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zamalek 05/26/14 11:41 AM

The Cause of The ESC Bug
It looks like the interface runtime is expecting us to use table.insert and not "key in" array entries directly.

Here is the offending function in my code:

Here is how we should be doing it:

If you pass a "badly created" array to ESO it seems to cause this issue (in my case, I was sending it to the settings menu via LAM).

Just one to watch out for. There are other plugins besides mine causing this, but sadly my guildies haven't been bothered to nail down which of the plugins are causing their issues.

thelegendaryof 05/26/14 11:52 AM

lol even if that 's the cause it 's utterly retarded because the table functions of Lua are actually outdated since long ago and most of them don't even support metatables properly (like table.insert) - so it 's a bug that can't and shouldn't be adjusted to rather then fixed (if its really the cause).

I however can't really believe that claim as table.insert by logic does nothing more then tablename[#tablename+1] = value in the background.

zamalek 05/26/14 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by thelegendaryof (Post 8515)
tablename[#tablename+1] = value in the background.

table.insert also does a setn for you, so I think that may be it.

Hey, it fixed my plugin, so...

Aiiane 05/26/14 08:03 PM

Better would be a small reproduceable test case.

Wobin 05/26/14 08:10 PM

I feel we're running into a "correlation does not imply causation" issue here.

zamalek 05/27/14 02:04 AM

I'll try set up that test case tonight - I was running trials last night :banana:

Edit: also a bit curious as to which Lua version ESO uses and how this is a bit strange:

Vuelhering 05/27/14 03:15 AM


Originally Posted by zamalek (Post 8568)
I'll try set up that test case tonight - I was running trials last night :banana:

Edit: also a bit curious as to which Lua version ESO uses and how this is a bit strange:

People here told me Lua 5.1.

... and yeah, interesting link.

thelegendaryof 05/31/14 08:02 AM

I noticed the ESC-Bug (or a variant of it) when I used :SetKeyboardEnabled(false/true) on an Editfield.

Even when correctly renabling it it would block all Global Keyboard Input for the whole UI from time to time -
the only thing that worked was not using it at all (as in never using SetKeyboardEnabled).

Might be a different one, but just if anyone comes across that weird behaviour as well ...

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