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James405 04/18/14 08:44 PM

"Too Many Anchors processed"
I am not sure how to trouble shoot this error. It seems to have to do with conflicts between addons. The message appears to imply an upper bound on something.

Halja 04/18/14 09:02 PM

This will show up if you have a nested XML defined control set and try to define additional an anchors on one of the children. You can anchor the children at runtime with lua if need to. It's a parser limitation at add-on launch.

marcmy 04/22/14 01:19 AM

Sorry to sound like a newb but what does this mean in layman's terms, and is there a way to fix it? Thanks in advance

BadVolt 04/22/14 02:19 AM


Originally Posted by marcmy (Post 5301)
Sorry to sound like a newb but what does this mean in layman's terms, and is there a way to fix it? Thanks in advance


marcmy 04/22/14 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by BadVolt (Post 5308)

uhh, that doesn't help me... heh... i don't know code. i just play the game.

thelegendaryof 04/22/14 08:59 AM

Well first of all:
  1. Disable all addons
  2. Enable them one by one - reload the UI after enabling each one
  3. Stop enabling addons when the error appears and note the name of the last enabled addon
  4. Check back here for further reference / help (and of course post the addon-name and version noted in step 3.) :

EnSabahNur 04/22/14 11:12 AM

I have the same problem today with several Addons but when i disable the latest Wykkyd's Framework no error pops up.
The Addons i have errors :
ZrMM - Modified
Thurisaz Guild Info
Reticle Settings (Custom Crosshair)

Wykkyd 04/22/14 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by EnSabahNur (Post 5352)
I have the same problem today with several Addons but when i disable the latest Wykkyd's Framework no error pops up.
The Addons i have errors :
ZrMM - Modified
Thurisaz Guild Info
Reticle Settings (Custom Crosshair)

Not enough information there for anyone to figure out why or what. You'd probably lose the errors with one of the other addons disabled too. Without a screenshot or a line of code there's not much I can do to help you at the moment.

Usually when this happens it's multiple addons colliding in LibAddonMenu.

Wykkyd 04/22/14 12:44 PM

With nothing to go on, and stuck at work, I poked around a bit.

ZO_ReticleContainerInteract:SetAnchor(CENTER, ZO_ReticleContainer, CENTER, 35, 250)

^ that is line 1086 of ReticleSettings.lua
That could cause issues if any other addon touches Reticle, because it doesn't first :ClearAnchors()

It also isn't checking to see if the Reticle has the expected anchor before modifying it, which means 2 addons could fight over re-positioning it.

I'll dig more when I get home but I don't use any of the other addons you listed and there are far too many addons for me to test Framework against all of them.

Also this from ZrMM seems like it would cause this very issue:

Line 1005: ctrl:ClearAnchors()
Line 1006: ctrl:SetAnchor(point, ctrlTo, relativePoint)
Line 1007: ctrl:SetAnchor(point, ctrlTo, relativePoint)

Wykkyd 04/22/14 12:56 PM

Also this from Thurisaz Guild Info could cause the same error:

function TI.ReAnchorControl(control, newAnchor, newOffsetX, ...

It doesn't clear the anchor before re-setting it.

Framework could be colliding with any or all of those. But without screenshots I can't be certain.

Wykkyd 04/22/14 03:27 PM

Line 1007 of ZrMM Modified is the culprit. Comment that out (double dash) and the error goes away.

inspyr1314 04/22/14 03:28 PM

I get this error and I use all of those addons (your Framework, Thurisaz's Guild tools, ZrMM, Recicle). I'm sort of newb when it comes to tinkering with addons, so I ask kindly, how do I fix these issues and not have this error occur anymore?

Thanks :3

edit: I posted a few mins too late. Thanks Wykkyd. Though, if you could, can you elaborate on that for someone editing the .lua with notepad(like how do I find line 1007 in notepad) and what you mean when you say "Comment that out (double dash)"?

sorry, very new to editing and these things

Wykkyd 04/22/14 03:37 PM

ctrl:SetAnchor(point, ctrlTo, relativePoint)

Should become THIS:
--ctrl:SetAnchor(point, ctrlTo, relativePoint)

OR you can delete that line entirely. I also posted to the addon dev what he should fix to alleviate the issue. I don't control his addon AND this isn't a bug anyone else can code around and fix, it has to be him.

Biki 04/22/14 03:37 PM

You don't have line numbers in notepad. Get some free more advanced tool, like Notepad++.
Commenting out with double dash means adding "--" in front of the line. One sort of comments in lua start with "--", just as they start with "<!--" in HTML and so on. Everything that is a comment does not get parsed by the game and thus is effectively disabled.

inspyr1314 04/22/14 03:39 PM

Thanks for both your replies. Thanks for the tip to get notepad++ too Biki. Didn't even know it existed.

Have a good day to everyone!

edit: i'm still getting that error. I'm gona disable all addons and reload them one at a time to try and pinpoint this a bit more

Wykkyd 04/22/14 03:41 PM

You can also CTRL+G in Notepad to go to a specific line number, even though it doesn't display them.

inspyr1314 04/22/14 03:49 PM

I disabled and reloaded my addons one at a time and got the error again when I tried to load RecticleSettings. Please let me know what to edit! (i can edit things nao)

edit: while waiting, I loaded RecticleSettings, Thurisaz Guildtools, and ZrMM individually while disabling the other two and got the error as well. T_T

Seerah 04/22/14 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Wykkyd (Post 5359)
Usually when this happens it's multiple addons colliding in LibAddonMenu.

Whaaaa? :confused: First I've heard or seen of this.

Wykkyd 04/22/14 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Seerah (Post 5407)
Whaaaa? :confused: First I've heard or seen of this.

Just something I saw in the past. Had to jimmy a few things I was adding a while back (several weeks). No big deal, it's just a place that generates a lot of anchors via a lot of addons. (it certainly wasn't LAM's fault the times I've seen it, that just happened to be the "battleground".)

Wykkyd 04/22/14 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by inspyr1314 (Post 5405)
I disabled and reloaded my addons one at a time and got the error again when I tried to load RecticleSettings. Please let me know what to edit! (i can edit things nao)

edit: while waiting, I loaded RecticleSettings, Thurisaz Guildtools, and ZrMM individually while disabling the other two and got the error as well. T_T

I'm not sure. I loaded all of them and all of my addons, as well as all of the extras included inside TESO Essentials AND a couple more. Once I fixed that one line of code in ZrMM the error went away for me. However, it would be nice if all 3 developers took a look at the lines of code I mentioned in this thread ;)

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