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03/14/14, 04:35 PM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 15
[Crafting Mod] for Unknown Item Traits.

So if you're anything like me, and love crafting, you hold on to EVERY green item with a trait on it for it's potential to have researchable traits.

Here lies the problem, I now have a bank full of useless green items, many of which I already know the traits for, which are mixed in with some I am yet to research.

I'm requesting an add-on that makes items with unknown traits more identifiable. Maybe a small border green border around items not yet learned, and a red around those already known.

Or maybe just a star next to the item name so it's not so overwhelming.
The design is up to you, but it'd be nice to have a way to distinguish the items containing unknown traits to those containing traits that are already known.

Anyone else agree?
Lets make this happen!
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