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turbo112 06/05/21 10:56 AM

Coding Sowtware
Hi together,

I´m new here in ESO.
I played other games with lua integration.
But it´s 5 yers ago I think.

Which coding engine should I use?
eclipse oder NPP or any other?

Is there a deploying or debugging environment out of ESO or only Ingame possible?
Is there any API Documention to insert in any Editor?

Thank you in advance.

Best regards Turbo

ShadowMau 06/05/21 08:14 PM

I personally use NPP.

Baertram 06/06/21 06:02 AM

Debugging is only available ingame, no external testing/debugging is possible as the lua havoc code engine is not available outside of the game. You are able to debug standrd lua code in a standard lua environment (like a table), but no ESO API contents.
At best use LibDebugLogger and DebugLogViewer UI ingame from the start of your addons to debug them properly, without having addon users see your debug messages in the addon (except if they enable debugging, if you setup the debuggng to be a toggle via the addon settings, and DebugLogViewer explicitly). -> right side, howtos etc.

You can use eclipse or any development IDE you like. Available auto completion plugins etc. are available for:
Jetbrains IntelliJ IDEA:
Eclipse LDT:
Notepad++ (very old llugin and API, maybe broken, and at least many new features and API are missing):

I personally use IntelliJ IDEA (there is a free school/students version available as well) and include the auto completion API in there, using the EmmyLUA plugin. The setup is described at the IntelliJ IDEA autocompletion link above.
It's easy to navigate and find variables, see global leaking ones and detect errors that way.
The WIki also provides some infos about the API.
The most recent linkes API txt files with the constants, functions etc. can be found at the WIKI:
See at each API version block the TXT API documentation link: API TXT Documentation: (attached txt file)

If you got questions reach out to others devs here:

turbo112 06/06/21 06:07 AM

Many thank for your answers.
Have a nice day.

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