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SerSpiffy 04/02/16 02:49 PM

Stam templar tank?
So ive been on the internet delving for the past 2 days for a guide/build tree for a stam templar. I'm an imperial, and figured it would be pretty easy to find one, just gotta dig a bit. But the most i can find are people explaining what your first and second bar should look like. What im looking for is more in depth. Something that tells me what passives to get, what racials and such. Can anyone help me out?

Jizargo 04/02/16 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by SerSpiffy (Post 26624)
So ive been on the internet delving for the past 2 days for a guide/build tree for a stam templar. I'm an imperial, and figured it would be pretty easy to find one, just gotta dig a bit. But the most i can find are people explaining what your first and second bar should look like. What im looking for is more in depth. Something that tells me what passives to get, what racials and such. Can anyone help me out?

Put 1 armor piece medium, typically belt, and get the passives that only require 1 medium armor slotted.

(Dps bar)
Biting Jabs
Rune focus (restoring morph)
Evasion (medium armor)
Expert Hunter
Weapon buff(for 2hander it's Rally)

Dawn breaker

(Tank bar)
Defensive posture (absorb magick)
Backlash (Power of light)
Sun shield(ward morph)

Bat swam(Vampire, healing morph)

SerSpiffy 04/02/16 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by Jizargo (Post 26626)
Put 1 armor piece medium, typically belt, and get the passives that only require 1 medium armor slotted.

(Dps bar)
Biting Jabs
Rune focus (restoring morph)
Evasion (medium armor)
Expert Hunter
Weapon buff(for 2hander it's Rally)

Dawn breaker

(Tank bar)
Defensive posture (absorb magick)
Backlash (Power of light)
Sun shield(ward morph)

Bat swam(Vampire, healing morph)

Thats basically saying what i find everywhere, without actually giving me what i asked for lol. I need this filled in With Imperial Stam hp

ECHOnce 04/02/16 07:36 PM

If you're looking for something that gives a bit more insight into the build would play, which passives/active skills you should get, how/why they help you, and with examples, I would look for builds on youtube. A lot of the big ESO streamers have youtube channels, so if you like one of their builds, there's a chance that you could also catch one of their streams and see it used live. Many of them are pretty friendly and down to answer any questions you might have too.

Jizargo 04/02/16 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by SerSpiffy (Post 26627)
Thats basically saying what i find everywhere, without actually giving me what i asked for lol. I need this filled in With Imperial Stam hp

Rally, Evasion, Charge, switch weapons, Ramsack, Bubble, Rune, switch, Jabs, not hard.

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