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Cairenn 02/13/14 10:36 PM

Upload Rules
Every single time you upload to our site, you have to agree to this:
Upload Disclaimer

Rules & Guidelines:
  • You must attach both a zip file (rar files are accepted) and a jpg/png/gif (when required). A picture is worth a thousand words and helps AddOn users immensely.
  • Include a help (.txt or .doc) file in the zip if your mod is difficult to install.
  • You must include an informative and accurate description of what the file does.
  • Executable files are not allowed, except for some very specific cases. We test and decompile all executable files that are submitted. In some cases we may ask for the source. This processes could take awhile.
  • AddOns found to include wowmatrix.dat files are not allowed.
  • Do not include additional zip/rar files inside the main zip/rar file.
  • Additional compilation rules:
    • Compilations must include a list of the AddOns used in the description.
    • Executable files are not allowed in Compilations.
    • If the WTF is included, all personal information must be changed to generic terms.
By uploading this file you certify that to the best of your knowledge:
  • The file and its contents are free of viruses, trojans, spyware, malware, and worms. If anything malicious is found you will be banned and your account information handed over to proper authorities.
  • This file conforms to Zenimax's ToS.
  • This file is offered free of charge and is not available elsewhere for a fee.
  • You certify that either you are the copyright holder of all documents being submitted or have permission to submit them.
  • This file, or the contents thereof, are not harmful or offensive in any way.
  • This file is free from advertisements or promotions or nag screens.
  • This file has no time limit and is free to use. (Paid or Trial-ware are not accepted here)
  • The description that you are providing to this file accurately reflects the contents of the file.
  • Your upload file conforms to the rules listed above.
All uploads are posted pending verification by an admin or file moderator.

______ I have read, understand, and agree to these terms.

Not following the above will result in any of the following responses, depending on the circumstances:
  • If it is a brand new upload, it will just be denied outright, but we are unlikely to contact you;
  • If it is an update of an existing file, a PM will be sent to you (the author) and it will be put on hold until you bring it into compliance;
  • If it has any executables in it, you will need to:
    • a) explain why the executable is necessary; and
    • b) provide the source code for it for us to test and decompile;
      • You can ask us to remove the source code file from your download before approval in order to protect your copyright.
  • If it has malicious files in it, it may result in:
    • a) if we know you, feel that you are trustworthy, and it is an update to an existing clean file, we will contact you to let you know that there is a problem with it, and that you should check your computer system for malicious files. It will be placed on hold until you update it with a clean version;
    • if we know you, feel that you are trustworthy, and it is an upload of a new file, we will contact you to let you know that there is a problem with it, and that you should check your computer system for malicious files. It will be deleted, and we will wait for you to upload a clean version;
    • b) if we don't know you, don't trust you and it is an upload of a new file, we will deny it outright and you may be immediately banned from the site
    • c) if we don't know you, don't trust you and it is blatantly obvious that you are deliberately uploading malicious files, you will be banned as per (b) and reported to the proper authories
People need to learn to read it. It's there for a reason. The problem with your upload was most likely covered in it.

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