enemy9991 03/08/19 12:33 PM

I know how many problems a program can make and how hard it is to make it work, although ain't the first priority of any programmer to make his program work on every computer? Of course, I am not blaming them for my problems with minion, but I really want to live in a world where if I ask for an assistence I get a reply from anyone who is responsible for their product in any form that'll eventually help me... considering you are the only good soul helping us here the devs don't even care for us, thus they are probably tired of programming / too lazy to make it work for everyone. Although what I want collides with what they want and it may seem too banal, but of course I am not a hypocrite and if I would be a dev, I would never allow anyone to think that my program is useless (By repairing / improving it), yet now I currently cannot say anything else as the program doesnt even run on my PC :-)

Although thanks for your support, I suppose this thread is closed... I gave up a long time ago.

Baertram 03/09/19 10:26 AM

Well, your idea why they are not responding here is not the reason. The only reason is: real life and time.
You always must keep in mind that the software here, either addons or other piece of code, is not sold and thus the support is done whenever the time fits.

Lucifer66 04/29/19 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by Baertram (Post 37024)
If Minion is not starting:

-Use the 32bit version on a 64bit OS
-Start it as administartor
-Your windows username should not contain non-latin characters
-Allow Minion in your antivirus so it is able to write to the c:\users\windows user name\appData folders

Please explain what you mean by "Non-Latin Characters" I don't speak Latin, got no clue how to make Latin characters, not gonna change my windows username to latin anyways so why the hell didn't the guy that made this thing use English, you know the most common language on Earth

Kyoma 04/29/19 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by Lucifer66 (Post 37923)
Please explain what you mean by "Non-Latin Characters" I don't speak Latin, got no clue how to make Latin characters, not gonna change my windows username to latin anyways so why the hell didn't the guy that made this thing use English, you know the most common language on Earth

This is wrong in so many ways I can't even begin to correct it.... :rolleyes:

Lucifer66 04/29/19 01:37 PM

How so? You want me to change my windows user name and you won't explain why? Your program doesn't uninstall when I go to uninstall it either. Sounds more like malware to me so how about an explanation buddy instead of some BS condescending comment?

Or are you just gonna ban me for asking questions about your program? Everyone is having problems getting this thing to work and your fixes are not even making any sense, so excuse me if I sound rude but I'd like to know what is going on here. This comment;

"This is wrong in so many ways I can't even begin to correct it.... "

Is an insult, so yeah, you should explain.

sirinsidiator 04/29/19 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Lucifer66 (Post 37928)
How so? You want me to change my windows user name and you won't explain why? Your program doesn't uninstall when I go to uninstall it either. Sounds more like malware to me so how about an explanation buddy instead of some BS condescending comment?

And your comments are not condescending or BS? You should really start to think before commenting. :rolleyes:

Klingo 04/29/19 01:47 PM

What you are writing with here, these are latin characters.
Examples for non-latin characters are: chinese, cyrillic, or hebrew letters (and many more).

So if your windows user-name consists of e.g. chinese letters, then this could be one reason why Minion is not working.

Lucifer66 04/29/19 01:56 PM

Not condescending, sarcasm, a joke showing how ridiculous it is to make someone change their username to Latin characters. Sorry you didn't get that, I guess it was over your head.

But I'd still like to know why you feel it a necessity to make people change their windows username and why the program won't uninstall itself from my computer unless i do it manually. Having me change my username to unusual characters sound like a way to use another program to gain access to files on my computer. Intalling to muliple directories and not uninstalling is a red flag like it's malware. So if this is not malware then please, explain why this program does all of this.

Anti malware programs like SpyBot and other will classify programs that do not un-install with the windows installer as malware.

Klingo 04/29/19 02:04 PM

Please read my post above that will explain what exactly latin characters are. It seems that there is still a misunderstanding on that topic.

Furthermore, if you are not happy with the restrictions/pre-conditions of a software (such as Minion), then just don't use it. No one is forcing you to download, install or use Minion.

Lucifer66 04/29/19 02:08 PM

OK, well I don't see an option to change to Latin characters anyways, so perhaps if that is necessary then you might need to provide a tutorial. However, I have had no problems with other programs like Nexus Addon Manager needing this done.

Also, Minion did work for me for like a week or so then stopped working. So I'm not entirely sure the whole Latin characters is the problem.

Baertram 04/29/19 04:26 PM

Option to change to latin characters = Rename your username in windows control panel to a name only using latin characters.
If you got a name which does NOT contain ONLY latin chars it will fail. If it worked before you were lucky it did.

Edit, after reading your comments above and getting a bit angry about your nonsense answers about malware or whatever...
If you feel the software provided for free here is not the stuff you'd liek to use: Choose another one.
If you feel ppl ar enot heloing you here: Try to use other words and stop blaming them for their ideas.

Dolby 04/29/19 04:51 PM

Hi Lucifer66,

I believe it's a bug with the java runtime environment we are using or just something we are doing wrong when using the java_home variable in Minion. I would say most people are able to deal with it so it hasn't been given much priority. Hopefully it will be fixed the next time we upgrade the included JRE. As for the timeline on when that will happen, not sure.

Basically we are just saying Minion can't support langues with chinese, cyrillic, hebrew and emjoi at this time.

LaRIC 05/04/19 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Dolby (Post 37941)
Hi Lucifer66,

I believe it's a bug with the java runtime environment we are using or just something we are doing wrong when using the java_home variable in Minion. I would say most people are able to deal with it so it hasn't been given much priority. Hopefully it will be fixed the next time we upgrade the included JRE. As for the timeline on when that will happen, not sure.

Basically we are just saying Minion can't support langues with chinese, cyrillic, hebrew and emjoi at this time.

Wouldn't it be a workaround to install the jar version with an up to date jre?

k1crawford 05/05/19 03:43 AM

I am getting the same issues as described by many here
-Doesn't load
-Shows in Task Manager
-Changing Minion Versions 64bit/32bit,
-Uninstalling Java, Updating java
-Running as Administrator
-Changing program compatibility
and probably a couple of other things i've done but yeah, none of it is working. I think this new update from Java on the 16th April has caused issues. it just stopped working.

this is the only minion logs i could find

INFO 2019-05-05 18:53:06,704 [JavaFX Application Thread] gg.minion.Minion:start(43): Attempting to start Minion...
INFO 2019-05-05 18:54:29,095 [JavaFX Application Thread] gg.minion.Minion:start(43): Attempting to start Minion...
INFO 2019-05-05 18:55:04,586 [JavaFX Application Thread] gg.minion.Minion:start(43): Attempting to start Minion...
INFO 2019-05-05 18:55:25,363 [JavaFX Application Thread] gg.minion.Minion:start(43): Attempting to start Minion...

I don't know if there's some options to choose in the setup of Java's control panel...shouldn't have to anyway but yeah. This program has just suddenly stopped.

k1crawford 05/11/19 03:11 AM

There must be an issue with the latest java update and people using Windows 7?
either way, i have tried all sorts of avenues including making a .bat file as the following

java -jar C:\Users\<Username of the PC>\AppData\Local\Minion\app\Minion-jfx.jar

and even that just hangs trying to launch it.

can we please have an idea as to a possible time frame as to when we may possibly get a fix?
this app is beautiful and not being able to update my 20+ addons by using Minion for the past month has started
to become somewhat........frustrating.

k1crawford 05/20/19 08:12 PM

Any update as to what is going on in regards to this Thread topic? please? :)

Jamz 08/08/19 08:11 PM

Any update
An update would be very nice. Minion wont work for me either nowadays. Was going to check out the updates in ESO, but since Minion wont run its a no go. Its been months, could we please get an update as to whats going on with Minion?

LaRIC 08/09/19 03:18 AM

try to use with a standalone java version. It works perfectly for me then.

Jamz 08/12/19 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by LaRIC (Post 38821)
try to use with a standalone java version. It works perfectly for me then.

Can you elaborate on how to do this? I tried the notepad thing, but it still does the same. Says its running in task manager, but never pops up.

Baertram 08/12/19 07:07 AM

If it's running in the task manager and does not open you might check the Minion.log file with a text editor:
Either there is an addon name in there which is tried to be laoded but it cannot.
Delete your Minion.xml file then and remoev the addon and manually instal lit in your AddOns directory.

Or your antivirus, firewall is blocking the Minion server. Allow Minion to contact the servers by whitelisting it in your antiivirus/firewall.
Run Minion in 32bit mode and with priviledged rights (as administrator).

Sensei_Q 08/18/19 12:13 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I have not been able to run Minion for the last day and a half. Tried the following:

- Uninstall and reinstall Minion 32 bit (not 64), run as administrator
- Allow Minion through antivirus

Periodically I was able to get it to come up, it just would state it had no network connection. Now it is just refusing to come up at all.

These are my log files since the last install. Can anyone help me figure out what resolution I need to pursue?

Attachment 1162

Attachment 1163

Baertram 08/18/19 12:43 PM

Your log says the same with the network:

Ping Status for 200
And then no answer.

If the network is saying you there is no connection you might be using a proxy server.
Check if this is the case and disable it for Monion.
Or maybe you got malware installed which ernabled a proxy without your knowledge. There we users telling us this in the past!
Scan your PC with an anti-malware program like Spybot search and destroy 2, AdwCleaner, trojan remover, ...

Sensei_Q 08/18/19 12:48 PM


I switched my computer to wifi and suddenly, it works. I'm thinking this must be linked to that IP version issue and something must have changed recently with how my modem is handling ethernet connections.

Appreciate the speedy response anyhow.

Baertram 08/18/19 01:34 PM

Glad it works with WIFI at least now. Maybe restart the modem and check if it is only using ipv6 now.
Ther was some Minion post about changing or disallowing ipv6 in the java version used in Minion somwhere in these forums. Maybe this helps at your connection as well. Will try to find the post.

Baertram 08/18/19 02:19 PM

Try this with the eternet cable connection enabled:

Sensei_Q 08/18/19 02:37 PM

For whatever reason, I tested it over ethernet without doing any further troubleshooting and it now works again. Minor mystery that maybe I will look into later - I have that other thread bookmarked in case this comes up again.


Jamz 08/22/19 08:15 PM

Have tried everything listed and then some. Still wont load. The only thing the log says is

INFO 2019-08-23 10:12:36,941 [JavaFX Application Thread] gg.minion.Minion:start(43): Attempting to start Minion...

Baertram 08/23/19 02:51 AM

This error message normally appears if you got one of the following problem:
-Minion is used with 64 bit -> Use 32bit client
-Minion is not started in priviledged mode/admin mode -> Strat it in admin mode
-Your windows username contains non-latin characters (russian, arabic, ...)
-Your windows antivirus or firewall blocks minion's access to the users folder (e.g. c:\users) or network connection -> Whitelist/Allow the minion application

If this all does not help try to close Minion, delete the file Minion.xml and then start Minion in admin mode and try if this helps.

Jamz 08/25/19 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by Baertram (Post 38971)
This error message normally appears if you got one of the following problem:
-Minion is used with 64 bit -> Use 32bit client
-Minion is not started in priviledged mode/admin mode -> Strat it in admin mode
-Your windows username contains non-latin characters (russian, arabic, ...)
-Your windows antivirus or firewall blocks minion's access to the users folder (e.g. c:\users) or network connection -> Whitelist/Allow the minion application

If this all does not help try to close Minion, delete the file Minion.xml and then start Minion in admin mode and try if this helps.

Have tried all the suggested with both 64 and 32 bit versions. Its not blocked by anti virus or firewall. Wont work. Im at a loss of what to try next.

LaRIC 08/26/19 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by Jamz (Post 39005)
Have tried all the suggested with both 64 and 32 bit versions. Its not blocked by anti virus or firewall. Wont work. Im at a loss of what to try next.

Have you tried using the jar version of minion? I cannot use the one wich comes with a packaged java for some reason. Using the jar version works perfectly but you would have to install a recent java to use it. (I think you have to use a 1.8 java)

Baertram 08/26/19 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by LaRIC (Post 39010)
Have you tried using the jar version of minion? I cannot use the one wich comes with a packaged java for some reason. Using the jar version works perfectly but you would have to install a recent java to use it. (I think you have to use a 1.8 java)

Yep, you can download it here (at the bottom -> Java):

Requires (Java JRE: Java 1.8_92+
-> Current version is Java JRE Version 8 Update 221
Run (e.g. in command line, or maybe double click on the Minion-jfx.jar also will work): java -jar Minion-jfx.jar

Jamz 08/29/19 03:03 AM


Originally Posted by Baertram (Post 39016)
Yep, you can download it here (at the bottom -> Java):

Requires (Java JRE: Java 1.8_92+
-> Current version is Java JRE Version 8 Update 221
Run (e.g. in command line, or maybe double click on the Minion-jfx.jar also will work): java -jar Minion-jfx.jar

The java link you sent doesnt work. Says file not there. Are you saying I need the specific Java 1.8_92+ version instead of the JRE Version 8? The version 8 (latest update) is the one I have installed. I searched for Java 1.8_92+ but still cant find anywhere to download if. I downloaded the minion version as suggested, but not exactly sure how to use anyway. Pulling it out of the zip file.

These are all the java versions I can find. https://java_runtime_environment_-jr.../old_versions/

Baertram 08/29/19 03:22 AM

The link is the link to the download page of Minion and Iw rote "at the bottom" to show you where you need to click on teh download link for the JAVA version. There is the header line "java" and a big green download button below it :p

The link to the java download site just got an ) at the end too much. Remove it and you can open it:

The version 1.8_92+ means any version at minium 1.9_92 or higher (+). The version 8 is higher so it should work.

Jamz 08/29/19 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by Baertram (Post 39061)
The link is the link to the download page of Minion and Iw rote "at the bottom" to show you where you need to click on teh download link for the JAVA version. There is the header line "java" and a big green download button below it :p

The link to the java download site just got an ) at the end too much. Remove it and you can open it:

The version 1.8_92+ means any version at minium 1.9_92 or higher (+). The version 8 is higher so it should work.

Please pardon my ignorance regarding Minion and computer stuff:-D

Can you list step by step exactly what to do after downloading the minion file? When I click "Minion-jfx.jar" within the rar folder, it just makes another folder pop up. When I pull it out of the rar folder first and then click it..nothing happens.

Do I need to install it somehow first? Right now I have pulled the "Minion-jfx.jar" file, the "lib" folder, and the other folders and files out of the rar folders and put them in one folder labeled Minion.

Baertram 08/30/19 05:17 AM

No, java jar files are basically a kind of archive liek zip. But they can be executed.

So download the zip file from here first:

Extract all contents (the .jar file and the folder libs) to a directory c:\minion.
Create the folder if it doesn't exists first!

Then open teh command line with admin rights, e.g. press Win key, type "cmd" and you'll see the found command prompt entry. Right click it and say "Run as administrator".

In the command prompt change the directory to the drive and folder where you have extracted the minion jar to with the commands: <return> means you need to press the return key.

c: <return>
cd Minion <return>
Then execute the jar file with the java command:
java -jar Minion-jfx.jar <return>

Normally Minion should run then, using your installed Java JRE (Java runtime environment) version (the command "java" before "-jar Minion-jfx.jar" is executing the java.exe file from your System Environment variables -> They know where the java vesion is installed and uses it) which was mentioned above. Current version is
8 Update 221

Jamz 08/30/19 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by Baertram (Post 39079)
No, java jar files are basically a kind of archive liek zip. But they can be executed.

So download the zip file from here first:

Extract all contents (the .jar file and the folder libs) to a directory c:\minion.
Create the folder if it doesn't exists first!

Then open teh command line with admin rights, e.g. press Win key, type "cmd" and you'll see the found command prompt entry. Right click it and say "Run as administrator".

In the command prompt change the directory to the drive and folder where you have extracted the minion jar to with the commands: <return> means you need to press the return key.

c: <return>
cd Minion <return>
Then execute the jar file with the java command:
java -jar Minion-jfx.jar <return>

Normally Minion should run then, using your installed Java JRE (Java runtime environment) version (the command "java" before "-jar Minion-jfx.jar" is executing the java.exe file from your System Environment variables -> They know where the java vesion is installed and uses it) which was mentioned above. Current version is
8 Update 221

Thank you for typing all that out. Followed instructions and everything went fine up until I ran
"java -jar Minion-jfx.jar". It still won't start.

The log still shows:

"INFO 2019-08-31 09:32:03,765 [JavaFX Application Thread] gg.minion.Minion:start(43): Attempting to start Minion...
INFO 2019-08-31 09:40:41,557 [JavaFX Application Thread] gg.minion.Minion:start(43): Attempting to start Minion..."

I guess Minion just isn't working for a lot of us. 2 of my buddies also can't get it to run doing same steps. Pretty much giving up for now. First time I've ever had so much difficulty getting an application to work. Used to work fine for about 2 years. Very confusing why it suddenly won't run no matter what. Hopefully the creators will fix it.

Thanks again for your help. If you have any other suggestions and leave them here, I will try later.

Baertram 08/30/19 08:13 PM

You just answered the reason yourself.
If it ran before and now it doesn't anymore but the Minion executable was not updated since then, it's most probably a problem with your changed software at your computer :(

You could try to uinstall Java in the control panel and then uninstall Minion and reinstall it.
If this does not work it has to do with some software on your computer. MAybe scan the PC with anti malware, anti trojaner and other antivirus tools toc heck if something is there which shouldn't be.

Tools I know and could recommend are:
Spybot search and destroy 2
Trojan Remover

Jamz 09/01/19 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by Baertram (Post 39081)
You just answered the reason yourself.
If it ran before and now it doesn't anymore but the Minion executable was not updated since then, it's most probably a problem with your changed software at your computer :(

You could try to uinstall Java in the control panel and then uninstall Minion and reinstall it.
If this does not work it has to do with some software on your computer. MAybe scan the PC with anti malware, anti trojaner and other antivirus tools toc heck if something is there which shouldn't be.

Tools I know and could recommend are:
Spybot search and destroy 2
Trojan Remover

I've already done all of that. Minion doesnt work for me, 2 friends, and numerous others I've found online. Hopefully the creators can fix it.

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