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tomtomhotep 04/12/17 03:34 PM

Hotep® Crafting Guild Service [Alpha/WIP] - need Alpha Testers

I need a GUILD to Alpha-Test my new Addon.

Basically, this add-on allows a GUILD to be a "Crafting Guild" and run a "special-order equipment store".

The addon is meant to be used collectively by an entire GUILD, mainly as a method of guild fundraising (and money-making for the guildies themselves). Of course, not EVERYONE in the guild needs to participate, but the GuildMaster MUST be involved, as well as at least 30 guild-members to make a good test.



This will be a "closed" alpha-test.

If you are a GUILDMASTER on PC/Mac NA Megaserver, and would like to Alpha-Test my Add-On, send an in-game mail to @tomtomhotep stating the name of your GUILD and how many days per week you are online, and have at least 30 of your current guild-members also send an in-game mail to @tomtomhotep stating the name of the GUILD, their interest level in running this Add-On, and how many days per week they are online.

(If you receive "Recipient's Inbox is full", please try again in 24 hours.)

If you are not on PC/Mac NA Megaserver, you are ineligible for the alpha-test, since I will need to join your GUILD to carry out the testing.

English-speaking Guilds only, since I only speak English.

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tomtomhotep 01/26/18 03:29 PM

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