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Myrthian 10/11/19 10:22 AM

Addon to signal a dungeon finder group has been found
Queuing in the dungeon finder takes quite a while sometimes, especially if I'm DPS.
As I'm running ESO in windowed fullscreen I'm most of the times not in-game, but I still have to switch back from time to time to see if a group has been found or not.

Desired result from an addon:
  • A clear audible cue that a group has been found, something I can easily distinguish if the game is running in the background with "Plays sound while in background" active
  • As bonus an option to save the current audio values, and dim everything down to only hear the cue

Rhyono 10/11/19 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by Myrthian (Post 39397)
As bonus an option to save the current audio values, and dim everything down to only hear the cue

Do you mean dim all ESO sounds or all computer audio (like youtube)? The former should be possible, the latter definitely wouldn't be.

Myrthian 10/11/19 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by Rhyono (Post 39398)
Do you mean dim all ESO sounds or all computer audio (like youtube)? The former should be possible, the latter definitely wouldn't be.

Just the ESO ones.

As I have ESO running in the background I need to have the sound option active to hear game sounds even when not in the game, but that also means I hear every in-game sound.

The idea is to dim every other sound to just only hear the cue, or something close to it.

NeuroticPixels 10/11/19 02:12 PM

I use Group Synergizer to help with knowing when a queue has "popped".

Unfortunately, it doesn't toggle your game's sound on automatically when the queue pops. You'd have to have the game's sound on.
But... it seems likely that it's something that could be implemented into the addon. I imagine there's some kind of event an addon could look for, and once it happened, it made sure the game's sounds were turned on.

Maybe leave a request for that on the Group Synergizer's comment page? I really like your idea, too.
(Unfortunately, the author hasn't been logged on to ESOUI in over a month. But hey, you never know!)

ZOS_DanBatson 10/17/19 02:40 PM

Going into the next release (not the one that's currently on PTS, but the following major release) on Windows, when you have an LFG ready check prompt (or any time sensitive prompt for that matter) and you're not focused on the window, we'll be flashing the taskbar icon to get your attention.

Baertram 10/17/19 04:18 PM

This is great, thanks!

Kyoma 10/17/19 05:27 PM

Will this also apply to Cyrodiil queues?

sirinsidiator 10/18/19 04:34 AM

And fishing? :P
Jk, but on a more serious note, any chance that addons could trigger this through some api? Would be pretty cool if we could make it flash in all kinds of situations that we didn't think of yet. :D
Some use cases that come to mind are incoming chat whispers, mail, finishing a store scan with TTC, the keep I am at in Cyrodiil coming under attack, finishing gutting 1k fish, champion enlightenment becoming available, etc.
If you could also expose the progress indication that windows offers, it would be even more amazing. Imaging seeing how far along the fish gutting is ^^

Baertram 10/18/19 06:33 AM

Providing an API for addons would be very very nice, indeed.

And custom sounds, please :p

ZOS_DanBatson 10/23/19 09:38 AM

Cyrodiil queues fall under the umbrella of timed prompts, so yes those will flash. :)

Unfortunately addons will not have access to directly control the flashing. We want to keep the number of situations that trigger the flash very tight and specific.

That said, the flash will occur with whispers, timed prompts, getting kicked to character select (e.g.: afk) or login (e.g.: server down/connection), and entering combat (woops, I probably shouldn't idly browse the internet standing next to this World Boss spawn point @.@), all assuming the game window is not currently focused.

I can pass along the other things you're interested in but it's ultimately designs call.

sirinsidiator 10/24/19 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by ZOS_DanBatson (Post 39492)
I can pass along the other things you're interested in but it's ultimately designs call.

Maybe you could also let it flash whenever a loading screen ends... With the current state of the EU server that is more than necessary. :P

Baertram 10/24/19 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by sirinsidiator (Post 39503)
Maybe you could also let it flash whenever a loading screen ends... With the current state of the EU server that is more than necessary. :P

Good idea!

Even with a performant server the loading screens, especially after porting to group mebers over different instances, takes soooo long and one is often at the desktop to use the time productively.
Maybe you could also make the taskbar flash as the guild bank is ready to deposit/withdraw the next item...

Sounds funny, but isn't anymore :mad:

Myrthian 06/30/20 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by ZOS_DanBatson (Post 39424)
Going into the next release (not the one that's currently on PTS, but the following major release) on Windows, when you have an LFG ready check prompt (or any time sensitive prompt for that matter) and you're not focused on the window, we'll be flashing the taskbar icon to get your attention.

The notification is here now, but in at least 1 obvious use-case it does close to nothing:
- Queue for a dungeon
- Check auto confirm
- ALT+Tab out of ESO
- Once a party is found the notification on the Windows taskbar for ESO only last ~1 second, and if you don't look at the taskbar in that 1 second time-frame you will miss it and are thus afk in a dungeon

- The notification last until ESO gets the focus again so I can actually react to it

ZOS_DanBatson 06/30/20 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by Myrthian (Post 41656)
The notification is here now, but in at least 1 obvious use-case it does close to nothing:
- Queue for a dungeon
- Check auto confirm
- ALT+Tab out of ESO
- Once a party is found the notification on the Windows taskbar for ESO only last ~1 second, and if you don't look at the taskbar in that 1 second time-frame you will miss it and are thus afk in a dungeon

- The notification last until ESO gets the focus again so I can actually react to it

What do you mean "Check auto confirm?"

Rhyono 06/30/20 04:51 PM

I believe he meant he confirmed he was ready, then changed windows. What he wants is that if ESO doesn't have the focus when you are transported to the dungeon, it will have a constant notification until you give it focus again.

sirinsidiator 06/30/20 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Rhyono (Post 41672)
I believe he meant he confirmed he was ready, then changed windows. What he wants is that if ESO doesn't have the focus when you are transported to the dungeon, it will have a constant notification until you give it focus again.

For me it sounds more like he uses something like Auto Queue to accept the queue ready notification automatically and wants it to keep blinking until he is back in the game.

Baertram 07/01/20 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by sirinsidiator (Post 41673)
For me it sounds more like he uses something like Auto Queue to accept the queue ready notification automatically and wants it to keep blinking until he is back in the game.

Yeah understood the same.
I guess he wants it to keep flashing the taskbar task button, until he got in the game again.
If he is using some "Auto queue accept" addon the flash will stop as the addon has automatically accepted it.

I'd say: Disable the addon then and check your flashing taskbar, it should flash as long as you are clicking on it anymore, right? Or will it only flash once or 2 times?

Or ZOs needs to make the taskbar flash from the beginning of "queue ready" until you are inside the desired dungeon/bg/cyro zone.

Or the addon Auto Queue needs to play a sound (several times to make it loud) after a queue was auto accepted and the next event_player_activated occurs (will it occur as you get into BGs?).

ZOS_DanBatson 07/01/20 09:13 AM

Yea the decision to clear the blink was a conscious one. We don't want the player to walk away for 15 minutes, get a notification, miss the notification, then come back to a blinking light and not know why since now all trace of any notification having been there is gone. It's not really a bug. If an addon is accepting the prompt before the player can even have a second to see it, that's on the addon. You could just as easily make the addon wait 15 seconds before auto-accepting so there's time to realize it's happening.

We don't really micromanage the flash on a case by case basis. Dungeon Ready Check doesn't get a flash, timed prompts as a concept get a flash. If there's a timed prompt, we flash. If the timed prompt goes away, we stop flashing.

Myrthian 07/08/20 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by ZOS_DanBatson (Post 41669)
What do you mean "Check auto confirm?"

Ah, my bad: I've been using BanditUI for so long I thought the auto confirm checkbox in the dungeon finder tab to immediately accept a group invite is an ESO default one.

And yes: without the auto-confirm active ESO will be highlighted on the Windows taskbar upon a successful group formation until the first ALT+TAB back into the game.

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