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bobhansson 03/01/20 03:27 AM

Harvest map error
Hi, new here. So feel free to educate me ^^

user:/AddOns/HarvestMap/Modules/HarvestMap/Options/MainMenu.lua:27: function expected instead of nil
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/HarvestMap/Modules/HarvestMap/Options/MainMenu.lua:27: in function 'Menu:Initialize'
user:/AddOns/HarvestMap/Modules/HarvestMap/HarvestMap.lua:31: in function 'Harvest:InitializeModules'
user:/AddOns/HarvestMap/Modules/HarvestMap/HarvestMap.lua:57: in function 'Harvest.OnLoad'

I get these on login. And I don't understand any of it.

Can anyone help me fix these?

Very new to Eso and Modding so have very little knowledge of any of it.


sirinsidiator 03/01/20 04:50 AM

This means your installation of the addon is missing a function. Taking a quick look at the code of HarvestMap it looks like you need to install the most current version of LibMainMenu v1.

bobhansson 03/01/20 06:03 AM

Hey, thanks for the reply.

But.. I already have both LibMainMenu by Ayantir and LibMainMenu-2.0 by Votan installed?


sirinsidiator 03/01/20 09:50 AM

In that case your installation may be broken and you should try to remove both HarvestMap and LibMainMenu from your addon folder and install them again.

Knurps 03/01/20 11:18 AM

Some addons (eg PVPmeter) contain an old version of LibMainMenu which is incompatible with the current version used in HarvestMap, pChat etc.

bobhansson 03/01/20 01:00 PM


Reinstalled both HarvestMap and both Libmain mentioned. But still the same error I'm afraid.

Be happy for more suggestions.


sirinsidiator 03/01/20 03:13 PM

As Knurps has suggested, there could be an old version of the library hiding somewhere in another addon. Try to search for LibMainMenu and remove all folders except the one directly in the AddOns folder (and LibMainMenu-2.0 of course).

bobhansson 03/01/20 03:46 PM

YES! It worked!

Just like Knurps said, Pvpmeter was the one causing the disturbance.

Thank you for your help and support ^^


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