-   Minion (
-   -   There is a NEW version of Minion available (3.0.12), go get it. (

Toirealach 03/31/24 01:50 AM

There is a NEW version of Minion available (3.0.12), go get it.
Uninstall your old Minion, don't delete the configuration directory, and install the new 3.0.12 version. I installed the 32-bit version and it all works great again.

Perhaps next time folks won't get so annoyed when everyone comes on at once saying Minion suddenly stopped working, closing threads down so quickly.

wyndstryke 03/31/24 06:17 AM

Many thanks for posting the first thread with an actually useful title.

I eventually found the change log (because I hate installing updates without knowing what the differences are):

Underlying problem was that the certificate expired (which means it is no longer trusted by the system ... firewall/antivirus/network connections etc), so the update is a fresh certificate.

Installation instructions are here:

Which boils down to :

* Uninstall first, but keep configuration directory intact
* Install the 32-bit version from (not the 64-bit version, I don't know why, it doesn't say)
* On first execution only, run with admin privs
* Check the firewall if you continue getting the 'cannot connect' error, just in case your firewall wants the new executable to be on the whitelist.

More detailed instructions in the link.

morriscox 03/31/24 09:37 AM

The 64-bit version worked for me. I also didn't need to run as admin.

FoxFire 03/31/24 10:16 AM


Bah, okay fine I'll go get it.

Ereth 03/31/24 10:26 AM

I installed the new Minion on both Mac and Windows 11. On neither version will it launch.

The log from Windows simply has a very short stanza, copied below.

INFO 2024-03-31 12:12:23,399 [JavaFX Application Thread] gg.minion.Minion:logSystemInformation(138): 11
INFO 2024-03-31 12:12:23,402 [JavaFX Application Thread] gg.minion.Minion:logSystemInformation(139): os.version=10.0
INFO 2024-03-31 12:12:23,402 [JavaFX Application Thread] gg.minion.Minion:logSystemInformation(140): os.arch=x86
INFO 2024-03-31 12:12:23,402 [JavaFX Application Thread] gg.minion.Minion:logSystemInformation(141): java.runtime.version=1.8.0_341-b10
INFO 2024-03-31 12:12:23,402 [JavaFX Application Thread] gg.minion.Minion:logSystemInformation(142): java.class.path=C:\Users\Pat\AppData\Local\Minion\app\Minion-jfx.jar;lib/httpclient-4.5.13.jar;lib/httpcore-4.4.13.jar;lib/commons-logging-1.2.jar;lib/commons-codec-1.11.jar;lib/commons-configuration-1.10.jar;lib/commons-lang-2.6.jar;lib/commons-jxpath-1.3.jar;lib/commons-collections-3.2.2.jar;lib/jackson-mapper-asl-1.9.13.jar;lib/jackson-core-asl-1.9.13.jar;lib/junrar-7.4.0.jar;lib/slf4j-api-1.7.9.jar;lib/kefirbb-1.1.jar;lib/commons-io-2.11.0.jar;lib/jsr305-3.0.1.jar;lib/junique-1.0.4.jar;lib/jregex-1.2_01.jar;lib/controlsfx-8.40.18.jar;lib/log4j-api-2.17.2.jar;lib/log4j-core-2.17.2.jar
INFO 2024-03-31 12:12:23,402 [JavaFX Application Thread] gg.minion.Minion:logSystemInformation(143): java.library.path=C:\Users\Pat\AppData\Local\Minion\app;C:\Users\Pat\AppData\Local\Minion
INFO 2024-03-31 12:12:23,402 [JavaFX Application Thread] gg.minion.Minion:logSystemInformation(144): user.language=en
INFO 2024-03-31 12:12:23,402 [JavaFX Application Thread] gg.minion.Minion:logSystemInformation(145): user.home=C:\Users\Pat
INFO 2024-03-31 12:12:23,402 [JavaFX Application Thread] gg.minion.Minion:logSystemInformation(146): user.dir=C:\Users\Pat\AppData\Local\Minion\app
INFO 2024-03-31 12:12:23,402 [JavaFX Application Thread] gg.minion.Minion:start(46): Attempting to start Minion...
DEBUG 2024-03-31 12:12:23,744 [JavaFX Application Thread] gg.minion.Minion:stop(109): Close called.
DEBUG 2024-03-31 12:12:23,745 [Thread-6] gg.minion.MinionShutdownHook:run(21): Shutdown hook called.

I probably borked it by not uninstalling before installing the new version, and I even ran a command I found in troubleshooting "setx _JAVA_OPTIONS".

Do I need to just wait for the next official version? or is there something I can do. I have since tried uninstalling and reinstalling and it didn't help.

sirinsidiator 03/31/24 12:25 PM

Try uninstall Minion again, then go to "C:\Users\Pat\AppData\Local\Minion\app" and make sure there are no files left. Afterwards install it again.
The issue is that when people have started the old Minion 3 version with admin permissions and it installs the client update, it will write that file with admin permissions, but the installer won't use admin permissions unless explicitly told, so it cannot replace that file.

Ereth 04/02/24 08:50 AM

Thank you. I should have thought of that. Seems to be working on the PC again. I'll chase the Mac version later.

Baertram 04/02/24 08:54 AM

Check the troubleshooting guide -> Troubleshooting Minion on MAC

Maybe it helps you

Ereth 04/03/24 11:07 AM

I am not getting that far. No matter how many times I redownload the Minion Mac client Finder tells me the file is corrupted and needs to be sent to the trash. I can open the DMG just fine but the executable inside is what it says is corrupted.

Toirealach 04/05/24 11:23 AM

My guess is that the Minion app for Mac is not properly code signed and therefore MacOS won't let it run. This is something that only the devs of Minion can fix, specifically whomever makes the MacOS version of Minion into an executable from the JAR file.

Toirealach 04/05/24 11:31 AM

Yes I have verified that the JAR file is not signed so MacOS won't let it run without manually telling MacOS to run.

This means to run Minion on a Mac until someone fixes it, you will need to:

1) Download the Java (3.0.12) version of Minion here:
2) Open the Minon3 folder it downloads in the Finder.
3) Right click (or ctrl-click) on the file "Minion-jfx.jar" and select "Open with..." from the menu.
4) Select "JavaLauncher" from the sub-menu.
5) A dialog will pop up that tells you it's unsigned and asks if you want to open it anyway. You agree to open it anyway.

Now Minion should launch and work fine.

Any time you want to run it in the future, simply right-click (or ctrl-click) on "Minion-jfx.jar" and select "Open" from the menu.

Hope this helps you and others who want to run Minion on the Mac.

Maybe the Minion devs will properly sign the app on Mac at some point.

Toirealach 04/05/24 04:44 PM

A tutorial for how to use XCode to sign the Minion excutable app using jpackage on a Mac can be found here:

Hopefully the folks who run the Minion site to create the app can do this for the new Mac verison.

iBeardBros 04/08/24 03:22 AM

Minion 4 when ? :p

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