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Dingodan 09/23/14 12:30 PM

ggframes to Update 4
Anyone out there who could bring ggframes to the actual ESO Update 4?

Randactyl 09/23/14 02:02 PM

I haven't noticed any issues with it so far. Just enable loading out of date addons

Tankqull 09/24/14 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by Randactyl (Post 12290)
I haven't noticed any issues with it so far. Just enable loading out of date addons

it has a lot of bugs now. e.g.
when your group member dies its not refreshed thus youŽll have to /reloadui all the time.
shield buffs are 50% of the time not properly cleansed after they are either depleted or run out leading to an overstack effect to a point where you cant see any hp-shields anymore.
hot/dots/piercing debuffs are "randomly" not displayed

list goes on and on ;)

DeanGrey 09/24/14 10:51 PM

I too would appreciate an update. gamegenious86 Made a fantastic addon but unfortunately the person who took it over has been having "something very wrong" with his ESO for over a month now and I doubt he means to seriously maintain the addon.

Rashy 09/25/14 05:47 AM

He's done nothing with the addon since it was handed over to him back in June/July. Oh..he did changed the API version :rolleyes:

Then no updates for over a month now, he claimed he has some catastrophic ESO error that caused him to be unable to play at all. If that's the case, I would think after two months of an inability to play (due to ESO unsolvable issue), you probably would have cancelled your subscription by now.

An update on his part would have been nice. It just seems to me he probably quit the game some time ago and for some reason isn't willing to make an announcement or pass the torch on.

Dingodan 10/14/14 05:29 PM

Is anyone here who could re-animate this addon or make a new one with the same features?

Randactyl 10/16/14 01:03 PM

Could someone compile and post here a list of the most common problems with the current version of ggFrames? I have a little time on my hands, I can look into providing an update.

Sasky 10/16/14 01:34 PM

Main issue is health bars in group and raid frames getting stuck showing someone as dead. For the group frame at least it seems that when you and someone else both res to wayshrine at the same time it'll cause the desync. My guess is that while you're loading in (load screen or even quick load for like arena), the events aren't received.

There is also an issue with the group frame not fully populating info (class, level, etc) when someone joins the group.

Additionally, LAM should be updated to LAM2. It'll make the transition for update 5 easier (both LAM1 and LAM2 are broken there, but LAM2 is the supported one. Seerah might push an update to LAM1 and/or someone will push a patch, but it'd be better to just update to LAM2).

Garkin 10/16/14 01:43 PM

If you are going to convert settings menu from LAM1 to LAM2, try Sephiroth018's settings converter:

Randactyl 10/16/14 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by Garkin (Post 12662)
If you are going to convert settings menu from LAM1 to LAM2, try Sephiroth018's settings converter:

Had to do a fair amount of indentation correction, but that was AMAZING.


Originally Posted by Sasky (Post 12661)
Main issue is health bars in group and raid frames getting stuck showing someone as dead. For the group frame at least it seems that when you and someone else both res to wayshrine at the same time it'll cause the desync. My guess is that while you're loading in (load screen or even quick load for like arena), the events aren't received.

There is also an issue with the group frame not fully populating info (class, level, etc) when someone joins the group.

Got it. These are the same issues I've become aware of over the last few weeks too.

I decided to go with a full rewrite because I did not like the original structure at all (globalization is bad... mmkay) :cool:

As I get closer to completion I'll attempt to contact the original author to see what the options are for release.

TribeofOne 10/16/14 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by Randactyl (Post 12663)
Had to do a fair amount of indentation correction, but that was AMAZING.

Got it. These are the same issues I've become aware of over the last few weeks too.

I decided to go with a full rewrite because I did not like the original structure at all (globalization is bad... mmkay) :cool:

As I get closer to completion I'll attempt to contact the original author to see what the options are for release.

you should also take a look at the buff/debuff system it acts wonky, especially in regards to the target bar

joshmiller83 10/18/14 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Randactyl (Post 12663)
Got it. These are the same issues I've become aware of over the last few weeks too.

I decided to go with a full rewrite because I did not like the original structure at all (globalization is bad... mmkay) :cool:

As I get closer to completion I'll attempt to contact the original author to see what the options are for release.

How soon might we see the ggFrames rewrite? :)

Randactyl 10/18/14 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by joshmiller83 (Post 12687)
How soon might we see the ggFrames rewrite? :)

I'm working as fast as life will allow :)

While I can reuse some parts, I'm writing most of this thing from the bottom up. Most of my time the last couple days has just been spent deciphering the structure of the original.

Today I broke ground on the structure of saved variables and reorganized and updated the settings menu to compensate.

Until I get too tired tonight, I'll start in on the actual unit frames.

Ohh, and I still need to contact the author(s) about release.

If I don't get to update ggFrames directly, what should this thing be called?

joshmiller83 10/18/14 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by Randactyl (Post 12688)
If I don't get to update ggFrames directly, what should this thing be called?

That would be up to you wouldn't it? :) It would be your addon at that point, although it really is if you are rewriting most of it. :)


Apokh 10/19/14 09:30 AM

Nice. I think thereŽd be also some ppl that would donate to motivate a developer creating a good, working groupframe for eso. :D

Dingodan 10/19/14 10:14 AM

I'm really glad to see that an Author take hand on this brilliant HUD Frame to bring it back to life. :banana:

Name maybe like "Rands Frames" or "Rands HUD" ... but it's all to you.

Randactyl 10/21/14 04:08 PM

progress update:

Spent a lot of time fidgeting with the UI xml, but ended up ditching it and creating the controls all in lua.

The player frame is constructed. Need to wire it all up now.

Once the player frame is functional it should be relatively easy to extend to the target, group, and raid frames.

Ohh and naming is still open to considerations. A guildmate suggested qqFrames (and that I reply with "foff" to all bug reports, but I wouldn't do that to you guys :)).

katkat42 10/21/14 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by Randactyl (Post 12718)
Ohh and naming is still open to considerations. A guildmate suggested qqFrames (and that I reply with "foff" to all bug reports, but I wouldn't do that to you guys :)).

Your guildmate's suggestion is pretty funny :D How about fofframes??? <j/k>

Or, how about hhframes (increment the gg by one each)? Or rrframes, or RandFrames? RFG (Random Frame Generator, or Randactyl's Frame Generator)?

Garkin 10/21/14 07:44 PM

ggFrames is probably from gamegenius86's unit frames, so from your nick name it would be:

- rFrames
- R'Frames
- RL'Frames

or maybe RUM - Randactyl's Unit Mods?

Sasky 10/22/14 10:40 PM

Since you set it up...

Not the rum!

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