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Ak0 04/29/14 02:05 PM

German and French translation needed
Hey there, I'm in need of some strings translated to French. Anyone that would care to help out ? :)
As you see by the last string, I will credit the person that does the translating in my addon menu :)

EDIT: German translation done! Points goes to Ace for effort :), and thank you so much Tonyleila for looking over to get it proper :D


["fr"] = {
        Addon                = "Reticle Tweaks",
        titlePicker = {
                Header        = "Fixed Title Color",
                Body        = "The title is this color when you interact with a container (e.g a empty or unopened chest)"
        alsoRecolorTitle = {
                Header        = "Dynamic Title Color",
                Body        = "Enabling this will recolor the title the same as the interactable and disable the Fixed Title Color."
        interactablePicker = {
                Header        = "Interactable Color",
                Body        = "The text is this color when you interact with something that is interactable (e.g a unopened chest)"
        notInteractablePicker = {
                Header        = "Not Interactable Color",
                Body        = "The text is this color when you interact with something that is not interactable (e.g a empty chest)"
        resetColors = {
                Header        = "Reset Colors",
                Body        = "Resets the colors back to default."
        Warning        = "This will reload the UI.",
        Credits        = "Translated by"

Ace 04/29/14 03:08 PM


["de"] = {
        titlePicker = {
                Header        = "Fixe Titel Farbe",
                Body        = "Der Titel ist in dieser Farbe, wenn ihr mit einem Behälter interagiert (z.B. eine leere oder ungeöffnete Kiste)"
        alsoRecolorTitle = {
                Header        = "Dynamische Titel Farbe",
                Body        = "Diese Option aktiviert die Umfärbung des Titels zu der des interagierbarem Objektes und deaktiviert die Fixe Titel Farbe"
        interactablePicker = {
                Header        = "Interagierbare Farbe",
                Body        = "Der Text hat diese Farbe wenn ihr mit etwas interagierbarem interagiert (z.B. eine ungeöffnete Kiste)"
        notInteractablePicker = {
                Header        = "Nicht interagierbare Farbe",
                Body        = "Der Text hat diese Farbe, wenn ihr mit etwas nicht interagierbarem interagiert (z.B. eine leere Kiste)"
        resetColors = {
                Header        = "Farbreset",
                Body        = "Setzt die Farbe auf die standard Werte zurück."
        Warning        = "Diese Aktion läd der UI neu.",
        Credits        = "Übersetzt von Ace"

Ak0 04/29/14 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Ace (Post 6374)

Thank you so much :D

Biki 04/29/14 03:57 PM

I would write "Titelfarbe" as one word, that's more correct.
It's also "lädt", not "läd" and the article should not be "der", either "die" or "das" (I would recommend "das").

Also "standard Werte" should be "Standardwerte" and in the same sentence use the plural, so not "Farbe" but "Farben". :D

Just my 2 cents.

Tonyleila 04/29/14 06:12 PM

Wait let a German correct this ... just give me some time...

Tonyleila 04/29/14 06:40 PM

Here you go sorry saw this thread too late. And sorry Ace guess German is not your first language :)


["de"] = {
        titlePicker = {
                Header        = "Individuelle Titelfarbe",
                Body        = "Der Titel hat dieser Farbe, wenn ihr mit einem Behälter interagieren könnt. (z.B. eine leere oder ungeöffnete Kiste)"
        alsoRecolorTitle = {
                Header        = "Dynamische Titelfarbe",
                Body        = "Deaktiviert die Individuelle Titel Farbe und färbt sie entsprechend der eingestellten Farben bei 'benutzbaren' und 'nicht benutzbaren' Objekten."
        interactablePicker = {
                Header        = "Benutzbar Farbe",
                Body        = "Der Text hat diese Farbe, wenn ihr etwas öffnen oder looten könnt. (z.B. eine ungeöffnete Kiste)"
        notInteractablePicker = {
                Header        = "Nicht benutzbar Farbe",
                Body        = "Der Text hat diese Farbe, wenn ihr etwas anvisiert, dass nicht benutzbar ist. (z.B. eine leere Kiste)"
        resetColors = {
                Header        = "Farben zurücksetzen",
                Body        = "Setzt die Farben auf die Standardwerte zurück."
        Warning        = "Aktivieren lädt das Interface neu.",
        Credits        = "Übersetzt von Tonyleila"

Cairenn 04/29/14 06:42 PM

Points for effort, though. All assistance is wonderful. :)

Tonyleila 04/29/14 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 6395)
Points for effort, though. All assistance is wonderful. :)

The effort was great of cause! And it was also quite good but its a very difficult text to translate so you can't just take the 1 to 1 translation. Always love to see ppl learn German :)

I use the this great addon too and a German translation is the least i could do to say thank you!

Ak0 04/30/14 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by Tonyleila (Post 6393)
Here you go sorry saw this thread too late. And sorry Ace guess German is not your first language :)

I appreciate it a lot! nice to get it right before releasing it :)

Biki 04/30/14 03:03 AM

Typo in the first sentence "Der Titel hat dieser Farbe," should be "Der Titel hat diese Farbe,", otherwise it's great ;)

Ak0 04/30/14 03:21 AM


Originally Posted by Biki (Post 6439)
Typo in the first sentence "Der Titel hat dieser Farbe," should be "Der Titel hat diese Farbe,", otherwise it's great ;)

Just as I was about to upload..
You have great timing, that's for sure :D

Tonyleila 04/30/14 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by Ak0 (Post 6441)
Just as I was about to upload..
You have great timing, that's for sure :D

Oups I shoud have read what I copyed from Ace just change a word but forgot to correct the other word xD Sorry my fault!

Ak0 04/30/14 03:32 AM


Originally Posted by Tonyleila (Post 6443)
Oups I shoud have read what I copyed from Ace just change a word but forgot to correct the other word xD Sorry my fault!

No worries, I caught it just in time :)

Iyanga 04/30/14 10:53 AM

So, in Cologne "looten" is already a German word? ;)

Tonyleila 04/30/14 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by Iyanga (Post 6488)
So, in Cologne "looten" is already a German word? ;)

I guess yes everyone playing mmos shoud know what it is. You can translate it with "plündern" but that sounds silly :D
I also asked in my german Guild ingame they agree :)

Also: Raiden, aggro, twink, main, kiten, afk, omw, casten, buffen, CC, CD, dispellen, dotten, droppen, reggen, reppen, respawnen, rezzen, sheepen, vanishen, wipen...

Yes there are many "Denglish" words in mmos

Iyanga 04/30/14 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by Tonyleila (Post 6491)
I guess yes everyone playing mmos shoud know what it is. You can translate it with "plündern" but that sounds silly :D

The UI crosshair displays "durchsuchen".


I also asked in my german Guild ingame they agree :)
I suppose I can even find people who say that a German translation is a waste of time and English is fine. :)


Yes there are many "Denglish" words in mmos
True, but it's supposed to be a German translation, not a Denglish translation.

Tonyleila 04/30/14 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by Iyanga (Post 6504)
The UI crosshair displays "durchsuchen".
I suppose I can even find people who say that a German translation is a waste of time and English is fine. :)
True, but it's supposed to be a German translation, not a Denglish translation.

For me the German translation one many addons helps a lot.
Its not a "Denglish" translation we have many english loanwords in our dictionary like "S.hitstorm" "Parkour"...

The UI also displays "Lebe wohl!" (=live long) when you interact with dead questgivers. Not a good point to argue with :D

Read this:

Iyanga 04/30/14 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by Tonyleila (Post 6516)
For me the German translation one many addons helps a lot.
Its not a "Denglish" translation we have many english loanwords in our dictionary like "S.hitstorm" "Parkour"...

The UI also displays "Lebe wohl!" (=live long) when you interact with dead questgivers. Not a good point to argue with :D

Well, it is funny how you don't mind to correct other people but have a problem accepting errors in your translation and try to argue them away. "looten" is not a German word. Simple as that. You can't change facts with arguments.

Tonyleila 04/30/14 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Iyanga (Post 6522)
Well, it is funny how you don't mind to correct other people but have a problem accepting errors in your translation and try to argue them away. "looten" is not a German word. Simple as that. You can't change facts with arguments.

Its a difference if you correct something that dosen't make any sense in the normal language use or something that is an "insider" word. There is even a whole Wikipedia article about how the word originated.

So if you say "looten" is not a german word then "loot" is not a german word too. But how woud you say "Lootsystem"? "Beuteverteilungsystem" noooo please not
You coud say "Beute" for "loot" but it also means "prey" in german so...

This is a Game and not degree dissertation!
Lets stop this discussion here, if you want to translate an addon and make it better then go ahead. There are many that still need translations! Please!

Iyanga 05/01/14 05:02 AM


Originally Posted by Tonyleila (Post 6532)
Its a difference if you correct something that dosen't make any sense in the normal language use or something that is an "insider" word.

"Mundus" is an insider word.
"Leeerooy" is an insider word.
"Mankriks wife" is an insider term.

"Looten" is just the excuse for lazy people who are so used to English words that they consider German words silly.


So if you say "looten" is not a german word then "loot" is not a german word too.
You are right. "Loot" is not a German word either. It obviously is an English word. "F u c k" is an English term also and it doesn't turn into a German word just because 99% of German MMO players will understand it - therefore "F u c k" doesn't belong into a German translation.


This is a Game and not degree dissertation!
Lets stop this discussion here, if you want to translate an addon and make it better then go ahead.
I'm going ahead right now by making this one better :)

But you are right. We can stop the discussion, you have started.

I've said what I had to say. "looten" is wrong, it needs to be "durchsuchen". This is German and it is used by the UI itself for that particular moment where your reticle is over a chest with content, so when using that term people easily recognize what color you are talking about because that term actually appears in the UI.

So, this information is well-known by now, what people do with it is their choice.

End of discussion.

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