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Cairenn 05/24/14 02:02 AM

Don't Panic: Content Patches, AddOns and You
As this is the first content patch for ESO, there are likely many of you that have never experienced one. This post is intended to help you get through it, at least in so far as dealing with your addons.

Often when a content patch is pushed, there are changes to the User Interface API that authors use to create their addons. If there are changes to the API, there is usually a change in the version number as well. These API changes may break some addons, either temporarily or permanently, depending on the changes in question. The change in the version number means that all addons will be marked as "out of date" until the author has a chance to update the version number of their addon.

Most authors will not update the version number for their addon until they have had a chance to test their addon in-game to make sure that it is still working properly and, if necessary, 'fix' it to work with the new API changes.

While authors will do everything they can to make sure that their addons are working, please remember that they, just like you, have to:
  1. download the patch
  2. wait for the server to come back on-line
  3. and then find out if their addon is still working
If it isn't working they then have to:
  1. figure out what the changes to the API are and how they've affected their addon
  2. make the necessary changes to the addon
  3. check in-game again to make sure that the fix has worked
  4. rinse and repeat if it hasn't
Then they have to
  1. change the version number
  2. package it up
  3. write up their change log
  4. submit it to the site(s)
  5. and wait for it to be approved
Most of the authors (so far, at least) have more than one addon that they've written, so they have to do this for each of them. It takes time.

Now, in many cases, the addons will be working just fine with the patch. They will just be marked as "out of date", along with all the rest. What you can do while waiting for the author to push out their update is to go to the "AddOns" tab on the in-game menu and simply check the "Use Out of Date" check box. Most likely the majority of the addons you are using will work just fine with that. In that case - "Yay!" just use as is until the author bumps the version number.

If you find that an addon is not working, then disable it in the same "AddOns" tab on the in-game menu. Next, go to the site(s) that you have downloaded the addon from and check to see if the error has already been reported to the author, or if they've already commented that they know there is a problem. If there hasn't been a report, or a comment by the author, then go ahead and let them know. Give what details you can, provide a screenshot of any error messages you may have seen, etc. Then just keep an eye out to see when the author is able to provide an updated version.

But please, be patient. Remember that they have to go through all the same stuff as you, plus then fixing it. And also remember that they, like you, have other responsibilities as well. They have jobs, families, school, whatever. They write these addons as a hobby, in their spare time. Give them time.

TL;DR Use the "load out of date" check box on the addon menu in-game, watch for updates from the authors, and be patient.

Planar 05/29/14 06:21 PM

Well I think a big issue is some authors have quit ESO and therefore wont update their add-ons. I have several add ons that work 100% after patch and to get the pesky out of date notice on them I simply change the API version in the text file but not the version, this way if an update comes out it overwrites my change. The problem is we have no idea if the author is still playing or developing the ap. Since most don't allow us to email them I thought it might be good if ESOUI emailed them to inquire if they planned to continue development and if not flag it as such. You could also see if the author would mind if someone took it over as some authors don't develop something simply because an add on already exists for it.

GrfxGawd 07/02/14 11:01 AM

RE: Don't Panic
Can we panic now?

zgrssd 07/02/14 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Planar (Post 8765)
Well I think a big issue is some authors have quit ESO and therefore wont update their add-ons. I have several add ons that work 100% after patch and to get the pesky out of date notice on them I simply change the API version in the text file but not the version, this way if an update comes out it overwrites my change. The problem is we have no idea if the author is still playing or developing the ap.

If they do not update thier stuff in a while, the "Allow Optional Patches" checkbox is set to true automatically/moderatically. That means we can upload fixes ("Optional Files") that appear as seperate entry in Minion.
Look at Batman Store Filter for an example:

GrfxGawd 07/02/14 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by zgrssd (Post 10073)
If they do not update their stuff in a while, the "Allow Optional Patches" checkbox is set to true automatically/moderatically. That means we can upload fixes ("Optional Files") that appear as separate entry in Minion.
Look at Batman Store Filter for an example:

[edited two minor spelling errors]

I'm happy this still has value for you. This latest group of patches has been such a debacle I'm flat burned. That sound of crickets, is no one caring, including me. The single reason I don't unsub, haven't already today, is because of the investment I've made in my character(s) and being VR4 respectably geared (Everything I consume or use is created by myself, everything - oh, except my necklace and rings and those are enchants I made applied to them as well).

I'm only logging in long enough to feed and add items into research queue. Which feels hollow and irrelevant.

You need to work on your English skills. It makes it more difficult for use to better understand what you're thinking and trying to communicate.

I'm sure you're going to take that as an insult, but it's honestly not. I need more education on mechanics myself, a lot of education on the subject, and I've been paid many times for publishing (and syndication at one point) my work.

As long as you're going to be doing this it would make the single biggest asset you could foster for you to get more from your efforts, and for others to get more from your efforts.

And yes @zgrssd, this is all a crack in the sidewalk to you. For me, for this title, it's the Planemeld.

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