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Baertram 02/13/24 03:41 PM

[Bug] Email notifications not working (PMs, Feeds)
Hi Dolby,

it seems that the email notificatins about new private messges do not work anymore, and neither do the emails about comments at addons work if the addon comments were added to a feed.

Settings to send an email are enabled:

This was reported by another user too who noticed it is not working since ~1 month

Dolby 02/13/24 03:43 PM

I'll grep through the email logs but I received email message for this post, also spam reports and private messages I received yesterday and the day before.

Baertram 02/13/24 03:48 PM

The other user send me a PM today, some minutes ago at 22:21 and I did not receive any email for that.
The email spam folder is empty too.

I have also reported a post at ESOUI 5 minutes ago and normally, in the past, I was informed about that too by email. No email yet.

Dolby 02/13/24 03:52 PM

Looks like is rejecting my emails....

451-Requested action aborted 451-Reject due to policy restrictions. 451 For explanation visit

I'll jump through their hoops.

Getting emails just fine on gmail.

Baertram 02/16/24 08:13 AM

Got an esoui email about a reported post today again, so it seems to work for those again.
Not sure about private mesasges, we will see.


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