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P5ych3 02/29/24 01:13 PM

Addon Management - Errors
When editing the description of my addons and attempting to use 'Quick Preview' nothing happens. I receive 'Updating..." but nothing occurs. I am not shown any preview for my description.

When using the 'Manage Images' function the 'Manage Attachments - ESOUI' window is populating, but attempting to upload another image results in "Verifying you are human. This may take a few seconds..", and then errors out to "An error occured loading the image manager."..

'Occurred' is spelled wrong in the returned message as well.. Which triggers my OCD. But I digress.. Is anyone else experiencing these strange issues? I have multiple updates to release today due to Update 41 / Scions of Ithelia and these issues are preventing me from uploading the new content.

Baertram 02/29/24 01:22 PM

Wrong forum, please use the "Site" forum for those website related issues.

Moved there

I confirm, having the same bug with the "quick preview":

Uploading images does not work as it will call the Cloudflare "Huan" check website and once it get's back it calls without any of the needed POST/GET params that were there before. So yes, this is a bug.

Dolby 02/29/24 01:53 PM

Thanks for letting me know. This should now be fixed.

Sorry for the trouble!

Baertram 02/29/24 01:59 PM

Retested it, and yes. Works like a charm again (addon maintaining: images, preview), thanks Dolby!

P5ych3 02/29/24 02:39 PM

Thank You! Blessings.
Thank you both for your support. I am now getting positive results as well. Back in business! :cool:


DonjaZero 03/03/24 08:00 AM

Cannot upload addons, attachments, etc.
Hi! I cannot upload a new addon. I've uploaded one successfully to the same category in the past. I've filled out the form, checked the required fields, supplied the file, and clicked submit.

The difference now is that I am presented with some sort of Cloudflare check. It appears to succeed, but I am redirected to an error page every time.

I've tried with and without ad block, from multiple IP addresses, from multiple browsers, logged out and back in, cleared all site data, and tried incognito mode. Nothing works for me.

I was going to attach a screenshot of the error to this post, but the pop-up to manage attachments does something similar, saying:


Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing or mismatched.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.

Dolby 03/03/24 08:24 AM

Hi DonjaZero, I think that should be fixed now. Sorry for the trouble.

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