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Sharlikran 07/25/20 01:00 PM

Help with Polish translation
What is used for the fan translation for Dig Site?

What is used for the fan translation for Scuttle Bloom?

tomkolp 07/28/20 03:50 AM

162946485-0-6167,"Dig Site","Wykopalisko"
87370069-0-24643,"Scuttle Bloom","Umykaczka"

Sharlikran 03/27/21 11:25 PM

local strings = {
mod_title = "ScuttleBuddy",
map_pin_texture_text = "Select map pin icons",
map_pin_texture_desc = "Select map pin icons.",
digsite_texture_text = "Select 3D-Pin Digsite icons",
digsite_texture_desc = "Select 3D-Pin Digsite icons.",
pin_size = "Pin size",
pin_size_desc = "Set the size of the map pins.",
pin_layer = "Pin layer",
pin_layer_desc = "Set the layer of the map pins so they overlap others at the same location.",
show_digsites_on_compas = "Show Digsites on the compass",
show_digsites_on_compas_desc = "Show/hide icons for Digsites on the compass.",
compass_max_dist = "Max pin distance",
compass_max_dist_desc = "The maximum distance for pins to appear on the compass.",
spike_pincolor = "Color for lower 3D pin",
spike_pincolor_desc = "The color of the lower section of the 3D pin.",

for stringId, stringValue in pairs(strings) do
SafeAddString(_G[stringId], stringValue, 1)

Can someone translate those menus please?

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