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haggen 07/27/15 09:45 PM

Argonian: auto-upload data collected by your add-on
Hello fellow developers, gamers and enthusiasts!

My name is Arthur, and I'd like to show you something I've been devising:

I've spent a few hours already on that, yea, but it's on me I had fun while doing it.

Now, I reached a point where I can only continue if the community express interest.

So, do you see future in it ? Do you feel it could be useful, even if it requires extra work or a shift in direction ?

Any feedback is greatly appreciated! Thank you and happy gaming!

Ayantir 07/28/15 02:53 AM

Thank you, I'm actually working on a big thing which will need something like this. If you're interested about this, look at your PM's!

haggen 07/28/15 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by Ayantir (Post 22306)
Thank you, I'm actually working on a big thing which will need something like this. If you're interested about this, look at your PM's!

Hey nice to know! Now we're two :D

kerb9729 07/28/15 07:34 AM

Looks pretty interesting, but there's an external server in the mix.

Who maintains that server, and what happens to addons that depend on it when it goes away?

haggen 07/28/15 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by kerb9729 (Post 22316)
Looks pretty interesting, but there's an external server in the mix.

Who maintains that server, and what happens to addons that depend on it when it goes away?

Great questions, thank you!

I tried to stay away from having a server up, but I needed a hub to receive the data and then relay it to the rightful recipient. But it's not written in stone, so if we can come up with an alternative I'd be glad to change it.

I'll maintain the server. I already keep 4 servers and 5 web applications up and running as my job so no big deal here. The web service's being designed to be very low cost (no file storage, small database, etc.) and the source will be also be open, so anyone can take over if I'm no longer able. Also, if and whenever that happens I'll be notifying everyone by email in advance.

Worst case scenario is user's data won't be uploaded and/or new data won't be downloaded, that's all that could ever happen, so no real damage to anyone, nothing would be lost, the user could still do it manually.

kerb9729 07/28/15 08:04 AM

I thought about it more after I posted the question, and came to the conclusion that if the source is on github that would pretty much alleviate concerns about a server going away.

But that would mean putting the server side magic on github, too.

haggen 07/28/15 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by kerb9729 (Post 22322)
I thought about it more after I posted the question, and came to the conclusion that if the source is on github that would pretty much alleviate concerns about a server going away.

But that would mean putting the server side magic on github, too.

Yea, it'll be, you can be sure of that. Everything related to project will be open for collaboration and derivative work, and licensed under Creative Commons so it stays that way. ;)

haggen 07/28/15 04:37 PM

This looks interesting

I could shift Argonian to be a "saved variables manager" with a bunch of small features like sync (from and to the server) warn about big files, split, merge, etc. What do you think ?

merlight 07/28/15 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by haggen (Post 22344)
This looks interesting

I could shift Argonian to be a "saved variables manager" with a bunch of small features like sync (from and to the server) warn about big files, split, merge, etc. What do you think ?

Nah, might as well be completely my fault. Yes there are some issues with saved vars, as even people on consoles are getting errors in saved vars, but ...

... back to topic: sync, maybe revert to a known good state after the fie gets corrupted, could be useful (not for me, I'm not going to run a windows tray app on Linux, but for others ;)). But split/merge/fix broken, I advise you to scratch that idea right away. Focus on simple useful features. Trying to fix corrupted files with undocumented structure would be a monstrous, insurmountable task. Too much effort for miniscule effect.

kerb9729 07/31/15 12:02 PM

Wait - there's a linux version of the client??

merlight 07/31/15 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by kerb9729 (Post 22443)
Wait - there's a linux version of the client??

No, but the windows client runs in Wine.

kerb9729 07/31/15 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by merlight (Post 22444)
No, but the windows client runs in Wine.

Man I was all excited burning up the keyboard on google.

haggen 08/02/15 02:17 PM

So, I thought of an alternative to having a server in the mix.

You add-on developers set a SavedVariable named something like "_ArgonianUploadURL" and then, the software use its value as endpoint to the upload. I could also make it accept an e-mail, and then send it attached.

And later, when I add download/sync functionality, it could expect a "_ArgonianDownloadURL". Note that the file downloaded would have to also have this variable, so the software can keep it in sync. (It'd check last modified header of the URL or something like that.)

What do you guys think ? Cutting off the need for a server is a huge bonus IMO.

DewiMorgan 12/31/20 12:17 AM is 404 now.
I would be interested in something like this.
Did the project die?
Are there any libs for it now, or anything?

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